
matching tags


09:10 Czarships/NewUsers/AskingForCode edited by Baowei Liu


13:46 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams


14:25 Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast edited by ehansen
14:15 highcontrast_HLL_lin.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast by ehansen
14:15 highcontrast_HLL_lin.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast by ehansen
14:11 highcontrast_HLLC_lin.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast by ehansen
14:11 highcontrast_HLLC_lin.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast by ehansen
14:03 highcontrast_Exact_lin.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast by ehansen
14:03 highcontrast_Exact_lin.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast by ehansen
10:54 Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast created by ehansen
10:35 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
10:34 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams


18:36 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
16:25 Blog: resolution comparison: star formation created by Shule Li
15:56 density.gif attached to Blog: wire turbulence by Jonathan
15:56 density0150.png attached to Blog: wire turbulence by Jonathan
15:37 Blog: 2.5D edited by Zhuo Chen
15:35 Blog: 2.5D edited by Zhuo Chen
15:30 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup edited by ehansen
15:27 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup edited by ehansen
15:24 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup edited by ehansen
15:18 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup edited by ehansen
15:16 test300.png attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:16 test2.gif attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:16 color0250.png attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:15 color2.gif attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:15 test200.png attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:15 test.gif attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:15 color0150.png attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:14 color.gif attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:14 Blog: 2.5D edited by Zhuo Chen
15:14 Blog: 2.5D created by Zhuo Chen
14:54 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup edited by ehansen
14:49 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup edited by ehansen
14:47 Alexei_lowercfl.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:47 Alexei_lowercfl.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:44 Alexei_sweep_HLLC_lin.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:43 Alexei_sweep_HLLC_lin.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:43 Alexei_sweep_HLLC_God.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:42 Alexei_sweep_HLLC_God.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:42 Alexei_sweep_HLL_lin.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:42 Alexei_sweep_HLL_lin.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:41 Alexei_sweep_HLL_God.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:41 Alexei_sweep_HLL_God.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:40 Alexei_sweep_Exact_lin.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:40 Alexei_sweep_Exact_lin.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:40 Alexei_sweep_Exact_God.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:39 Alexei_sweep_Exact_God.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:35 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup edited by ehansen
14:32 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup created by ehansen


13:57 Blog: wire turbulence edited by Jonathan
13:57 contour0001.png attached to Blog: wire turbulence by Jonathan
13:57 contour0000.png attached to Blog: wire turbulence by Jonathan
13:56 Blog: wire turbulence created by Jonathan
13:33 Blog: Meeting Update 09/15/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
13:32 Blog: Meeting Update 09/15/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
13:28 pressprotect.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 09/15/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
13:28 Blog: Meeting Update 09/15/2014 - Eddie created by ehansen
13:23 Blog: Meeting Update 9/15/2014 edited by mehr
13:22 Blog: Meeting Update 9/15/2014 created by mehr


15:19 clump_convergence.png attached to Blog: Convergence of 2.5D Pulsed Jets by ehansen
15:18 Blog: Convergence of 2.5D Pulsed Jets edited by ehansen


18:07 Blog: Convergence of 2.5D Pulsed Jets edited by ehansen
18:05 Blog: Convergence of 2.5D Pulsed Jets edited by ehansen
18:03 rho_convergence.gif attached to Blog: Convergence of 2.5D Pulsed Jets by ehansen
18:02 rho_convergence.png attached to Blog: Convergence of 2.5D Pulsed Jets by ehansen
18:02 Blog: Convergence of 2.5D Pulsed Jets created by ehansen


18:36 rho_2.5D_ball.gif attached to Blog: 2.5D Single Clump Tests by ehansen
18:35 rho_2.5D_ball.png attached to Blog: 2.5D Single Clump Tests by ehansen
18:35 rho_2.5D_donut.gif attached to Blog: 2.5D Single Clump Tests by ehansen
18:34 rho_2.5D_donut.png attached to Blog: 2.5D Single Clump Tests by ehansen
18:33 Blog: 2.5D Single Clump Tests created by ehansen
17:54 u/madams/CFHighResVisualized, created by madams
17:44 u/madams edited by madams


