Meeting Update Nov. 12

triggered star formation Finished some runs for pure BE sphere with Boss setup without shock to see how the BE sphere does. Surprisingly all of them expands. The original Boss 2010 setup has a cut-off on BE profile at 0.058 pc, the density at the outer edge of the cloud is 10 times denser than the ambient. Using the shock crossing time as the time scale, we see the following expansion:

Without cut-off, we can zoom out and let the density of the outer edge relax to the ambient value, resulting in a much larger cloud, the cloud can then hold up better, although still expands:

Or we set the ambient density to be higher than what's suggested in Boss' paper:

In their 2010 paper, they stated that for 2.5D isothermal, the BE sphere "does not collapse, but instead oscillates around its initial equilibrium structure, over a time period of at least 1e+6 yr". 1e+6 yr in our simulation is about 10 shock crossing time in our simulations. I'm running a simulation with a wind the same as in the 2010 paper and cloud the same as in the first movie.

resistive clumps Finished some of the unfinished strong magnetic field runs (beta = 1). Now we have weakly or strongly magnetized, parallel or perpendicular with Reynolds number 100, 1000 and infinity. It seems I also have data for weak parallel Reynolds number = 10 run done on kraken, but I haven't got time to look at data. I've done the visualizations for all the clump density plot. As an example, see beta = 4 density comparison at 2.5 crushing time:

papers I revised the previous paper and referee response according to Adam's comments. I'll give it a final read tonight and send it to Adam and Eric.


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