197 | | I've made some lineouts of density, velocity, pressure, and temperature to get a better understanding of how the simulation is interpreting the shock structure. Every image is taken at the middle of the simulation. The solid black line is density, dashed blue is velociity, dotted green is pressure, and dash/dot red is temperature. Everything is in computational units, and it's plotted on a log scale. The structure is more difficult to see in the cooling cases, so I included some magnified images for those two cases. |
| 197 | I've made some lineouts of density, velocity, pressure, and temperature to get a better understanding of how the simulation is interpreting the shock structure. Every image is taken at the middle of the simulation for the highest resolution run. The solid black line is density, dashed blue is velociity, dotted green is pressure, and dash/dot red is temperature. Everything is in computational units, and it's plotted on a log scale. The structure is more difficult to see in the cooling cases, so I included some magnified images for those two cases. |