
matching tags


18:22 Blog: Update: Trying AMR, extending the profile, exploring fluctuations, including velocity-damping edited by Luke


15:34 u/bliu/postProcessing edited by Baowei Liu
15:22 Blog: Meeting Update --3/23/17 edited by Baowei Liu
15:22 Blog: Meeting Update --3/23/17 created by Baowei Liu
15:15 u/bliu/postProcessing edited by Baowei Liu
15:02 u/bliu/postProcessing edited by Baowei Liu
15:00 Blog: Meeting Update edited by Jonathan
15:00 Blog: Meeting Update created by Jonathan
14:34 Blog: Update: Trying AMR, extending the profile, exploring fluctuations, including velocity-damping edited by Luke
14:23 Blog: Update: Trying AMR, extending the profile, exploring fluctuations, including velocity-damping created by Luke
13:19 volume_rendering.pdf attached to Blog: Update 3/23 by adebrech
13:18 Blog: Update 3/23 edited by adebrech
13:17 cyl_density_over_time.pdf attached to Blog: Update 3/23 by adebrech
13:17 Blog: Update 3/23 edited by adebrech
13:13 cyl_density_over_time0000.ps attached to Blog: Update 3/23 by adebrech
13:13 Blog: Update 3/23 created by adebrech


13:31 u/johannjc/scratchpad24 edited by Jonathan
12:30 u/johannjc/scratchpad24 edited by Jonathan


17:19 u/johannjc/scratchpad24 edited by Jonathan
14:49 u/johannjc/scratchpad24 edited by Jonathan
13:44 u/johannjc/scratchpad24 created by Jonathan


11:51 Blog: Mapping a modified RGB profile to the grid: Increasing time, resolution, or box size, and smoothing P at the surface comment added by Luke
Good points. I agree that fluctuations on short time scales may be …


15:51 ExactSolver.tar attached to u/adebrech/code by adebrech
15:48 u/adebrech/code edited by adebrech
15:47 u/adebrech/code edited by adebrech
15:06 u/adebrech edited by adebrech


16:59 u/bliu/wireTurbulence edited by Baowei Liu
16:50 u/bliu/wireTurbulence edited by Baowei Liu
16:20 u/bliu/wireTurbulence edited by Baowei Liu
16:16 u/bliu/wireTurbulence edited by Baowei Liu


19:18 u/adebrech/code edited by adebrech
19:09 test5.mp4 attached to u/adebrech/code by adebrech
19:09 test4.mp4 attached to u/adebrech/code by adebrech
19:08 test3.mp4 attached to u/adebrech/code by adebrech
19:08 test2.mp4 attached to u/adebrech/code by adebrech
19:08 test1.mp4 attached to u/adebrech/code by adebrech
18:21 u/adebrech/code edited by adebrech
17:13 u/adebrech/code edited by adebrech
14:41 u/adebrech/code created by adebrech


13:51 u/johannjc/scratchpad23 edited by Jonathan
13:50 Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 1.46.55 PM.png attached to u/johannjc/scratchpad23 by Jonathan
13:50 u/johannjc/scratchpad23 edited by Jonathan
13:33 Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 1.23.42 PM.png attached to u/johannjc/scratchpad23 by Jonathan
13:32 u/johannjc/scratchpad23 edited by Jonathan
13:28 Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 1.25.18 PM.png attached to u/johannjc/scratchpad23 by Jonathan
13:28 Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 1.17.49 PM.2.png attached to u/johannjc/scratchpad23 by Jonathan
13:28 Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 1.20.19 PM.png attached to u/johannjc/scratchpad23 by Jonathan
13:28 Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 1.21.28 PM.png attached to u/johannjc/scratchpad23 by Jonathan
13:28 Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 1.17.49 PM.png attached to u/johannjc/scratchpad23 by Jonathan
13:27 u/johannjc/scratchpad23 edited by Jonathan
10:47 Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 10.43.24 AM.png attached to u/johannjc/scratchpad23 by Jonathan
10:46 u/johannjc/scratchpad23 edited by Jonathan
10:39 Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 10.35.08 AM.png attached to u/johannjc/scratchpad23 by Jonathan
10:38 u/johannjc/scratchpad23 edited by Jonathan


19:26 Blog: Mapping a modified RGB profile to the grid: Increasing time, resolution, or box size, and smoothing P at the surface comment added by blackman
Great that you have explored all these avenues. One general point …


21:37 Blog: Mapping a modified RGB profile to the grid: Increasing time, resolution, or box size, and smoothing P at the surface edited by Luke
09:23 Blog: Mapping a modified RGB profile to the grid: Increasing time, resolution, or box size, and smoothing P at the surface created by Luke


15:10 Czarships/NewUsers/AskingForCode edited by Baowei Liu
15:09 Czarships/NewUsers/AskingForCode edited by Baowei Liu
10:05 Blog: 3D volume rendering movies for "Hot Planet Winds Near a Star" edited by Jonathan
10:04 FlowTexture.mp4 attached to Blog: 3D volume rendering movies for "Hot Planet Winds Near a Star" by Jonathan
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.