
matching tags


10:21 Blog: HD209458b: PlanetaryWind Tests edited by Baowei Liu
10:16 streamlines0076.png attached to Blog: HD209458b:Global Sims by Jonathan
10:16 streamlines.gif attached to Blog: HD209458b:Global Sims by Jonathan
10:15 Blog: HD209458b:Global Sims created by Jonathan


13:15 Blog: HD209458b: PlanetaryWind Tests edited by Baowei Liu
13:12 2AMR.png attached to Blog: HD209458b: PlanetaryWind Tests by Baowei Liu
13:12 1AMR.png attached to Blog: HD209458b: PlanetaryWind Tests by Baowei Liu
12:33 Blog: Meeting Update edited by Jonathan
10:20 Blog: Meeting Update edited by Jonathan
09:58 Blog: Meeting update edited by Jonathan
09:56 Blog: Meeting update edited by Jonathan
09:55 Blog: HD209458b: PlanetaryWind Tests created by Baowei Liu
09:55 Blog: Meeting update edited by Jonathan
09:54 lines0046.png attached to Blog: Meeting update by Jonathan
09:53 lines.gif attached to Blog: Meeting update by Jonathan


13:29 Blog: Meeting update edited by Jonathan
13:29 Blog: Meeing update edited by Jonathan
13:28 density-3.gif attached to Blog: Meeting update by Jonathan
13:28 Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 5.48.40 PM.png attached to Blog: Meeting update by Jonathan
13:27 Blog: Meeing update created by Jonathan
12:57 Blog: Update 09/21/2015 - Eddie edited by ehansen
12:11 Blog: The argument of binarity and others edited by Zhuo Chen
12:07 Blog: The argument of binarity and others edited by Zhuo Chen
12:01 Blog: The argument of binarity edited by Zhuo Chen
11:49 Blog: The argument of binarity created by Zhuo Chen
11:46 g1.4_d6.5_lowM.gif attached to Blog: Update 09/21/2015 - Eddie by ehansen
11:46 g1.4_d6.5_lowM.png attached to Blog: Update 09/21/2015 - Eddie by ehansen
11:40 g1.4_d6_lowM.gif attached to Blog: Update 09/21/2015 - Eddie by ehansen
11:39 g1.4_d6_lowM.png attached to Blog: Update 09/21/2015 - Eddie by ehansen
11:36 Blog: Update 09/21/2015 - Eddie edited by ehansen
11:21 Blog: Update 09/21/2015 - Eddie edited by ehansen
11:20 g1.4_d5_lowM.gif attached to Blog: Update 09/21/2015 - Eddie by ehansen
11:19 g1.4_d5_lowM.png attached to Blog: Update 09/21/2015 - Eddie by ehansen
11:19 g1.4_d4.5_lowM.gif attached to Blog: Update 09/21/2015 - Eddie by ehansen
11:18 g1.4_d4.5_lowM.png attached to Blog: Update 09/21/2015 - Eddie by ehansen
11:18 machstemsummary.png attached to Blog: Update 09/21/2015 - Eddie by ehansen
11:18 Blog: Update 09/21/2015 - Eddie created by ehansen
11:10 Blog: HD209458b: PlanetaryWind edited by Baowei Liu


16:18 Blog: First testing Astrobear result edited by likuntian
16:17 movie0003.png attached to Blog: First testing Astrobear result by likuntian
16:17 Blog: First testing Astrobear result created by likuntian
13:34 u/bliu/multiPhysics edited by Baowei Liu
11:30 u/bliu/multiPhysics edited by Baowei Liu


17:19 Blog: HD209458b: PlanetaryWind edited by Baowei Liu
10:07 Blog: HD209458b: PlanetaryWind created by Baowei Liu


