Binary simulation

  1. 40AU separation, 1.5 solar mass + 1.0 solar mass. There is no accretion for both stars. I did not assume the primary star has radiative pressure that balance out its gravity in the outflow phase, that is, the primary impose gravity on gas throughout the simulation. outflow (wind) temp=2000K, sound speed is roughly 4km/s, wind velocity=8km/s therefore Mach=2, supersonic flow. Mass loss is supposed to be 10e-5 solar mass/yr but I doubt that because the radius of primary seems larger than 10AU which is supposed to be. But in the code, its initial setting is 10AU indeed. Wind duration is 1200yr, whole simulation time is 2400yr. Simulation box dimension is 1200AU*1200AU*600AU.

Comment: The fall back disk is not so obvious when looking from the side, I think it may be due to the high temperature (2000K) of the outflow.

z=0 plane view


Side view


Enlarged view.


  1. single star



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