Single corotating and binary results

Single star in corotating frame. This simulation only take 5 hours on 120 cores. It is a box and the base grid is . I use 3 level of AMR. So the finest grid is .



The orbital period of 6 AU simulation is 12 years, so almost 3 orbits has been done.



The density contour of 3 AU separation simulation shows that something very similar to common envelop forms. The mass transfer mode between the two stars is between RLOF and WRLOF. I believe it is closer to the RLOF. The mass is flowing out through the L2 point. The orbital period of 3 AU simulation is 4.96 years. So more than 3 orbits has been done. The result has some similarity to this paper Sawada, Matsuda & Hachisu(1986). In that paper, they call the bridge that connects the two stars the elephant trunk.



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