Changes between Version 27 and Version 28 of AstroBearProjects/resistiveMHD

01/28/13 00:52:32 (12 years ago)
Shule Li


  • AstroBearProjects/resistiveMHD

    v27 v28  
    2626In AstoBEAR, we explicitly calculate the resistivity induced current on the cell edges, following equation: [[BR]]
    2727[[latex(\textbf{J} = \eta \nabla \times \textbf{B})]] [[BR]]
    28 The magnetic field is represented by the aux field, which is centered on the cell faces. Its curl therefore reside on the cell edges. Here is an example on [[BR]]
    29 calculating the diffusive current on the x direction, notice that the red arrow is where we are calculating the diffusive current, the green arrows are [[BR]]
    30 where the magnetic field originally resides: [[BR]]
    31 [[Image(resistive_diagram.png, 30%)]] [[BR]]
     28The stencil for this explicit solver is a 3 by 3 cube surrounding the cell we want to update. The magnetic field is represented by the aux field, which is [[BR]]
     29centered on the cell faces. Its curl therefore reside on the cell edges. Here is an example on calculating the diffusive current on the x direction, notice [[BR]]
     30that the red arrow is where we are calculating the diffusive current, the green arrows are where the magnetic field originally resides: [[BR]]
     31[[Image(resistive_diagram.png, 20%)]] [[Image(, 30%)]] [[BR]]
    3232The actual code looks like the following in 2D (jy are initialized to 1): [[BR]]
    148148Notice that in our island formation problem, the perturbation is anti-symmetric about the center. So the density pattern is also anti-symmetric. It is trivial to use [[BR]]
    149149a symmetric perturbation in order to obtain a symmetric island pattern. [[BR]]
     151'''Microphysical Resistivity'''
     153In cgs units, the real magnetic diffusivity can be written as:[[BR]]
     155[[latex(\eta = c^2/4\pi \sigma)]]
     157where sigma is the material conductivity which depends on the electron-ion collision rate mu which in term depends on the electron temperature to the three halves. [[BR]]
     158The cross field diffusivity can thus be expressed as function of electron temperature if we assume the plasma is fully ionized:[[BR]]
     160[[latex(\eta = 8.2243 \times 10^5 Z_{eff} F(Z_{eff}) \ln \Lambda T_{e}^{-3/2})]]
     162where T is the electron temperature in eV, Zeff is the effective ion charge.The Coulomb logarithm for interested number density is plotted below: [[BR]]
     163[[Image(, 30%)]][[BR]]
     166Here, T is the same as before, n is the electron number density in the units of per cubic centimeter. F is a function of effective ion charge:[[BR]][[BR]]
     168[[latex(F(Z) = \frac{1+1.198Z+0.222Z^2}{1+2.996Z+0.753Z^2})]][[BR]][[BR]]
     170Since the electron's maxwellian will be distorted when there is a strong outer magnetic field applied, the realistic resistivity can depend on the local field orientation. [[BR]]
     171The anisotropicity is around 2 for the parallel and cross field resistivity. This requires the electron mean free path to be much longer than the gyroradius under such a field: [[BR]]
     172[[latex(R_B << \lambda_{mfp})]][[BR]][[BR]]
     173or, the gyro frequency to be much greater than the mean electron ion collision frequency. [[BR]]
     174This effect is not considered currently. [[BR]][[BR]]
     176'''How to Turn on Different Types of Resistivity'''
     178Currently in the code, the microphysical resistivity gets calculated at each cell edges by averaging the temperatures and density information surrounding that edge. [[BR]]
     179The resistive source term can be turned on in astrobear by putting the resistive flag to true:[[BR]]
     181lResistive     = .false.    ! Turns on resistivity [.false.]
     183The second parameter '''ResType''' determines which type of resistivity one requires: 1 for constant computational resistivity; 2 for artificial resistivity, 3 for microphysical
     184resistivity. [[BR]]
     186ResType        = 2          ! Resistivity type. 1-constant, 2-user defined distribution, 3-Spitzer. [1]
     188The third parameter '''resistivity''' is the user defined constant resistivity. When ResType = 2, the resistivity is determined by the routine "realResistivity". The [[BR]]
     189distribution can be manually determined. In this routine, all variables are in computational units. If ResType = 3, the resistivity is microphysical and is automatically [[BR]]
     190calculated using the scaling parameters. the "resistivity" parameter will be ignored. [[BR]]
     192resistivity    = 1.2d-1     ! resistivity value [0d0]
     194The F function gets calculated automatically via and is a global const. If ResType = 3, The microphysical resistivity automatically scales with the input scaling parameter.[[BR]]