09:32 Blog: Fiducial parameters for HD209458b edited by Jonathan
09:32 Blog: Fiducial parameters for HD209458b edited by Jonathan
09:30 Blog: Fiducial parameters for HD209458b edited by Jonathan
09:30 Screen Shot 2015-09-16 at 9.25.37 AM.png attached to Blog: Fiducial parameters for HD209458b by Jonathan
09:30 Blog: Fiducial parameters for HD209458b edited by Jonathan
09:18 Blog: Fiducial parameters for HD209458b edited by Jonathan
09:12 Blog: Fiducial parameters for HD209458b edited by Jonathan
09:12 Screen Shot 2015-09-16 at 9.09.20 AM.png attached to Blog: Fiducial parameters for HD209458b by Jonathan
09:05 Blog: Fiducial parameters for HD209458b edited by Jonathan


17:48 Blog: Fiducial parameters for HD209458b edited by Jonathan
17:48 Blog: Fiducial parameters for HD209458b edited by Jonathan
17:43 Blog: Fiducial parameters for HD209458b created by Jonathan
15:33 u/bliu/PlanetaryWind edited by Baowei Liu


12:35 Blog: Turbulent Wire Update edited by Jonathan
12:34 Projections.2.gif attached to Blog: Turbulent Wire Update by Jonathan
12:33 Projections0038.png attached to Blog: Turbulent Wire Update by Jonathan
12:33 Projections.gif attached to Blog: Turbulent Wire Update by Jonathan
12:33 Projections0138.png attached to Blog: Turbulent Wire Update by Jonathan
12:32 Blog: Turbulent Wire Update created by Jonathan
11:41 runEerr.png attached to Blog: Update 09/14/2015 - Eddie by ehansen
11:40 runEframe30err.png attached to Blog: Update 09/14/2015 - Eddie by ehansen
11:40 runEframe15err.png attached to Blog: Update 09/14/2015 - Eddie by ehansen
11:39 Blog: Update 09/14/2015 - Eddie created by ehansen


14:58 Blog: Meeting Update edited by Jonathan
14:48 Blog: Meeting Update comment added by Jonathan
Which I guess is what happens with the Stone and Proga type BC's


14:01 Blog: Meeting Update edited by Jonathan
14:00 parker.jpg attached to Blog: Meeting Update by Jonathan
14:00 Blog: Meeting Update comment added by Jonathan
Yes - for a fixed and , a smaller would mean a …
11:41 Blog: Timescale for the inwards migration of the circumnuclear disk's inner rim -- Marvin created by Marvin Blank
10:21 Blog: Meeting Update comment added by Adam Frank
So smaller r_p would mean a higher \rho_p since we would be driving …


15:59 Blog: Meeting Update created by Jonathan
15:59 HD20etc.jpg attached to Blog: Poster Child for Evaporating Planets: by Adam Frank
15:59 Blog: Poster Child for Evaporating Planets: created by Adam Frank
15:57 L2pupSED.png attached to Blog: SED by Zhuo Chen
15:57 Blog: SED created by Zhuo Chen
15:52 Blog: OutflowWind: planetary wind with cooling edited by Baowei Liu
15:51 high_res_refine.png attached to Blog: OutflowWind: planetary wind with cooling by Baowei Liu
Grid refinement for 2 levels of AMR
15:43 Blog: Setting Initial Conditions for Planet Wind Calculations comment added by Alice Quillen
Some parameters for two well known systems ||=parameter …
15:36 Blog: Meeting update created by Erica Kaminski
15:13 Blog: OutflowWind: planetary wind with cooling created by Baowei Liu


12:54 phi.m attached to PlanetaryAtmospheres by Jonathan
12:54 mypsi.m attached to PlanetaryAtmospheres by Jonathan
12:53 calcvars.m attached to PlanetaryAtmospheres by Jonathan
12:53 PlanetaryAtmospheres edited by Jonathan


