
matching tags


17:38 u/madams/2DSinkCurves edited by madams
17:13 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
17:11 ssinks2.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
17:00 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
16:54 u/madams/2DSinkCurves created by madams
16:51 u/madams edited by madams
16:23 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams


18:07 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
18:06 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
18:03 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
18:02 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
17:42 u/madams edited by madams
17:40 csinkfinalpmass.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
17:39 pmass3project.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
17:39 pmass3lineartrans.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
17:39 pmass3elevate.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
17:39 pmass2project.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
17:39 pmass2lineartrans.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
17:39 pmass2elevate.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
17:39 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
17:35 MemberPages edited by madams
17:33 u/madams edited by madams
17:29 u/madams edited by madams
17:27 u/madams edited by madams
16:09 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams


15:32 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
14:15 csinksdrawn.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
14:15 cpmass5.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
14:15 cpmass4.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
14:15 cpmass3.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
14:15 cpmass2.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
14:15 cpmass1.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
14:15 cpmass0.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
14:08 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
12:08 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams


14:32 Blog: Testing planetary mass with the outflow object created by Sonny Harman
14:20 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
11:49 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
11:38 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
11:35 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
11:33 sinks_00000.okc.zx.curve attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
(projects on y) zx curve for sink 0
11:33 sinks_00000.okc.yz.curve attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
(projects on x) yz curve for sink 0
11:32 sinks_00000.okc.xy.curve attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
(projects on z) xy curve for sink 0
11:31 sinks_00000.okc attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
original .okc file for sink 0
11:30 okc_to_curve.sh attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
okc to curve script (see Using scripts for Projecting Sinks)
10:43 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
10:36 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
10:32 u/madams edited by madams
10:29 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
10:26 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
10:21 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
10:18 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
10:16 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
10:12 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
10:00 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
09:44 donzeo.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
09:44 mass2better.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
09:44 allthemasses.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
09:44 6.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
09:44 4.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
09:43 3.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
09:43 2.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
09:43 1.png attached to u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions by madams
09:43 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions edited by madams
09:13 u/madams/3DCDMVisualizationInstructions created by madams
09:02 u/madams edited by madams


12:10 test_rho.gif attached to Blog: 2-D test run for Mach stem project by ehansen
12:10 test_rho.png attached to Blog: 2-D test run for Mach stem project by ehansen
12:08 Blog: 2-D test run for Mach stem project created by ehansen


15:55 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
15:53 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
15:50 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
15:49 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
15:48 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
15:43 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
15:40 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
15:27 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
15:26 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
14:54 sidewaysclump.gif attached to Blog: Code Meeting 10/07/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
14:54 sidewaysclump.png attached to Blog: Code Meeting 10/07/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
14:49 MHD_5_rho.gif attached to Blog: Code Meeting 10/07/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
14:49 MHD_5_rho.png attached to Blog: Code Meeting 10/07/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
14:33 Blog: Code Meeting 10/07/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
14:23 Blog: Code Meeting 10/07/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
14:20 restarts.data attached to Blog: Code Meeting 10/07/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
14:00 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
14:00 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
14:00 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
13:59 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
13:57 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
13:51 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
13:49 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system edited by Zhuo Chen
13:48 Blog: Primary star frame system .VS. COM frame system created by Zhuo Chen
13:35 density1.png attached to Blog: RT Instability by Zhuo Chen
13:34 Blog: RT Instability edited by Zhuo Chen
12:22 Blog: Code Meeting 10/07/2014 - Eddie created by ehansen
11:48 2D_test.gif attached to Blog: Angular dependence of outflow temperature by Sonny Harman
11:48 2D_test_final.png attached to Blog: Angular dependence of outflow temperature by Sonny Harman
11:47 Blog: Angular dependence of outflow temperature created by Sonny Harman


13:36 Blog: RT Instability edited by Zhuo Chen
12:18 Blog: Meeting Update 10/06/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
12:14 Blog: Meeting Update 10/06/2014 - Eddie created by ehansen


13:55 Blog: Meeting Update 10/06/2014 edited by mehr
13:27 visit0001.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 10/06/2014 by mehr
13:27 visit0000.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 10/06/2014 by mehr
13:27 gamma.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 10/06/2014 by mehr
13:27 Blog: Meeting Update 10/06/2014 created by mehr


