Meeting Update Dec.3

Did the VISA thing last week and passed. The internet connection here is fairly good so I can work as usual. I'll be back after about 4 weeks.

Triggered Star Formation: Cloud Stability Did the Boss setup stability test with pressure matching on the boundary. I changed xi so that the central density and the ambient density can match their number exactly (6.2e-19 and 3.6e-22). One thing I found is that using this setup, our code gives a different isothermal temperature (124K) comparing to theirs (10K). Also, at the clump radius (0.058 pc), the density jump seems to be 1000 times rather than 100 times. The following movie is for a run to about 1.3e+5 years, which is the supposed shock crossing time scale (1e+5 yrs). The sound crossing time is 1e+6 yrs, so we need to wait a bit longer to see the long term evolution.

Resistive Paper Been trying to write up the introduction section. I'm currently looking into previous literature so that I can correctly place the paper's goal.

Clump Paper Will be sending Adam and Eric the final revision this week.

HEDLA paper was accepted last week.

Registered the Cancun meeting in February. I used the previous clump paper's abstraction.


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