Stellar Winds

1 solar mass, mass loss rate 1e-5 solar mass per year, mean molecular weight 1.3 proton mass, cs=3.1km/s, T=1500K isothermal, dust form around 2.4AU, sonic point at 2.5AU, radiation force off around 25AU(should have turned off gradually and smoothly, here is for simplicity). radiation force strength around 95% of gravity, constant.

Red: Wind velocity

Blue: Escape velocity

Actually wind velocity may be just above the escape velocity. If we make it a binary system, the deepened potential well will trap material and have some phenomenon like fall back disk, accretion disk around secondary.

Simulation requirement: For binary star, 10AU separation use 40 cells to resolve, therefore, finest cell correspond to 0.25AU. 200AU*200AU*100AU simulation box. This can define the roughest cell, like 2AU.

Base cell: 100*100*50 Level: 3

Star usually need extra resolution to see the disk. Then use 4 level AMR.

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