Meeting Update 1028

Triggered Star Formation: Implemented cooling function described in Neufeld & Kaufman 1993:
Tried to rerun the problem on bluegene, but the job always terminate with the following message:
RestoreRelationships::StrictFindBackupNode() error: node not associated.
StrictFindBackupNode(box%MPI_id = 596) failed on box [ 49 27 11 96 28 12]
StrictFindBackupNode(box%MPI_id = 550) failed on box [ 49 11 13 96 12 14]
StrictFindBackupNode(box%MPI_id = 578) failed on box [ 49 29 9 96 30 10]

Clump Paper: Revised the paper based on referee's comment, wrote up the response to the referee:
Revised paper:
Response to referee:
Also wrote up a referee response to the HEDLA proceeding.

Resistive Paper: Wrote up the "Method" and "Simulation Setup" section.


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