
Version 12 (modified by idilernia, 12 years ago) ( diff )

Setting up an accretion disk simulation in Astrobear 2.0

Modules and Files

These directions assume that you are able to compile a problem, in case you have never compiled AstroBEAR check the page How to Build AstroBEAR 2.0

In order to set up a simple accretion disk simulation proceed to select the BasicDisk problem in the modules folder, this can be done by typing the following commands in the astrobear root directory:

cd modules
ln -s BasicDisk Problem

After compilation, you need to be able to run the AstroBEAR executable, a tutorial for this procedure can be found at How to Run AstroBEAR 2.0 page.

Warning: It is good practice to delete from the problem folder before executing AstroBEAR for the first time, failure to do so will likely result in execution errors.

Getting familiar with the module

After checking that the disk module compiles and runs without any issues, you can examine the chombo files created by the first run of this module.

If you have no experience on visualization tools, the page VisIt Basics is a good resource to learn the basics of it.

The following image is a density plot of the disk at time t=0, a log scale has been applied to the perpendicular and parallel slices.

At his point you should start to get familiar with some of the elements in the image above:

  • GxBounds: the boundaries of the plot, namely the physical boundaries of the simulation
  • Radius: the radius of the disk
  • Height: the height of the disk
  • Ambient: the blue portion of the plot, it represents the area around the disk
  • PointGravity: a point mass located at the center of the disk

Initial Conditions

Now you can proceed to examine contained in the BasicDisk folder. The default file contains an array of field that can be changed depending on the user's needs, let's analyze some of them

ddensity=1d0 disk density
adensity=0.001d0 ambient density
dtemp=1d4 disk temperature
atemp=6d6 ambient temperature
radius=2e10 disk radius
height=5e9 disk height
mass=.6d-1 central particle mass

Sometimes it can be useful to change the size of the physical boundaries of the simulation, this can be done by modifying the section below contained in

GxBounds          = -10.d0,         ! Problem boundaries in computational units.
                    -10.d0,         ! format: (xlower, ylower, zlower, xupper, yupper, zupper)
                    -10.d0,         ! For 2D problems, set zlower and zupper to 0.d0.


Scales are parameters that can actively affect the outcome of a simulation. contains a section dedicated to the setting of scales:

nScale          =       0.0,    ! number density scale parameter [particles/cc] 
rScale          =       1d0,    ! density scale [g/cc], nScale is ignored !!! NOTE: if = 0 then nScale is used to find rScale
TempScale       =       1000d0, ! temperature scale parameter [Kelvin]
pScale          =       0.0,    ! pressure scale [dynes/cm^2], TempScale is ignored !!! NOTE: if = 0 then TempScale is used to find pScale
lScale          =       .5e10   ! length scale parameter [cm] (defines 1 computational unit!!!)

It is good practice to adapt the scales to the specific needs of a simulation, let's see an example:
In the code listed in the Initial Conditions section we set the disk radius to be 2e10cm, with that, we set our length scale parameter (lScale) to be .5e10cm
this will result in Rdisk/lScale = 4.


Softening is a numerical trick commonly used in simulations to prevent divergences when a value comes close to another and the force of gravity goes to infinity.
In our case, as the radius of the disk gets smaller, the force of gravity is approximated to a well defined value. provides a field in which the user can set the preferred softening parameter:

soft_radius=.333d0 !diks radii
soft_function=2  !NOSOFT=0, SPLINESOFT=1, PLUMMERSOFT=2

The plot below shows 3 different scenarios:

  • No Softening: the force of gravity goes to infinity as the radius decreases
  • Softening enabled: the force of gravity has a well defined value at r=0
  • Increased softening radius: the force of gravity has a lower value at r=0 compared to the previous case

Astrobear provides different softening techniques such as SplineSoft and PlummerSoft, the user can set the softening function depending on the simulation needs.

Warning: It is good practice to keep the soft_radius between .1 and .3. Failure to do so may result in undesired outcomes.

Fixed grid to AMR

Mach Number

MHD and Solvers

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