
matching tags


15:53 emission.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/25/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
15:53 emission.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/25/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
15:53 pressureprotections.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/25/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
15:52 pressureprotections.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/25/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
15:52 Blog: Meeting Update 11/25/2014 - Eddie created by ehansen
14:13 Blog: Mini-review on Fourier Transforms created by Erica Kaminski
13:46 u/madams/CollidingFlowsFigures created by madams
13:45 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
13:45 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by madams
13:12 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
13:08 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
13:08 1.png attached to Blog: WRLOF by Zhuo Chen
10:57 Blog: Isotropic outflow - update created by mehr


16:40 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
15:19 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
15:16 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
15:16 lossgain.2.png attached to Blog: WRLOF by Zhuo Chen
15:11 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
15:10 distangm.2.png attached to Blog: WRLOF by Zhuo Chen
13:47 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
13:46 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
13:44 Blog: WRLOF created by Zhuo Chen
13:28 Blog: pnStudy: 45Deg tapper and Issue with 2.5D MHD edited by Baowei Liu
13:10 Blog: pnStudy: 45Deg tapper and Issue with 2.5D MHD edited by Baowei Liu
12:46 visit0125.png attached to Blog: Isotropic Outflow by mehr
12:46 mach.png attached to Blog: Isotropic Outflow by mehr
12:45 Blog: Isotropic Outflow edited by mehr
12:44 Blog: Isotropic Outflow created by mehr
10:20 Blog: pnStudy: 45Deg tapper and Issue with 2.5D MHD created by Baowei Liu


20:06 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
19:08 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
19:03 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
19:03 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
19:03 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
18:00 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
17:58 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
17:58 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
17:57 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
17:56 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
17:55 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
17:54 4au08mass.png attached to Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF by Zhuo Chen
17:54 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
17:24 minus6.png attached to Blog: Planetary Atmospheres by Jonathan
17:23 minus6.gif attached to Blog: Planetary Atmospheres by Jonathan
17:22 Blog: Planetary Atmospheres edited by Jonathan


17:28 rkemmerer‏ edited by Rebecca
17:26 u/rkemmerer edited by Rebecca
01:30 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
01:30 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
01:26 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
01:26 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
01:25 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen


16:23 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
13:22 Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen


19:02 Blog: RLOF vs WROLF edited by Zhuo Chen
17:49 Blog: RLOF vs WROLF edited by Zhuo Chen
17:46 Blog: RLOF vs WROLF edited by Zhuo Chen
16:07 Blog: RLOF vs WROLF edited by Zhuo Chen
16:03 Blog: RLOF vs WROLF edited by Zhuo Chen
15:58 7au08mass.png attached to Blog: RLOF vs WRLOF by Zhuo Chen
15:57 Blog: RLOF vs WROLF edited by Zhuo Chen
15:56 Blog: RLOF vs WROLF created by Zhuo Chen
13:56 Blog: pnStudy: finest refinement with rectangle shape created by Baowei Liu
11:03 visit0126.png attached to Blog: Isotropic Outflow attempt by mehr
11:03 visit0121.png attached to Blog: Isotropic Outflow attempt by mehr
11:03 temp10.png attached to Blog: Isotropic Outflow attempt by mehr
11:03 temp0.png attached to Blog: Isotropic Outflow attempt by mehr
11:02 Blog: Isotropic Outflow attempt created by mehr


14:54 rkemmerer‏ edited by Rebecca
14:54 u/rkemmerer created by Rebecca
14:51 rkemmerer‏ edited by Rebecca
13:47 rkemmerer‏ edited by Rebecca
11:20 Blog: Work tasks for rest of November edited by madams