17:18 PlanetaryAtmospheres edited by Jonathan


17:27 PlanetaryAtmospheres edited by Jonathan
16:24 Blog: OutflowWind: planetary wind only (large window and low-res) edited by Baowei Liu
15:42 Blog: OutflowWind: planetary wind only (large window and low-res) edited by Baowei Liu
15:31 Blog: OutflowWind: planetary wind only (large window and low-res) edited by Baowei Liu
15:30 Blog: OutflowWind: planetary wind only (large window and low-res) edited by Baowei Liu
15:28 PlanetaryAtmospheres edited by Jonathan
15:15 PlanetaryAtmospheres edited by Jonathan
14:58 PlanetaryAtmospheres edited by Jonathan
14:41 Blog: OutflowWind: planetary wind only (large window and low-res) edited by Baowei Liu
14:35 Blog: OutflowWind: planetary wind only (large window and low-res) created by Baowei Liu
13:34 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
13:33 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
12:54 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
12:53 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
12:53 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
11:56 PlanetaryAtmospheres edited by Jonathan
11:54 PlanetaryAtmospheres edited by Jonathan
11:37 PlanetaryAtmospheres edited by Jonathan


18:01 PlanetaryAtmospheres edited by Jonathan
17:47 PlanetaryAtmospheres edited by Jonathan
17:46 PlanetaryAtmospheres edited by Jonathan
15:54 PlanetaryAtmospheres edited by Jonathan
14:46 Blog: How to handle particles, outflows, and point gravity objects edited by Jonathan
14:46 Blog: How to handle particles, outflows, and point gravity objects edited by Jonathan


20:58 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
20:49 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
17:52 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
17:52 L2pupSEDsuperpo.png attached to Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths by Zhuo Chen
17:49 n4.05um.png attached to Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths by Zhuo Chen
17:49 n2.17um.png attached to Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths by Zhuo Chen
17:49 n1.24um.png attached to Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths by Zhuo Chen
17:49 n0.65um.png attached to Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths by Zhuo Chen
17:48 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
16:15 PlanetaryAtmospheres edited by Jonathan
12:15 PlanetaryAtmospheres edited by Jonathan
12:02 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
11:55 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
11:53 pyroxene.png attached to Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths by Zhuo Chen
11:53 olivine.png attached to Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths by Zhuo Chen
11:51 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
11:51 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
11:48 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
11:46 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
11:44 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
11:43 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths edited by Zhuo Chen
11:38 Blog: SED and pictures at specific wavelengths created by Zhuo Chen


08:37 Blog: How to handle particles, outflows, and point gravity objects created by Jonathan


14:01 Blog: OutflowWind: Co-rot planetary wind edited by Baowei Liu
12:56 Blog: 3D Clumpy Paper Figures edited by ehansen
12:55 Memissfig.png attached to Blog: 3D Clumpy Paper Figures by ehansen
12:55 Mdensfig.png attached to Blog: 3D Clumpy Paper Figures by ehansen
12:55 GHIfig.png attached to Blog: 3D Clumpy Paper Figures by ehansen
12:55 Kemisssangles.png attached to Blog: 3D Clumpy Paper Figures by ehansen
12:54 Kemissfig.png attached to Blog: 3D Clumpy Paper Figures by ehansen
12:54 Kdensfig.png attached to Blog: 3D Clumpy Paper Figures by ehansen
12:54 ADfig.png attached to Blog: 3D Clumpy Paper Figures by ehansen
12:54 ABCfig.png attached to Blog: 3D Clumpy Paper Figures by ehansen
12:53 Eemissenlarged2.png attached to Blog: 3D Clumpy Paper Figures by ehansen
12:53 Eemissfig.png attached to Blog: 3D Clumpy Paper Figures by ehansen
12:53 Edensfig.png attached to Blog: 3D Clumpy Paper Figures by ehansen
12:52 Blog: 3D Clumpy Paper Figures created by ehansen
11:46 Blog: OutflowWind: Co-rot planetary wind edited by Baowei Liu
11:45 Blog: OutflowWind: Co-rot planetary wind created by Baowei Liu
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.