Version 39 (modified by 13 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
University Collaborators and Computing Systems
- University of Rochester, Computational Astrophysics Group
- Bluehive: 100 dual quad-core compute nodes with 16GB RAM per node (minimum 2GB RAM per core).
- Bluegene/P: 1,024 quad-core nodes with 2GB RAM per node (min. 0.5GB RAM per core).
- Rice University, Laboratory Astrophysics Group
- STIC: 90 dual quad-core compute nodes with 12GB RAM per node (min. 1.5GB RAM per core).
- University of Minnesota, Computational Astrophysics Group
- University of North Carolina, Physics and Astronomy, Applied Mathematics
- kure: 122 dual quad-core nodes with 48 GB RAM per node (max. 6 GB RAM per core)
AstroBEAR Projects
The following is a sample of projects involving or incorporating AstroBEAR. Many if not all of these projects are ongoing, so anyone interested in a particular project should contact the individual or group working on that project.
Newer projects are listed first.
Structure, Stability, and Dynamics of Bonner Ebert Spheres (Erica. University of Rochester)
- Exploring the structure and stability (hydrostatic, rotational, magnetic) of Bonner Ebert spheres, and the conditions that trigger their gravitational collapse.
Supersonic colliding clouds and star formation (Christina, Jonathan. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
- Studying star formation at the edge of colliding flows in large cloud formations. Exploring the effects of NTSI, thermal instability, and shear flows on star formation rates in these regions.
- Module Explanation
Bow shock/bow shock Interactions 1: the Formation of Mach Stems (Kris. University of Rochester)
- Recent HST images of Herbig-Haro (HH) objects suggest that certain locations of bright emission are not indicative of high densities (i.e., radiating knots), but rather so-called Mach stems. These features can appear at the intersection between two oblique shocks, such as two close bow shocks. We seek to better understand this phenomenon through numerical investigation.
Bow shock/bow shock Interactions 2: Morphological and Emission Signatures of Clump Collisions (Kris. University of Rochester)
- While much work has been done studying the phenomenon of an astrophysical jet impinging on one or more clumps, less work has been devoted to the interaction of two clumps themselves. We therefore seek to extend previous work and investigate the morphological differences of, for example, a head-on collision versus an overtaking one.
The Morphological Impact of Cooling on Turbulence (Jonathan, Kris. University of Rochester)
- Cooling is known to be operative in many astrophysical environments. Recent HST observations suggest that regions close to Herbig-Haro (HH) objects may be turbulent. Since the emission in these regions comes from hot, shocked gas, radiative cooling also must play a role. We therefore are investigating the implications of cooling being operative in a turbulent environment.
Mapping Out Cooling Regimes for Shocked Clumps (Jonathan, Sean, Kris. University of Rochester)
- Despite the prevalence of radiative cooling in astrophysical systems, researchers including its effects in their studies may not consider its role in detail beyond a brief consideration of timescales. We therefore offer a systematic study based on the shocked-clump scenario. We discuss the regimes of cooling which may occur, depending on parameters, in which the bow shock and transmitted shock cool at varying speeds. We demonstrate that this variance has a great impact on the morphology and evolution of the clump as it is destroyed and mixed into the post-shock flow.
Turbulence in Molecular Clouds (Jonathan. University of Rochester)
- The dependence of turbulence on stellar jets is being investigated. One open-ended question concerns the apparent longevity of turbulence, namely, "Can jets impart sufficient kinetic energy to support the observed turbulence spectrum?"
Clumpy Jets (Kris. University of Rochester)
- Modelling Herbig-Haro objects which either display inherent "clumpyness" or become disrupted due to interaction with a "clumpy" medium.
Nested Winds (Martin. University of Rochester)
- Modelling two-wind interaction from planetary nebulae.
Ablative RT (Shule, Kris. University of Rochester)
- Modelling multi-mode perturbation 3D Rayleigh-Taylor instability with ablation effects. The Linear System Solver was previously used to handle heat conduction/diffusion effects, and the nonlinear dependence on temperature is suitable for laboratory experiments. When HYPRE is fully integrated into AstroBEAR, it will handle the diffusion process.
MHD Clumps (Erica, Brandon, everyone. University of Rochester)
- Studying inhomogeneous clumps in the interstellar medium, with embedded magnetic fields. Of particular interest are the interactions of these clumps when hit by supersonic shocks and winds.
- MHD Clump Test Home Page
Emission Line Images (Jacob. Rice University)
- A post-processing code for AstroBEAR that creates emission line images.
Cosmic Rays (Paul. University of Minnesota)
- Adding in cosmic ray diffusion and feedback to AstroBEAR. When completed the code will be used to investigate 2-D Diffusive Shock Acceleration in Stellar Winds and Supernova Remnants.
Magnetized Clumps (Shule, Jonathan, University of Rochester)
- Studying the instabilities and shocked behavior of magnetized clumps and clouds in the interstellar medium. The clouds are usually filled by strong magnetic field with low beta.
- This work involves volume-filling spherical symmetric magnetic field configuration which is force free to maintain the initial equilibrium. Later, various physics processes such as self gravity and anisotropic diffusion could be added to the situation.
Star Disruption (Xiaoyue, Jason, Shule, University of Rochester, University of Virginia)
- Studying the tidal disruption of stellar objects around intermediate and massive black holes.
Resistive MHD (Shule, University of Rochester)
- Testing the resistive MHD functionality.
Wind Disk Interactions (Martin et al…)
- Studying the effects of stellar winds on companion disks.