
matching tags


22:06 Blog: Odd, higher res BE movie comment added by Erica Kaminski
In the 303 box or the 43 box?
22:04 Blog: New ways to be notified of changes to the wiki comment added by Erica Kaminski
Very nice features. It was nice to get an email today that showed the …
22:00 Blog: New ways to be notified of changes to the wiki created by Jonathan
20:49 Blog: Odd, higher res BE movie comment added by Jonathan
I would do 163 + 5 or 323 + 4
14:25 WikiStart edited by Jonathan
14:24 WikiStart edited by Jonathan
13:54 Blog: Odd, higher res BE movie edited by Erica Kaminski
13:54 Blog: Odd, higher res BE movie edited by Erica Kaminski
13:53 Blog: Odd, higher res BE movie edited by Erica Kaminski
13:52 Blog: Odd, higher res BE movie comment added by Erica Kaminski
That is, the larger run is getting seg faulted. . .
13:51 Blog: Odd, higher res BE movie comment added by Erica Kaminski
I am getting a seg fault on 16 processors on BH running this in the …
13:49 Blog: Odd, higher res BE movie edited by Erica Kaminski
13:46 Blog: Odd, higher res BE movie edited by Erica Kaminski
13:40 Blog: Odd, higher res BE movie edited by Erica Kaminski
13:12 Blog: Odd, higher res BE movie comment added by Erica Kaminski
Okay, thanks, will post soon.
12:59 Blog: Odd, higher res BE movie comment added by Jonathan
Erica, can you adjust the density scale to not be maxed out at 1? …
12:55 Blog: Resources created by Jonathan
12:01 neqcooling edited by ehansen
12:01 neqcooling edited by ehansen
11:59 neqcooling edited by ehansen
11:58 neqcooling edited by ehansen
11:57 neqcooling edited by ehansen
11:56 nocool_noB_vel.gif attached to neqcooling by ehansen
10:52 Blog: Odd, higher res BE movie created by Erica Kaminski


16:23 Blog: Meeting Update 01/17/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
16:22 Blog: Meeting Update 01/17/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
16:22 Blog: Meeting Update 01/17/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
16:22 nocool_vel.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 01/17/2012 - Eddie by ehansen
16:20 Blog: Meeting Update 01/17/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
16:20 Blog: Meeting Update 01/17/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
16:19 Blog: Meeting Update 01/17/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
16:16 Blog: Meeting Update 01/17/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
16:15 nocool_vel.png attached to neqcooling by ehansen
16:12 Blog: Meeting update 1/17/2012 edited by Erica Kaminski
16:07 Blog: Meeting update 1/17/2012 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:57 Blog: Meeting Update 01/17/2012 - Eddie created by ehansen
15:02 Blog: Meeting update 1/17/2012 created by Erica Kaminski
13:30 Blog: Latest CRL618 edited by blin
11:33 Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity edited by Jonathan


20:31 Blog: Meeting Update 01.17 created by Shule Li
15:14 Blog: 17 Jan 2012 update created by martinhe
11:43 Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity edited by Jonathan
11:38 Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity edited by Jonathan
11:38 Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity edited by Jonathan
11:21 Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity edited by Jonathan
11:17 Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity edited by Jonathan


22:58 Blog: Latest CRL618 created by blin


10:56 ExternalLinks edited by Jonathan


16:17 Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity edited by Jonathan
13:23 CodeExplanation/SourceTerms edited by Jonathan


18:54 CodeExplanation/SourceTerms edited by Jonathan
15:49 MercurialTutorial edited by Erica Kaminski


16:24 Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity edited by Jonathan
16:23 1DComparison0010.png attached to Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity by Jonathan
16:23 1DComparison.gif attached to Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity by Jonathan
16:21 Blog: Meeting update edited by Erica Kaminski
15:58 striations.png attached to Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity by Jonathan
15:58 Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity edited by Jonathan
15:53 momentumconservation.png attached to Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity by Jonathan
15:53 rho_error2.png attached to Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity by Jonathan
15:53 rho_error.png attached to Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity by Jonathan
12:33 Blog: Meeting update created by Erica Kaminski
10:12 Blog: Meeting Update 01/10/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
10:12 Blog: Meeting Update 01/10/2012 - Eddie edited by ehansen
10:10 Blog: Meeting Update 01/10/2012 - Eddie created by ehansen


15:55 Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity edited by Jonathan
14:58 CodeExplanation/SourceTerms edited by Jonathan


19:03 Blog: Working on implementing conservative momentum conservation in 1D with self gravity created by Jonathan


17:30 Blog: Added 1D functionality to code edited by Jonathan
17:28 Blog: Added 1D functionality to code edited by Jonathan
17:26 1DLineOut.png attached to Blog: Added 1D functionality to code by Jonathan
17:26 1DPseudo.png attached to Blog: Added 1D functionality to code by Jonathan
17:26 Blog: Added 1D functionality to code created by Jonathan
15:51 neqcooling edited by ehansen
15:47 neqcooling edited by ehansen
15:39 neqcooling edited by ehansen
13:21 neqcooling edited by ehansen
13:20 Blog: Non-equilibrium Cooling edited by ehansen
13:19 Blog: Non-equilibrium Cooling created by ehansen
13:17 u/ehansen edited by ehansen
13:00 neqcooling edited by ehansen
12:59 neqcooling edited by ehansen
12:58 ionizfrac.png attached to neqcooling by ehansen
12:40 neqcooling edited by ehansen
12:38 temp.png attached to neqcooling by ehansen
12:37 neqcooling edited by ehansen
11:39 neqcooling edited by ehansen
11:36 neqcooling edited by ehansen
11:35 neqcooling edited by ehansen
11:34 neqcooling edited by ehansen
11:32 neqcooling edited by ehansen
11:31 neqcooling edited by ehansen
11:23 neqcooling edited by ehansen
11:23 neqcooling edited by ehansen
11:21 rho_nocool.gif attached to neqcooling by ehansen
11:21 rho_NEQ.gif attached to neqcooling by ehansen
11:21 rho_DM.gif attached to neqcooling by ehansen
11:05 neqcooling edited by ehansen
10:48 neqcooling created by ehansen
10:48 u/ehansen edited by ehansen


17:47 u/ehansen edited by ehansen
17:47 u/ehansen edited by ehansen
17:46 u/ehansen edited by ehansen
17:45 u/ehansen edited by ehansen
17:43 u/ehansen edited by ehansen


19:24 CodeExplanation/SourceTerms edited by Jonathan
15:51 CollidingFlows edited by Jonathan


16:08 Blog: Meeting Update edited by Jonathan
16:06 Blog: Meeting Update created by Jonathan
16:03 CodeExplanation/SourceTerms edited by Jonathan
15:42 Blog: Meeting Update 12.21 created by Shule Li
15:40 AstroBearProjects/MagnetizedClumps edited by Shule Li
15:39 AstroBearProjects/MagnetizedClumps edited by Shule Li
15:38 AstroBearProjects/MagnetizedClumps edited by Shule Li
13:37 clumpflow10b.png attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
13:37 clumpflow10b.gif attached to CollidingFlows by Jonathan
13:07 CodeExplanation/SourceTerms edited by Jonathan


13:58 Blog: Running 32/64 processor jobs on the standard queue... created by Jonathan
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.