Post common envelope simulation

I put a 1 solar mass object at the origin of the simulation box. There is no outflow from 0 to 500 day. From 500 to 1000 day, there is outflow for the boundary of the object. I list the physical quantities below:

Radius of the object that has outflow:

Mass of the object:

Density of the outflow:

Temperature of the object:

The outflow is asymmetric, in the polar direction (theta=0 and theta=pi), the outflow velocity is the maximum; in the equatorial plane, the outflow velocity is 0. The outflow velocity is a function of polar angle, there are two kinds of functions, linear and Gaussian - to vary the open angle. The Gaussian is narrower.




Below shows the linear and Gaussian velocity v.s. angle.

The outflow temperature: 30000K

Outflow duration: 500 day - 1000 day

Mass loss: . However, much of the outflow will be impeded by the surrounding gas, the actual mass loss will be lower than the calculated ones.

ID simulation approximate expansion velocity
1 300 (linear)
movies:density and temperature
2 400 (linear)
3 400 (gaussian)
4 400 (gaussian)
movies:density and temperature
5 300 (spherical)
movies:density and temperature

Simulations that has indefinite outflow duration. (it is always on)

ID simulation approximate expansion velocity
6 300 (spherical) movies:density
2 1000 (spherical)

Some questions: where exactly does the jet emerge? What are the open angle and outflow velocity. What are the outflow density and temperature?

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