Meeting Update Dec.18

Triggered Star Formation Found a place in my problem module where the clump radius is put in by number not by reference. This caused a discrepancy in terms of clump radius between the problem module and the file that I used to run the simulations. Upon fixing this bug, I was able to get different distributions that can match Boss' numbers by tuning xi, clump radius, central density to match Boss' numbers (previously I always get one setup because the changes in clump radius were only in but not reflected in the problem module). In this way, I can get fairly stable setups that has the same density distribution and temperature inside the clump as Boss', although I still have to artificially increase or decrease the ambient density to what they were using. Following is one of such settings in 1/10 of clump crossing time (This setup is confirmed to stay for at least one crossing time). The ambient density is reduced by a factor of 100. The xi in this case is about 6.78 so it's still in the "unstable" regime. Currently working on preliminary runs with shocks.



LLE stuff Ported the implicit solver from a version a year ago to the latest gold version. Made the code to compile successfully and run in fixed grid, still needs work in AMR and testing (considering self-similar heat conduction test as 1-D quantitative test). Future minor change could also include making self gravity and implicit heat conduction to work together (currently you cannot turn on both at the same time). I expect to be able to have a fully functioning version by our next meeting.


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