15:48 Blog: Work tasks for rest of November edited by madams
15:47 u/ticket edited by Erica Kaminski
15:38 u/ticket edited by Erica Kaminski
15:34 Blog: Beta 10 Shear Magnetic Field vs. Density plots edited by madams
15:34 u/ticket edited by Erica Kaminski
15:33 Blog: Beta 10 Shear Magnetic Field vs. Density plots edited by madams
15:28 Blog: Beta 10 Shear Magnetic Field vs. Density plots edited by madams
15:23 B10S60_Bvn_273.png attached to Blog: Beta 10 Shear Magnetic Field vs. Density plots by madams
15:23 u/ticket edited by Erica Kaminski
15:23 B10S60_Bvn_137.png attached to Blog: Beta 10 Shear Magnetic Field vs. Density plots by madams
15:22 B10S30_Bvn_273.png attached to Blog: Beta 10 Shear Magnetic Field vs. Density plots by madams
15:22 B10S30_Bvn_137.png attached to Blog: Beta 10 Shear Magnetic Field vs. Density plots by madams
15:22 B10S15_Bvn_217.png attached to Blog: Beta 10 Shear Magnetic Field vs. Density plots by madams
15:22 B10S0_Bvn_273.png attached to Blog: Beta 10 Shear Magnetic Field vs. Density plots by madams
15:22 B10S0_Bvn_137.png attached to Blog: Beta 10 Shear Magnetic Field vs. Density plots by madams
15:21 B10S0_Bvn_109.png attached to Blog: Beta 10 Shear Magnetic Field vs. Density plots by madams
15:19 u/ticket edited by Erica Kaminski
15:17 Blog: Beta 10 Shear Magnetic Field vs. Density plots created by madams
15:15 u/ticket edited by Erica Kaminski
15:06 u/ticket edited by Erica Kaminski
14:58 Blog: pnStudy: new refinement created by Baowei Liu
14:57 u/ticket created by Erica Kaminski
11:33 rho.png attached to Blog: Update with bigger box size and reflective boundary by mehr
11:33 mach.png attached to Blog: Update with bigger box size and reflective boundary by mehr
11:33 contours.png attached to Blog: Update with bigger box size and reflective boundary by mehr
11:33 Blog: Update with bigger box size and reflective boundary created by mehr


15:16 Blog: Meeting Update 11/17/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
15:15 Blog: Meeting Update 11/17/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
15:14 3Dslice_cooling.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/17/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
15:14 3Dslice_cooling.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/17/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
13:39 rkemmerer‏ edited by Rebecca
13:31 Blog: Testing projections edited by Jonathan
13:26 Blog: Meeting Update 11/17/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
13:14 beta1clumpconvolution.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/17/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
13:14 beta1jetconvolution.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/17/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
13:13 Blog: Meeting Update 11/17/2014 - Eddie created by ehansen
12:48 err.png attached to Blog: Testing for possible bugs by mehr
12:48 Blog: Testing for possible bugs edited by mehr
12:39 escspeed.png attached to Blog: Testing for possible bugs by mehr
12:39 machb.png attached to Blog: Testing for possible bugs by mehr
12:39 Blog: Testing for possible bugs created by mehr
11:12 Blog: Testing projections edited by Jonathan
11:12 Blog: Testing projections edited by Jonathan
11:11 box0000.png attached to Blog: Testing projections by Jonathan
11:11 box.gif attached to Blog: Testing projections by Jonathan
11:10 Blog: Testing projections created by Jonathan


21:47 rkemmerer‏ created by Rebecca
16:35 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
16:33 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
16:26 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
16:23 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
16:13 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
16:11 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
16:11 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
16:01 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
15:56 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
15:23 Blog: Work tasks for rest of November created by madams


21:10 Blog: WRLOF edited by Zhuo Chen
21:09 equatorialview.gif attached to Blog: WRLOF by Zhuo Chen
21:09 45degreeview.gif attached to Blog: WRLOF by Zhuo Chen
21:09 z0.gif attached to Blog: WRLOF by Zhuo Chen
21:08 rochelobe.pdf attached to Blog: WRLOF by Zhuo Chen
21:08 massgain.pdf attached to Blog: WRLOF by Zhuo Chen
21:08 Blog: WRLOF created by Zhuo Chen
16:24 CameraObjects edited by madams
16:19 CameraObjects edited by madams
16:14 CameraObjects edited by madams
16:13 CameraObjects edited by madams
15:37 CameraObjects edited by madams
15:35 problem.data.png attached to CameraObjects by madams
png of problem.data file
15:34 CameraObjects edited by madams
15:01 nowind_justclump1.gif attached to CameraObjects by madams
movie of clump example
15:00 nowind_justclump1_0000.png attached to CameraObjects by madams
png for clump example
15:00 mesh0000.png attached to CameraObjects by madams
mesh illustration for clump example
14:59 solver.data attached to CameraObjects by madams
solver.data for clump example
14:59 problem.data attached to CameraObjects by madams
problem.data for clump example
14:59 global.data attached to CameraObjects by madams
global.data for clump example
14:59 physics.data attached to CameraObjects by madams
physics.data for clump example
14:46 problem.f90 attached to CameraObjects by madams
problem.f90 for clump example
14:36 CameraObjects edited by madams


