Meeting 10/18

Main achievements: -Better understanding of the code -Got a non-zero set of chombo files!!

Main Issues: -Do the data make sense? -Need to talk to Martin about specific parts I still don't understand (e.g. What values pointgravityobj takes care of, why ang. momentum was included in Travis's module, rs/cs values)


Last week I managed to get the module to compile properly, and thought everything was more or less in order. Unfortunately, I kept running into "Nans found in ProblemBeforeStep restart requested". I started fiddling around with the mod ules thinking it may have to do with the conditional on lRestart. However, I learned at the testing meeting that it is an entirely different function/feature. Up until then, I had simply been editing Travis's previous module on the Bondi problem, but over the weekend I decided to write it from (almost) scratch, using Travis's module and Eddie's RT Instability module as references. I was careful not to copy/paste anything unless I at least understood what it was doing. I was finally able to get it working earlier today, meaning it compiled, ran without problems and gave me nonzero chombo files. (Hooray!)

These pictures seem like they look right:

Questions/Issues for this week:

These images seem less right:

Basically, the simulation starts out doing exactly what I think it will, then it starts looking kind of funny. Goals for this week then is to diagnose/fix this, and maybe then running postprocessing (bear2fix?). Also, I need to get my webspace set up for at least hosting the images (had to upload to imgur for this week) and I need to figure out how to make those nice .gifs in Visit.


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