11:47 Blog: Tracking Ionized Sulfur Species edited by ehansen
11:46 S_jets.png attached to Blog: Tracking Ionized Sulfur Species by ehansen
11:45 Blog: Tracking Ionized Sulfur Species edited by ehansen
11:02 Blog: Tracking Ionized Sulfur Species edited by ehansen
11:01 Blog: Tracking Ionized Sulfur Species edited by ehansen
11:00 Blog: Tracking Ionized Sulfur Species edited by ehansen
10:59 S_recomb.PNG attached to Blog: Tracking Ionized Sulfur Species by ehansen
10:56 Blog: Tracking Ionized Sulfur Species edited by ehansen
10:13 Blog: Tracking Ionized Sulfur Species edited by ehansen
10:12 S_ionization.png attached to Blog: Tracking Ionized Sulfur Species by ehansen
10:11 Blog: Tracking Ionized Sulfur Species edited by ehansen


22:54 Blog: Tracking Ionized Sulfur Species created by ehansen
21:38 velocity1.png attached to Blog: RT Instability by Zhuo Chen
21:38 Blog: RT Instability edited by Zhuo Chen
21:13 Blog: RT Instability edited by Zhuo Chen
20:54 Blog: RT Instability edited by Zhuo Chen
20:54 Blog: RT Instability edited by Zhuo Chen
20:53 lowvelocity.gif attached to Blog: RT Instability by Zhuo Chen
20:50 highvelocity.gif attached to Blog: RT Instability by Zhuo Chen
20:48 Blog: RT Instability edited by Zhuo Chen


22:54 Blog: RT Instability edited by Zhuo Chen
22:31 Blog: RT Instability created by Zhuo Chen
13:20 Blog: CDM and field plot for poster comment added by Jonathan
I think I actually prefer the overlaid pseudo color plot better… …
12:39 Blog: Clip operator edited by Erica Kaminski
12:39 clipped_cylinder.png attached to Blog: Clip operator by Erica Kaminski
12:39 Blog: Clip operator created by Erica Kaminski
11:09 Blog: Playing with contours and streamlines on low res data edited by Erica Kaminski
11:09 zoomed_streams.png attached to Blog: Playing with contours and streamlines on low res data by Erica Kaminski
11:08 Blog: Playing with contours and streamlines on low res data edited by Erica Kaminski
11:05 Blog: Playing with contours and streamlines on low res data edited by Erica Kaminski
11:05 streamlines_CF.png attached to Blog: Playing with contours and streamlines on low res data by Erica Kaminski
11:05 Blog: Playing with contours and streamlines on low res data created by Erica Kaminski
10:20 Blog: CDM and field plot for poster comment added by Erica Kaminski
Hi Adam, I am seeing that field strength is strongest (lowest beta) in …
10:10 Blog: CDM and field plot for poster edited by Erica Kaminski


22:56 Blog: CDM and field plot for poster comment added by Adam Frank
So I like the density contour plots overlaid with the colormaps of …
17:53 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
17:12 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
17:08 b10s60_galaxy_cdm_200.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
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17:08 b10s15_galaxy_cdm_200.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
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17:03 b10s60_galaxy_cdm.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
17:03 b10s30_galaxy_cdm.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
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17:02 b1s60_galaxy_cdm.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
15:31 Blog: Which do we like best for poster?? edited by Erica Kaminski
15:28 Blog: Which do we like best for poster?? edited by Erica Kaminski
15:26 Blog: Which do we like best for poster?? edited by Erica Kaminski
15:26 Blog: CDM with field plots edited by Erica Kaminski
15:25 Blog: CDM with field plots edited by Erica Kaminski
15:25 Blog: CDM with field plots edited by Erica Kaminski
15:25 Blog: CDM with field plots edited by Erica Kaminski
15:24 Blog: CDM with field plots edited by Erica Kaminski
15:20 Blog: CDM with field plots edited by Erica Kaminski
15:19 Blog: CDM with field plots edited by Erica Kaminski
15:18 Blog: CDM with field plots edited by Erica Kaminski
15:16 sidebysidepretty.2.png attached to Blog: CDM and field plot for poster by Erica Kaminski
15:15 inv_beta.png attached to Blog: CDM and field plot for poster by Erica Kaminski
15:15 beta_map.png attached to Blog: CDM and field plot for poster by Erica Kaminski
15:14 sidebysidepretty.png attached to Blog: CDM and field plot for poster by Erica Kaminski
15:14 sidebyside_rho_on_beta.png attached to Blog: CDM and field plot for poster by Erica Kaminski
15:14 Blog: CDM with field plots created by Erica Kaminski
15:12 compare30withS15_lowres.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by Erica Kaminski
15:11 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
11:16 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams


21:23 PhysicsDataExplained edited by ehansen
16:02 Blog: CDM with magnetic energy contour lines edited by Erica Kaminski
16:02 B_ENERGY_CONTOURS.png attached to Blog: CDM with magnetic energy contour lines by Erica Kaminski
16:01 Blog: CDM with magnetic energy contour lines created by Erica Kaminski
13:33 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
13:32 B10_0_vistacdm.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by Erica Kaminski
12:10 B10_0_vista_cdm_200.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by Erica Kaminski
12:09 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski


14:25 Blog: Making movies edited by Jonathan
14:24 problem.f90 attached to Blog: Making movies by Jonathan
14:24 problem.data attached to Blog: Making movies by Jonathan
14:24 movie0000.png attached to Blog: Making movies by Jonathan
14:23 movie.gif attached to Blog: Making movies by Jonathan
14:23 Blog: Making movies created by Jonathan
13:28 Blog: Meeting Update 09/29/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
13:27 Blog: Meeting Update 09/29/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
13:13 3D_slice.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 09/29/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
12:42 3D_slice.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 09/29/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
12:32 Blog: Meeting Update 09/29/2014 edited by madams
12:20 Blog: Meeting Update 09/29/2014 - Eddie created by ehansen
12:18 Blog: Meeting Update 09/29/2014 created by madams
09:58 Blog: Meeting Update 9/29/2014 edited by Baowei Liu
01:43 out.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 9/29/2014 by mehr
01:41 phy.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 9/29/2014 by mehr
01:41 glob.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 9/29/2014 by mehr
01:41 cos.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 9/29/2014 by mehr
01:40 mov.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 9/29/2014 by mehr
01:40 Blog: Meeting Update 9/29/2014 created by mehr


17:04 Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing edited by ehansen
16:58 stationary_correct.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing by ehansen
16:58 stationary_correct.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing by ehansen
16:53 moving_nosmooth.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing by ehansen
16:53 moving_nosmooth.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing by ehansen
16:09 Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing edited by ehansen
16:08 Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing edited by ehansen
14:18 Blog: Candidate movies to show on Collaboratory Wall for the film edited by Baowei Liu
13:56 Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing edited by ehansen
13:47 moving_correct.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing by ehansen
13:47 moving_correct.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing by ehansen
13:43 moving_nosmooth_py.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing by ehansen
13:43 moving_correct_py.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing by ehansen
13:42 moving_py.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing by ehansen
13:41 stationary_py.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing by ehansen
13:41 Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing edited by ehansen
13:33 Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing edited by ehansen
12:50 Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing edited by ehansen
12:50 Alexei_moving.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing by ehansen
12:49 Alexei_moving.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing by ehansen
12:49 Alexei_Exact_lin.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing by ehansen
12:49 Alexei_Exact_lin.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing by ehansen
12:48 Blog: Clump Behavior: Velocity/Momentum Smoothing created by ehansen
12:43 Blog: Candidate movies to show on Collaboratory Wall for the film edited by Zhuo Chen
12:43 Blog: Candidate movies to show on Collaboratory Wall for the film edited by Zhuo Chen
11:42 Blog: Candidate movies to show on Collaboratory Wall for the film edited by Baowei Liu
11:11 Blog: Candidate movies to show on Collaboratory Wall for the film edited by Baowei Liu
10:57 Blog: Candidate movies to show on Collaboratory Wall for the film edited by Baowei Liu
10:56 Blog: Candidate movies to show on Collaboratory Wall for the film edited by Baowei Liu
10:52 Blog: Candidate movies to show on Collaboratory Wall for the film edited by Baowei Liu
10:51 Blog: Candidate movies to show on Collaboratory Wall for the film edited by Baowei Liu
10:51 Blog: Candidate movies to show on Collaboratory Wall for the film edited by Baowei Liu


17:32 u/zchen edited by Zhuo Chen
16:47 Blog: Candidate movies to show on Collaboratory Wall for the film edited by Baowei Liu
12:48 Blog: Candidate movies to show on Collaboratory Wall for the film edited by Baowei Liu
12:42 Blog: Candidate movies to show on Collaboratory Wall for the film created by Baowei Liu
11:17 Blog: 3D Binary edited by Zhuo Chen
11:17 Blog: 3D Binary edited by Zhuo Chen
11:17 Blog: 3D Binary edited by Zhuo Chen
11:16 Blog: 3D Binary edited by Zhuo Chen
11:16 Blog: 3D Binary edited by Zhuo Chen
11:15 Blog: 3D Binary edited by Zhuo Chen