17:36 Blog: pnStudy: Mesh for Spherical AGB wind with 5-level AMR edited by Baowei Liu
17:24 Blog: pnStudy: Mesh for Spherical AGB wind with 5-level AMR created by Baowei Liu


16:58 DevelopmentProcedure edited by Jonathan
14:06 Blog: Bvn Plots edited by Erica Kaminski
14:05 Blog: Bvn Plots edited by Erica Kaminski
14:04 Blog: Bvn Plots edited by Erica Kaminski
14:04 Blog: Bvn Plots edited by Erica Kaminski
14:03 Blog: Bvn Plots edited by Erica Kaminski
14:00 bVN_B1.png attached to Blog: Bvn Plots by Erica Kaminski
13:59 BVN_B1_VOL.png attached to Blog: Bvn Plots by Erica Kaminski
13:59 B10_NoShear_Bvn_Massweighted.png attached to Blog: Bvn Plots by Erica Kaminski
13:59 NoShear_Bvn_vol.png attached to Blog: Bvn Plots by Erica Kaminski
13:59 B10_60_Bvn_Massw.png attached to Blog: Bvn Plots by Erica Kaminski
13:59 B10_60bvn_vol.png attached to Blog: Bvn Plots by Erica Kaminski
13:58 Blog: Bvn Plots created by Erica Kaminski


15:59 Blog: Planetary Atmospheres edited by Jonathan
15:47 Blog: Meeting Update 11/11/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
15:40 Blog: pnStudy: Ambient Temperature close to Jet drops created by Baowei Liu
14:46 Blog: Binary edited by Zhuo Chen
14:45 3d.gif attached to Blog: Binary by Zhuo Chen
14:44 Blog: Binary created by Zhuo Chen
13:30 Blog: Meeting Update 11/11/2014 - Eddie created by ehansen
11:49 ProjectRuns edited by Baowei Liu
01:48 Blog: 2D Isothermal Anisotropic Winds edited by mehr
01:26 Blog: 2D Isothermal Anisotropic Winds edited by mehr
01:25 Blog: 2D Isothermal Anisotropic Winds edited by mehr
01:24 la.png attached to Blog: 2D Isothermal Anisotropic Winds by mehr
01:23 gamma.png attached to Blog: 2D Isothermal Anisotropic Winds by mehr
01:23 day10temp.png attached to Blog: 2D Isothermal Anisotropic Winds by mehr
01:23 day10sonic.png attached to Blog: 2D Isothermal Anisotropic Winds by mehr
01:23 day10.png attached to Blog: 2D Isothermal Anisotropic Winds by mehr
01:22 day8rhoc.png attached to Blog: 2D Isothermal Anisotropic Winds by mehr
01:22 day8.png attached to Blog: 2D Isothermal Anisotropic Winds by mehr
01:22 day7.png attached to Blog: 2D Isothermal Anisotropic Winds by mehr
01:22 day6.png attached to Blog: 2D Isothermal Anisotropic Winds by mehr
01:21 Blog: 2D Isothermal Anisotropic Winds created by mehr


15:16 lowres.jpeg attached to Blog: Planetary Atmospheres by Jonathan
15:16 lowres.gif attached to Blog: Planetary Atmospheres by Jonathan
15:16 hightol.jpeg attached to Blog: Planetary Atmospheres by Jonathan
15:16 hightol.gif attached to Blog: Planetary Atmospheres by Jonathan
15:16 fast_spinning.jpeg attached to Blog: Planetary Atmospheres by Jonathan
15:16 fast_spinning.gif attached to Blog: Planetary Atmospheres by Jonathan
15:15 Blog: Planetary Atmospheres edited by Jonathan
15:10 fiducial.jpeg attached to Blog: Planetary Atmospheres by Jonathan
15:10 fiducial.gif attached to Blog: Planetary Atmospheres by Jonathan
15:10 Blog: Planetary Atmospheres created by Jonathan
13:11 Blog: pnStudy: jet & ambient Temperature created by Baowei Liu


