Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of AccretionDiskTutorial

08/29/12 10:54:04 (12 years ago)


  • AccretionDiskTutorial

    v18 v19  
    88These directions assume that you are able to compile a problem, in case you have never compiled AstroBEAR check the page [ How to Build AstroBEAR 2.0] [[BR]]
    10 In order to set up a simple accretion disk simulation proceed to select the BasicDisk problem in the modules folder,
     10In order to set up a simple accretion disk simulation proceed to select the !BasicDisk problem in the modules folder,
    1111this can be done by typing the following commands in the astrobear root directory:
    2828At his point you should start to get familiar with some of the elements in the image above:
    29 - GxBounds: the boundaries of the plot, namely the physical boundaries of the simulation
     29- !GxBounds: the boundaries of the plot, namely the physical boundaries of the simulation
    3030- Radius: the radius of the disk
    3131- Height: the height of the disk
    3232- Ambient: the blue portion of the plot, it represents the area around the disk
    33 - PointGravity: a point mass located at the center of the disk
     33- !PointGravity: a point mass located at the center of the disk
    3535'''Note''': Numerical values reported by Visit are in computational units, '''' contains the scales values needed to translate computational units to physical units.
    3737== Initial Conditions ==
    39 Now you can proceed to examine '''' contained in the '''BasicDisk''' folder.
     39Now you can proceed to examine '''' contained in the ''!BasicDisk'' folder.
    4040The default file contains a list of initial conditions that can be changed depending on the user's needs, let's analyze some of them
    5959                     10.d0
     62[[CollapsibleStart(Setting pressure)]]
    6267== Scales ==
    107112- Increased softening radius: the force of gravity has a lower value at r=0 compared to the previous case
    109 Astrobear provides different softening techniques such as SplineSoft and PlummerSoft, the user can set the softening function depending on the simulation needs.
     114Astrobear provides different softening techniques such as !SplineSoft and !PlummerSoft, the user can set the softening function depending on the simulation needs.
    111116'''Warning: ''' It is good practice to keep the soft_radius between .1 and .3. Failure to do so may result in undesired outcomes.
    124 MaxLevel regulates the maximum amount of AMR levels, while GmX sets the number of cells in a fixed grid array.[[BR]]
     129!MaxLevel regulates the maximum amount of AMR levels, while GmX sets the number of cells in a fixed grid array.[[BR]][[BR]]
    125130'''Warning:''' contains another array entry, ''Domain%mGlobal'' which should usually be set to (1, 1, 1, GmX(1), GmX(2), GmX(3)), changing Gmx without modifying Domain%mGlobal as well could lead to instabilities.
    131136[[Image(visit0040.png, 400px)]]
    133 A subroutine named ''ProblemSetErrFlag'' in ''problem.f90'' is responsible for marking the regions for refinement in our Disk module and giving the Mesh the pattern seen above. [[BR]]
     138A subroutine named ''!ProblemSetErrFlag'' in ''problem.f90'' is responsible for marking the regions for refinement in our Disk module and giving the Mesh the pattern seen above. [[BR]]
    134139Depending on the initial conditions of a specific run it may be the case that a disk undergoes gravitational collapse and its boundaries can expand within reasonable limits. This event can cause a significant part of the disk to outflow the refined area, and a consequential loss of information.
    136 ''ProblemSetErrFlag'' can be altered to address this issue, changing
     141''!ProblemSetErrFlag'' can be altered to address this issue, changing
    157162== Mach Number ==
    159 When setting up a new simulation it is good practice to check that the Mach values are below a certain threshold, in most of computational simulation this value is ~60. [[BR]] Values above this threshold may create difficulties in evolving a model and therefore create computational errors.
    160 [[BR]]
    161 To plot the Mach numbers in Visit you can check the [ Visit page] and locate Mach in the Chombo expressions list [[BR]]
     164When setting up a new simulation it is good practice to check that the Mach values are below a certain threshold, in most of computational simulation this value is ~60. [[BR]][[BR]] Values above this threshold may create difficulties in evolving a model and therefore create computational errors.
     166To plot the Mach numbers in Visit you can check the [ Visit page] and locate Mach in the Chombo expressions list [[BR]][[BR]]
    162167The plot below represents a disk simulation that respects the limits stated above:[[BR]]
    163168[[Image(mach.png, 500px)]]