Post Common Envelope Outflows

I put a 1 solar mass object at the origin of the simulation box. There is no outflow from 0 to 6000 day. I list the physical quantities during the quiet phase below:

Radius of the object that has outflow:

Mass of the object:

Density of the outflow:

Temperature of the object:

After the quiet phase, there is an outflow. An important constraint is the momentum budget. It is related to the luminosity of the object by: . Model ID 6 is the old simulation with only 500 days of quite phase.

ID simulation approximate expansion velocity
6 300 (spherical) movies:density
7 300 (spherical) movies:density

I think the implied luminosity is still too high for the outflow. Also, it remains a question that what kind of driving mechanism is this outflow? Model 7 seems to be a nova outburst and model 6 seems to be a supernova….


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