14:30 Blog: Work Tasks (11-10 -- 11-14) created by madams
14:24 Blog: New rotating clump without wind fly throughs edited by madams
14:22 Blog: New rotating clump without wind fly throughs edited by madams
14:11 Blog: New rotating clump without wind fly throughs edited by madams
14:08 mesh0000.png attached to Blog: New rotating clump without wind fly throughs by madams
14:02 Blog: New rotating clump without wind fly throughs edited by madams
14:02 Blog: New rotating clump without video fly throughs edited by madams
13:53 nowind_justclump1_0100.png attached to Blog: New rotating clump without wind fly throughs by madams
13:53 nowind_justclump1.gif attached to Blog: New rotating clump without wind fly throughs by madams
13:53 nowind_justclump_0100.png attached to Blog: New rotating clump without wind fly throughs by madams
13:53 nowind_justclump.gif attached to Blog: New rotating clump without wind fly throughs by madams
13:52 Blog: New rotating clump without video fly throughs created by madams


15:54 Tutorials edited by Jonathan
15:54 VisIt edited by Jonathan
13:44 Blog: new 3D Mach stem runs edited by ehansen
13:44 3Dexact_slice.gif attached to Blog: new 3D Mach stem runs by ehansen
13:44 3Dexact_slice.png attached to Blog: new 3D Mach stem runs by ehansen
13:43 Blog: new 3D Mach stem runs created by ehansen
08:28 Blog: Meeting update edited by Erica Kaminski
08:28 Blog: Meeting update edited by Erica Kaminski
08:27 Blog: Meeting update edited by Erica Kaminski
08:25 Blog: Meeting update edited by Erica Kaminski


19:48 Blog: Meeting update edited by Erica Kaminski
19:47 Blog: Meeting update edited by Erica Kaminski
19:47 Blog: Meeting update edited by Erica Kaminski
19:46 Blog: Meeting update edited by Erica Kaminski
19:43 Blog: Meeting update edited by Erica Kaminski
19:42 Blog: Meeting update edited by Erica Kaminski
19:42 Blog: Meeting update created by Erica Kaminski
19:24 pdfs_bvn.png attached to u/erica/CF_bvn_plot by Erica Kaminski
19:24 use_bvn.png attached to u/erica/CF_bvn_plot by Erica Kaminski
19:24 shape_bvn.png attached to u/erica/CF_bvn_plot by Erica Kaminski
19:23 u/erica/CF_bvn_plot edited by Erica Kaminski
18:57 u/erica/CF_bvn_plot edited by Erica Kaminski
18:56 u/erica/CF_bvn_plot edited by Erica Kaminski
18:43 u/erica/CF_bvn_plot edited by Erica Kaminski
18:39 u/erica/CF_bvn_plot edited by Erica Kaminski
18:38 u/erica/CF_bvn_plot edited by Erica Kaminski
18:33 u/erica/CF_bvn_plot edited by Erica Kaminski
18:30 u/erica/CF_bvn_plot created by Erica Kaminski
18:22 u/erica edited by Erica Kaminski
18:21 u/erica edited by Erica Kaminski
15:22 Blog: Updated movie created by mehr
13:09 test.mpg attached to u/erica/B10_S60 by Erica Kaminski


18:42 Blog: Single and binary edited by Zhuo Chen
18:42 Blog: Single and binary edited by Zhuo Chen
18:41 z00002.png attached to Blog: Single and binary by Zhuo Chen
18:41 tracer.gif attached to Blog: Single and binary by Zhuo Chen
18:41 Blog: Single and binary created by Zhuo Chen
16:05 Blog: pnStudy:Test new velocity setup for jet edited by Baowei Liu
10:53 Blog: My outline of tasks for paper figures edited by Erica Kaminski
10:53 Blog: My outline of tasks for paper figures edited by Erica Kaminski
10:52 Blog: My outline of tasks for paper figures created by Erica Kaminski


