| 256 | [[BR]][[BR]] |
| 257 | Updated 12/12/2011[[BR]][[BR]] |
| 258 | Clump non shock evolution, field streamlines [[BR]][[BR]] |
| 259 | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/1212/clumpfield.gif Animation: Field Lines with Density Contour)][[BR]][[BR]] |
| 260 | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/1212/cloudbg0.gif Animation: Clump Density (with mach 10 shock, cooling, no field)][[BR]][[BR]] |
| 261 | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/1212/cloudbg1.gif Animation: Clump Density (with mach 10 shock cooling, with field: min beta = 1.0)][[BR]][[BR]] |
| 262 | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/1212/cloudbg2.gif Animation: Clump Density (with mach 10 shock cooling, with field: min beta = 10.0)][[BR]][[BR]] |
| 263 | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/1212/cloudbg3.gif Animation: Clump Density (with mach 3 shock cooling, with field: min beta = 1.0)][[BR]][[BR]] |
| 264 | [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~shuleli/1212/cloudbg4.gif Animation: Clump Density (with mach 3 shock cooling, with field: min beta = 10.0)][[BR]][[BR]] |
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