23:19 Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations edited by ehansen
19:41 rho_lowercooling.gif attached to Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations by ehansen
19:41 rho_lowercooling.png attached to Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations by ehansen
19:25 rho_nocool_fixed.gif attached to Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations by ehansen
19:25 rho_nocool_fixed.png attached to Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations by ehansen
19:20 rho_nocool_amr.gif attached to Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations by ehansen
19:20 rho_nocool_amr.png attached to Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations by ehansen
15:35 rho_diffusion.gif attached to Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations by ehansen
15:35 rho_diffusion.png attached to Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations by ehansen
15:26 Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations edited by ehansen
15:14 rho_zcool_fixed.gif attached to Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations by ehansen
15:14 rho_zcool_fixed.png attached to Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations by ehansen
15:13 rho_lowercontrast.gif attached to Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations by ehansen
15:13 rho_lowercontrast.png attached to Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations by ehansen
15:10 Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations edited by ehansen
15:08 Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations edited by ehansen
15:01 Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations edited by ehansen
14:58 Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations edited by ehansen
14:28 Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper edited by Erica Kaminski
14:25 Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper edited by Erica Kaminski
13:57 Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper comment added by Jonathan
Hi Erica, * I added a curve plot with the solution to the equilibrium …
13:34 Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper edited by Erica Kaminski
13:33 histo_jon_compare.png attached to Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper by Erica Kaminski
13:32 Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper edited by Erica Kaminski
13:31 Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper edited by Erica Kaminski
13:31 Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper edited by Erica Kaminski
12:19 Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper edited by Erica Kaminski
12:19 Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper edited by Erica Kaminski
12:19 vel_dens_Jon_compare.png attached to Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper by Erica Kaminski
12:18 Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper edited by Erica Kaminski
12:04 Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper edited by Erica Kaminski
12:04 Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper edited by Erica Kaminski
12:03 jons_comparison.png attached to Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper by Erica Kaminski
12:03 Blog: Plotting for MHD CF paper created by Erica Kaminski
10:24 Czarships/ExternalResources edited by Baowei Liu
10:23 Czarships/ExternalResources/CollidingFlows created by Baowei Liu
10:10 Czarships/ExternalResources/MagneticTower edited by Baowei Liu
10:10 Czarships/ExternalResources/MagneticTower created by Baowei Liu


16:15 ExternalLinks edited by Jonathan
15:29 Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations edited by ehansen
15:22 rho_1clump.gif attached to Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations by ehansen
15:22 rho_1clump.png attached to Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations by ehansen
15:15 rho_nocool.gif attached to Blog: Mach stems w/ moving clumps by ehansen
15:15 rho_nocool.png attached to Blog: Mach stems w/ moving clumps by ehansen
15:10 Blog: Strangeness in Clump Simulations created by ehansen
15:02 Blog: Mach stems w/ moving clumps edited by ehansen


18:48 Blog: Running magnetized wire problem with Peter Graham's blast wave edited by aliao
18:38 compare10ns.png attached to Blog: Running magnetized wire problem with Peter Graham's blast wave by aliao
14:48 Blog: Running magnetized wire problem with Peter Graham's blast wave created by aliao
13:23 Blog: Update created by Erica Kaminski
13:19 Blog: Meeting Update 09/08/2014 - Eddie created by ehansen
12:08 Blog: Meeting Update 09/08/2014 edited by madams
12:06 Blog: Meeting Update 09/08/2014 created by madams
11:32 ProjectRuns edited by Baowei Liu
11:32 ProjectRuns edited by Baowei Liu
11:23 u/bliu edited by Baowei Liu
11:22 u/bliu edited by Baowei Liu
09:20 Blog: Science Meeting Update 09/08/14 -- Baowei created by Baowei Liu


17:07 rho.gif attached to Blog: Mach stems w/ moving clumps by ehansen
17:07 rho.png attached to Blog: Mach stems w/ moving clumps by ehansen
16:53 Blog: Mach stems w/ moving clumps created by ehansen


12:04 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski


16:23 u/bliu edited by Baowei Liu
16:19 Blog: Use AstroBEAR to transfer initial data of 3D Ablative RT from fine grid to coarse grid edited by Baowei Liu
16:17 Blog: Use AstroBEAR to transfer initial data of 3D Ablative RT from fine grid to coarse grid edited by Baowei Liu
16:17 Blog: Us AstroBEAR to transfer initial data of 3D Ablative RT from fine grid to coarse grid created by Baowei Liu
15:53 u/bliu edited by Baowei Liu


14:43 box_orientation.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by Erica Kaminski
14:43 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
14:41 newdowny0050.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by Erica Kaminski
14:40 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
14:39 downx_10B15.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by Erica Kaminski
14:39 downy10B15.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by Erica Kaminski
14:39 downz_10B15.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by Erica Kaminski
14:38 downx0050.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by Erica Kaminski
14:38 downy0050.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by Erica Kaminski
14:38 downz_10B150050.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by Erica Kaminski
14:37 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
09:13 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
08:53 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski


13:00 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
12:59 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
11:27 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski


16:40 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
16:36 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
14:14 Blog: Meeting Update 08/25/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
14:13 outflow_jet_2.5D_hydro.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 08/25/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
14:12 outflow_jet_2.5D_hydro.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 08/25/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
14:12 Blog: Meeting Update 08/25/2014 - Eddie created by ehansen
13:53 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
13:52 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
13:47 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
13:38 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
13:31 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
12:35 Blog: Meeting Update 08/25/2014: I made a shape! edited by madams
12:19 3d_pndata0009.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 08/25/2014: I made a shape! by madams
12:19 3d_pndata.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 08/25/2014: I made a shape! by madams
12:18 2d_pndata0039.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 08/25/2014: I made a shape! by madams
12:18 2d_pndata.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 08/25/2014: I made a shape! by madams
12:18 Screen Shot 2014-08-25 at 12.03.20 PM.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 08/25/2014: I made a shape! by madams
12:17 Blog: Meeting Update 08/25/2014: I made a shape! created by madams
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.