15:56 Blog: pnStudy:Test new velocity setup for jet created by Baowei Liu
15:32 z0.gif attached to Blog: Wind accretion by Zhuo Chen
15:32 Blog: Wind accretion created by Zhuo Chen
15:19 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:18 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:18 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:18 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:17 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:17 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:17 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:16 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:16 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:16 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:15 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:14 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:14 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:13 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:13 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:12 u/erica/B10_S0 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:11 mass2_finalnoshear.gif attached to u/erica/B10_S0 by Erica Kaminski
15:11 finalm1NoShear.2.gif attached to u/erica/B10_S0 by Erica Kaminski
15:11 finalm1NoShear.gif attached to u/erica/B10_S0 by Erica Kaminski
14:45 u/erica/B10_S0 created by Erica Kaminski
14:45 u/erica edited by Erica Kaminski
14:44 Blog: Focus and up vectors edited by madams
14:26 ProjectRuns edited by Baowei Liu
14:23 Blog: Focus and up vectors edited by madams
14:20 problem.data.3Focus attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
14:20 problem.data.1Focus attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
14:20 problem.data.DescendFocus attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
14:19 problem.data.AscendFocus attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
14:19 problem.data.UpZ attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
14:19 problem.data.UpY attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
14:19 problem.data.UpX attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
14:14 Blog: Focus and up vectors edited by madams
13:35 2cams_3Focus_0050.png attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
13:34 2cams_3Focus.gif attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
13:34 2cams_1Focus_0050.png attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
13:34 2cams_1Focus.gif attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
13:33 3cams_DescendFocus_0100.png attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
13:33 3cams_DescendFocus.gif attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
13:33 3cams_AscendFocus_0100.png attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
13:33 3cams_AscendFocus.gif attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
13:32 3cams_upZ_0100.png attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
13:32 3cams_upZ.gif attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
13:32 3cams_upY_0100.png attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
13:32 3cams_upY.gif attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
13:31 3cams_upX_0100.png attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
13:25 3cams_upX.gif attached to Blog: Focus and up vectors by madams
13:25 Blog: Focus and up vectors created by madams
12:30 u/erica edited by Erica Kaminski
12:14 u/erica edited by Erica Kaminski
12:13 u/erica/ScalingBluestreak edited by Erica Kaminski
12:12 chart_4(1).png attached to u/erica/ScalingBluestreak by Erica Kaminski
12:12 chart_3(1).png attached to u/erica/ScalingBluestreak by Erica Kaminski
12:12 chart_2(1).png attached to u/erica/ScalingBluestreak by Erica Kaminski
12:12 chart_1(1).png attached to u/erica/ScalingBluestreak by Erica Kaminski
12:10 u/erica/ScalingBluestreak edited by Erica Kaminski
12:09 u/erica/ScalingBluestreak edited by Erica Kaminski
12:07 u/erica/B10_NoShear edited by Erica Kaminski
12:06 u/erica/B10_NoShear created by Erica Kaminski
12:05 u/erica/B10_S60 edited by Erica Kaminski
10:01 Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims edited by madams