19:00 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
18:48 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
18:47 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
18:42 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:22 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
14:22 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
14:20 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
14:19 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
14:16 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
14:14 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
14:10 time_sinks_highres.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by Erica Kaminski
14:10 numbersinks_highres.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by Erica Kaminski
12:34 u/madams edited by madams
11:48 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
11:14 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski


23:48 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
23:20 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
23:20 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
23:19 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
23:16 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
22:51 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
22:42 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
22:41 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
22:32 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
22:25 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
22:23 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
17:24 Blog: Run of blast wave across magnetized wire up to late times edited by aliao
17:24 Blog: Run of blast wave across magnetized wire up to late times edited by aliao
17:21 visit0002.png attached to Blog: Run of blast wave across magnetized wire up to late times by aliao
15:47 3Dcolor.gif attached to Blog: 3D Binary by Zhuo Chen
15:47 Blog: 3D Binary edited by Zhuo Chen
15:20 Blog: 3D Binary edited by Zhuo Chen
15:20 1.gif attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
15:17 1test200.png attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
15:14 color0.gif attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
15:13 0.gif attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
15:11 00250.png attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
15:09 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
15:07 0test200.png attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
15:06 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:52 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:47 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:44 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:41 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:41 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:40 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:40 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:39 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:39 Blog: CF High Resolution Runs Visualized created by madams
14:38 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
14:37 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
14:35 color1.gif attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
14:35 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
14:31 u/zchen edited by Zhuo Chen
14:30 u/zchen edited by Zhuo Chen
14:30 u/zchen edited by Zhuo Chen
14:29 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
14:28 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
14:26 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:25 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:24 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:24 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:23 rho.png attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
14:23 v2.png attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
14:18 10350.png attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
14:16 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
14:15 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:06 color4.gif attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
14:04 40350.png attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
14:04 4test200.png attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
14:03 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:01 4.gif attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
14:01 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
14:01 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
13:59 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
13:58 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
13:58 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
13:26 color5.gif attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
13:24 5.gif attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
13:23 5test200.png attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
13:23 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
13:17 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
13:17 50350.png attached to u/zchen/simulations by Zhuo Chen
13:16 u/zchen/simulations edited by Zhuo Chen
11:18 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
11:10 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
11:09 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
10:48 b10s60cdm30simple.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:48 b10s60cdm20simple.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:48 b10s60cdm10simple.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:48 b10s30cdm30simple.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:48 b10s30cdm20simple.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:48 b10s30cdm10simple.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:47 b10s15cdm30simple.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:47 b10s15cdm20simple.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:47 b10s15cdm10simple.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:47 b10noshearcdm30simple.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:46 b10noshearcdm20simple.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:46 b10noshearcdm10simple.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:46 b1s60cdm30simple.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:46 b1s60cdm20simple.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:46 b1s60cdm10simple.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:32 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
10:23 b10s60cdm30200.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:22 b10s60cdm3.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:22 b10s60cdm20200.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:22 b10s60cdm2.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:22 b10s60cdm10200.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:22 b10s60cdm1.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:21 b10s30cdm30200.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:21 b10s30cdm3.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:21 b10s30cdm20200.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
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10:18 b10s15cdm10200.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:18 b10s15cdm1.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:18 b10noshearcdm30200.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:18 b10noshearcdm3.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:17 b10noshearcdm20200.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:17 b10noshearcdm2.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:17 b10noshearcdm10200.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:17 b10noshearcdm1.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:16 b1s60cdm30200.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:16 b1s60cdm3.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:16 b1s60cdm20200.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:16 b1s60cdm2.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:16 b1s60cdm10200.png attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
10:15 b1s60cdm1.gif attached to u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes by madams
07:38 bbwave.mpeg attached to Blog: Run of blast wave across magnetized wire up to late times by aliao
07:35 Blog: Run of blast wave across magnetized wire up to late times created by aliao


