meeting 07/29/13 zhuo

  1. Read 1-12 chapters in "Statistical Physics" by Kerson Huang (I did this not just in one week but since the beginning of this summer). It is about ensembles, time-series analysis, stochastic process and thermal dynamics - all of them are very helpful in understanding astrophysics (diffusion, viscosity and heat conduction) and even cosmology (distribution and ensembles).
  2. Read chapter 5 and 6 in "Riemann Solver". After reading these, I feel that Fourier analysis can be powerful in Riemann solver, and could be even powerful when combined with AMR.
  3. Plan to read some numerical analysis books, a potential one is "Finite difference methods for ordinary and partial differential equations : steady-state and time-dependent problems" by Randall J. LeVeque, UW. It is best know both numerical stuff and physics stuff so that one may tell what is physical and what is unphysical in simulations.


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