16:35 u/erica/CFRunStatsHighRes edited by Erica Kaminski
13:53 Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims edited by madams
13:46 Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims edited by madams
13:35 Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims edited by madams
13:33 Blog: A brief comparison considering cameras edited by madams
13:23 Blog: pnStudy: Jet velocity Vs Jet Radius edited by Baowei Liu
13:20 Blog: Meeting update created by Erica Kaminski
13:17 Blog: A brief comparison considering cameras edited by madams
13:16 Blog: pnStudy: Jet velocity Vs Jet Radius edited by Baowei Liu
13:08 3D_slice.gif attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/03/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
13:07 3D_slice.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/03/2014 - Eddie by ehansen
13:03 Blog: Meeting Update 11/03/2014 - Eddie created by ehansen
13:02 Blog: A brief comparison considering cameras edited by madams
12:57 Blog: pnStudy: Jet velocity Vs Jet Radius created by Baowei Liu
12:52 50_0.25_movie_chombo_0050.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:52 50_0.25_movie_chombo.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:52 50_0.25_movie_bov_0050.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:51 50_0.25_movie_bov.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:51 50_0.5_movie_chombo_0050.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:51 50_0.5_movie_chombo.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:51 50_0.5_movie_bov_0050.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:51 50_0.5_movie_bov.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:50 25_0.25_movie_chombo_0025.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:50 25_0.25_movie_chombo.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:50 25_0.25_movie_bov_0025.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:50 25_0.25_movie_bov.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:50 25_0.5_movie_chombo_0025.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:49 25_0.5_movie_chombo.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:48 25_0.5_movie_bov_0025.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:48 25_0.5_movie_bov.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
12:42 z0.gif attached to Blog: 3D Binary by Zhuo Chen
12:38 Blog: 3D Binary created by Zhuo Chen
12:33 Blog: Meeting Update 11/3/2014 edited by mehr
12:32 visit0014.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/3/2014 by mehr
12:32 visit0013.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/3/2014 by mehr
12:31 visit0012.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/3/2014 by mehr
12:30 visit0008.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/3/2014 by mehr
12:30 visit0007.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/3/2014 by mehr
12:30 visit0006.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/3/2014 by mehr
12:29 visit0002.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/3/2014 by mehr
12:29 visit0001.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/3/2014 by mehr
12:28 visit0000.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 11/3/2014 by mehr
12:27 Blog: Meeting Update 11/3/2014 created by mehr
10:06 Blog: A brief comparison considering cameras edited by madams
08:57 Blog: Figures Paper - updated edited by Erica Kaminski


19:03 Blog: A brief comparison considering cameras edited by madams
18:48 0.1_50_movie_chombo_0050.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:48 0.1_50_movie_chombo.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:48 0.1_50_movie_bov_0050.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:47 0.1_50_movie_bov.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:47 0.1_25_movie_chombo_0025.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:47 0.1_25_movie_chombo.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:47 0.1_25_movie_bov_0025.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:47 0.1_25_movie_bov.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:46 0.25_10_movie_chombo_0010.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:46 0.25_10_movie_chombo.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:46 0.25_10_movie_bov_0010.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:46 0.25_10_movie_bov.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:46 0.5_10_movie_chombo_0010.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:45 0.5_10_movie_chombo.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:45 0.5_10_movie_bov_0010.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:45 0.5_10_movie_bov.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:45 0.1_10_movie_chombo_0010.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:45 0.1_10_movie_chombo.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:45 0.1_10_movie_bov_0010.png attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:44 0.1_10_movie_bov.gif attached to Blog: A brief comparison considering frame and final times with camera sims by madams
18:44 Blog: A brief comparison (frame number versus final simulation time) considering camera velocity created by madams


13:08 u/mblank edited by Marvin Blank


15:44 u/erica/B10_S60 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:43 u/erica/B10_S60 edited by Erica Kaminski
15:43 B10_S60_mass2final.gif attached to u/erica/B10_S60 by Erica Kaminski
15:42 B10_S60_mass1final.gif attached to u/erica/B10_S60 by Erica Kaminski
15:41 u/erica/B10_S60 created by Erica Kaminski
15:02 Blog: Fly through test 2 edited by madams
14:55 flythroughtest2_0levs_chombo_0100.png attached to Blog: Fly through test 2 by madams
14:55 flythroughtest2_0levs_chombo.gif attached to Blog: Fly through test 2 by madams
0 levels of amr chombo gif
14:54 flythroughtest2_0levs_bov_0000.png attached to Blog: Fly through test 2 by madams
14:54 flythroughtest2_0levs_bov.gif attached to Blog: Fly through test 2 by madams
0 levels of amr fly through gif
14:47 Blog: Fly through test 2 edited by madams
14:37 flythroughtest2_bov.gif attached to Blog: Fly through test 2 by madams
fly through projection movie
14:37 flythroughtest2_bov_0000.png attached to Blog: Fly through test 2 by madams
fly through projection
14:37 flythroughtest2_chombo.gif attached to Blog: Fly through test 2 by madams
gif of chombo
14:36 flythroughtest2_2levs_chombo_0000.png attached to Blog: Fly through test 2 by madams
2 levels of amr chombo frame 0
14:35 Blog: Fly through test 2 created by madams


