Changes between Version 24 and Version 25 of 1DPulsedJets

02/17/12 09:41:26 (13 years ago)


  • 1DPulsedJets

    v24 v25  
    9090Global Data:
    9191Domain length = 30 AU
    92 Final time = 0.01 (computational units)
     92Final time = 1.7 (computational units)
    94 Note that these runs feature a stationary ambient, and they do not include MHD or jet perturbations.
    95 In order to make some predictions based on these initial parameters, we need some equations...
     94Note that these runs feature a stationary ambient, and they do not include MHD or jet perturbations.  To get an idea of the form of the shock waves that are produced, here is a lineout of velocity:
     98Now in order to make some predictions based on these initial parameters, we need some equations...
    97100==== Important Equations ====
    136139A rate of 4.7863x10^-22^ was used, which is fairly consistent with Dalgarno !McCray.  So if we have a domain that is 30 AU and we want 10 cells per cooling length, then we would need a resolution of about 94 cells.  That doesn't seem too bad, so I will round up to 100 and start from there.
    138 ==== Simulations ====
     141==== Results ====
    139142Here we look at what post-shock temperature the simulation gives as a function of the effective resolution.  The effective resolution = (# cells) x 2^(# AMR levels)^.  For Tps I will use the highest temperature that I get from the simulation.
    140143||= Effective Resolution =||= cells/lcool =||= Tps (10^3^ K) =||
    145148||= 1600 =||= 170.85 =||= =||
    146149||= 3200 =||= 341.70 =||= =||
     150And in a graphical form, the table looks like this:
     154So the big question is, why does it appear that we need way more resolution (about 100x more) than is predicted from the cooling length?