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| 209 | Updated 11/21/2011[[BR]][[BR]] |
| 210 | The Morphological Evolution of beta = 0.1 Magnetized Clump:[[BR]] |
| 211 | The second row shows the magnetic beta (inverted), the purple region is where beta < 1. [[BR]][[BR]] |
| 212 | [[Image(http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/1121/ClumpMorph.png, 50%)]][[BR]][[BR]] |
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| 214 | The shocked hydro clump vs the shocked magnetized clump. The magnetized clump develops a bump at the clump head.[[BR]][[BR]] |
| 215 | [[Image(http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/1121/ClumpShockInteraction.png, 50%)]][[BR]][[BR]] |
| 216 | Another look at the clump shape after shock.[[BR]][[BR]] |
| 217 | [[Image(http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/1121/ClumpContour.png, 50%)]][[BR]][[BR]] |
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| 219 | [[Image(http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/MC50/MCH001.png, 50%)]][[BR]][[BR]] |
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| 221 | Some animations:[[BR]][[BR]] |
| 222 | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/1121/MC001.gif Animation: Clump Morph Density][[BR]] |
| 223 | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/1121/MF001.gif Animation: Clump Morph Field][[BR]] |
| 224 | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/1121/MB001.gif Animation: Clump Morph Inverse Beta][[BR]] |
| 225 | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/1121/HC_M10.gif Animation: Hydro Clump Shock Interaction][[BR]] |
| 226 | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/1121/MC010_M10.gif Animation: MHD Clump Shock Interaction][[BR]] |
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