Shock triggered star formation comparison: Mach 1.5 vs Mach 3.61

Here's a comparison between Mach 1.5 shock triggered star formation (left column) and Mach 3.61 triggered star formation (right column) The time slices taken are 1 cloud crushing time, 1.2 cloud crushing time and 2.36 cloud crushing time respectively (1 cloud crushing time = transmitted shock travels halfway through the cloud).

The Mach 3.61 shock case seems to be compressed faster due to the acceleration effect on compression by gravity (possiblity: compressed by a faster shock → stronger gravitational drag on the uncompressed material by the accretion core → accelerated compression). Both of the cases seem to demonstrate some sort of angular momentum behavior surrounding the core, which is perhaps something to explore later. The movies:



1. Jonathan -- 11 years ago

Have you considered doing column density projections instead of slices? It will smooth out some of the 'dynamic' behavior having to do with material moving through the slice…