12:13 VisItAdvanced edited by madams
12:10 UserGuide edited by madams
12:10 VisItAdvanced created by madams
10:48 Blog: Fly through test 1 comment added by Erica Kaminski
My guess is it is just a wind because the simulation is 2D instead of 3D.
10:23 Blog: Fly through test 1 comment added by madams
Yes I used Projections. I posted the problem.f90 and .data files I …
10:22 problem.data attached to Blog: Fly through test 1 by madams
10:22 physics.data attached to Blog: Fly through test 1 by madams
10:22 global.data attached to Blog: Fly through test 1 by madams
10:22 problem.f90 attached to Blog: Fly through test 1 by madams
problem module used
10:16 Blog: Fly through test 1 edited by madams
10:14 flythroughtest1_chombo_0050.png attached to Blog: Fly through test 1 by madams
10:14 Blog: Fly through test 1 edited by madams
10:13 flythroughtest1_chombo.gif attached to Blog: Fly through test 1 by madams
10:12 flythrough1.gif attached to Blog: Fly through test 1 by madams


16:55 Blog: Fly through test 1 comment added by Erica Kaminski
Yes, her problem.f90 did have that. For the future Marissa, post your …
14:45 Blog: Fly through test 1 comment added by Baowei Liu
For the undefined reference error, does your problem.f90 have this …
14:40 Blog: Fly through test 1 edited by madams
14:37 flythroughtest10000.png attached to Blog: Fly through test 1 by madams
14:37 flythroughtest1.gif attached to Blog: Fly through test 1 by madams
14:36 Blog: Fly through test 1 created by madams
13:50 2damr_percentmassangmom.png attached to u/u/chaig/AngularMomentum2d by Christina Haig


15:54 Blog: pictures edited by Zhuo Chen
15:54 ProjectRuns edited by Baowei Liu
15:54 subplot.pdf attached to Blog: pictures by Zhuo Chen
15:53 escape3_6.pdf attached to Blog: pictures by Zhuo Chen
15:50 Blog: Adjusting profiles for planetary sims edited by Jonathan
15:50 Screen Shot 2014-10-28 at 3.47.29 PM.png attached to Blog: Adjusting profiles for planetary sims by Jonathan
15:49 Blog: Adjusting profiles for planetary sims created by Jonathan
15:08 Blog: Meeting Update 10/27/2014 comment added by Erica Kaminski
Can you attach the problem.f90 and .data files to this blog post?
15:03 Blog: Density and Pressure Protections edited by ehansen
15:01 Blog: Density and Pressure Protections created by ehansen
13:16 Blog: Figures for Christina's Runs edited by Erica Kaminski
12:59 Blog: Figures Paper - updated edited by Erica Kaminski
12:59 Blog: Figures Paper - updated edited by Erica Kaminski
12:58 Blog: Figures Paper - updated created by Erica Kaminski


13:44 Blog: pictures edited by Zhuo Chen
13:44 Blog: pictures edited by Zhuo Chen
13:35 Blog: pictures edited by Zhuo Chen
13:34 test020.pdf attached to Blog: pictures by Zhuo Chen
13:34 Blog: pictures created by Zhuo Chen
13:16 Blog: Meeting Update 10/27/2014 edited by madams
13:15 Screen Shot 2014-10-27 at 13.14.35.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 10/27/2014 by madams
13:15 Blog: Meeting Update 10/27/2014 created by madams
13:08 Blog: Meeting Update 10/27/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
13:04 gamma.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 10/27/2014 by mehr
13:04 Blog: Meeting Update 10/27/2014 edited by mehr
13:02 Blog: Meeting Update 10/27/2014 - Eddie edited by ehansen
13:00 Blog: Meeting Update 10/27/2014 - Eddie created by ehansen
12:52 rho.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 10/27/2014 by mehr
12:51 la.png attached to Blog: Meeting Update 10/27/2014 by mehr
12:51 Blog: Meeting Update 10/27/2014 created by mehr


19:22 u/u/chaig/AngularMomentum2d edited by Christina Haig
19:20 u/u/chaig/AngularMomentum2d edited by Christina Haig
19:19 u/u/chaig/AngularMomentum2d created by Christina Haig
19:15 u/chaig created by Christina Haig
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.