22:17 u/zchen/simulations created by Zhuo Chen
22:17 u/zchen edited by Zhuo Chen
22:15 u/zchen edited by Zhuo Chen
17:24 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
17:18 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
17:08 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
15:02 Blog: 3D Binary edited by Zhuo Chen
15:02 Blog: 3D Binary edited by Zhuo Chen
14:12 3Dsideview.2.gif attached to Blog: 3D Binary by Zhuo Chen
14:01 3Dtopview.gif attached to Blog: 3D Binary by Zhuo Chen
13:52 3Dsideview.gif attached to Blog: 3D Binary by Zhuo Chen
13:51 Blog: 3D Binary created by Zhuo Chen
13:07 Blog: Meeting Update 09/22/2014 -- Baowei edited by Baowei Liu
12:58 Blog: Meeting Update 09/22/2014 -- Baowei created by Baowei Liu
12:17 Blog: Meeting Update 09/22/2014 created by madams
12:09 Blog: Meeting Update 09/22/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
12:09 Alexei_highercontrast_moving.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 09/22/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
12:08 Alexei_highercontrast_moving.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 09/22/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
12:08 Alexei_moving.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 09/22/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
12:08 Alexei_moving.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 09/22/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
12:08 Alexei_highercontrast.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 09/22/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
12:07 Alexei_highercontrast.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 09/22/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
12:07 Alexei_Exact_lin.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 09/22/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
12:07 Alexei_Exact_lin.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 09/22/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
12:06 Blog: Meeting Update 09/22/2014 - Eddie created by ehansen


09:10 Czarships/NewUsers/AskingForCode edited by Baowei Liu


13:46 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams


14:25 Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast edited by ehansen
14:15 highcontrast_HLL_lin.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast by ehansen
14:15 highcontrast_HLL_lin.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast by ehansen
14:11 highcontrast_HLLC_lin.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast by ehansen
14:11 highcontrast_HLLC_lin.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast by ehansen
14:03 highcontrast_Exact_lin.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast by ehansen
14:03 highcontrast_Exact_lin.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast by ehansen
10:54 Blog: Clump Behavior: Alexei's Setup + High Density Contrast created by ehansen
10:35 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
10:34 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams


18:36 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
16:25 Blog: resolution comparison: star formation created by Shule Li
15:56 density.gif attached to Blog: wire turbulence by Jonathan
15:56 density0150.png attached to Blog: wire turbulence by Jonathan
15:37 Blog: 2.5D edited by Zhuo Chen
15:35 Blog: 2.5D edited by Zhuo Chen
15:30 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup edited by ehansen
15:27 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup edited by ehansen
15:24 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup edited by ehansen
15:18 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup edited by ehansen
15:16 test300.png attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:16 test2.gif attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:16 color0250.png attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:15 color2.gif attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:15 test200.png attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:15 test.gif attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:15 color0150.png attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:14 color.gif attached to Blog: 2.5D by Zhuo Chen
15:14 Blog: 2.5D edited by Zhuo Chen
15:14 Blog: 2.5D created by Zhuo Chen
14:54 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup edited by ehansen
14:49 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup edited by ehansen
14:47 Alexei_lowercfl.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:47 Alexei_lowercfl.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:44 Alexei_sweep_HLLC_lin.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:43 Alexei_sweep_HLLC_lin.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:43 Alexei_sweep_HLLC_God.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:42 Alexei_sweep_HLLC_God.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:42 Alexei_sweep_HLL_lin.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:42 Alexei_sweep_HLL_lin.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:41 Alexei_sweep_HLL_God.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:41 Alexei_sweep_HLL_God.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:40 Alexei_sweep_Exact_lin.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:40 Alexei_sweep_Exact_lin.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:40 Alexei_sweep_Exact_God.gif attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:39 Alexei_sweep_Exact_God.png attached to Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup by ehansen
14:35 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup edited by ehansen
14:32 Blog: Clump Behavior w/ Alexei's Setup created by ehansen


13:57 Blog: wire turbulence edited by Jonathan
13:57 contour0001.png attached to Blog: wire turbulence by Jonathan
13:57 contour0000.png attached to Blog: wire turbulence by Jonathan
13:56 Blog: wire turbulence created by Jonathan
13:33 Blog: Meeting Update 09/15/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
13:32 Blog: Meeting Update 09/15/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
13:28 pressprotect.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 09/15/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
13:28 Blog: Meeting Update 09/15/2014 - Eddie created by ehansen
13:23 Blog: Meeting Update 9/15/2014 edited by mehr
13:22 Blog: Meeting Update 9/15/2014 created by mehr


15:19 clump_convergence.png attached to Blog: Convergence of 2.5D Pulsed Jets by ehansen
15:18 Blog: Convergence of 2.5D Pulsed Jets edited by ehansen


18:07 Blog: Convergence of 2.5D Pulsed Jets edited by ehansen
18:05 Blog: Convergence of 2.5D Pulsed Jets edited by ehansen
18:03 rho_convergence.gif attached to Blog: Convergence of 2.5D Pulsed Jets by ehansen
18:02 rho_convergence.png attached to Blog: Convergence of 2.5D Pulsed Jets by ehansen
18:02 Blog: Convergence of 2.5D Pulsed Jets created by ehansen
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.