
Version 4 (modified by trac, 12 years ago) ( diff )


bear2fix is a Fortran program that originally only converted AMR data into fixed-grid data, hence the name.

bear2fix has evolved to be a general post-processing utility in which users can code up their own post-processing modules without needing to worry about the details of reading in Chombo HDF AMR datasets.

bear2fix can output the data in a number of formats:

  • Fixed-grid HDF4 or HDF5
  • FITS
  • PostScript files, which can be converted to PNG files using the script (see below).

Most often, users turn to bear2fix as a way to produce publication-ready figures which would be difficult or impossible to produce with a program like Visit. Since it is a command-line utility, it also lends itself well to visualizing data from a remote location where the X11-heavy display required by VisIt would be impractical.

Download instructions

To download bear2fix, simply obtain it from the SVN server by using these commands:

svn co svn+ssh://[username] bear2fix

This creates the bear2fix/ directory in your current path and puts the latest revision of bear2fix in it.

Building bear2fix

  1. Navigate to the bear2fix directory.
  1. Verify that you have the appropriate Makefile symbollically linked. As with AstroBEAR, several Makefiles exist which are machine-specific.
  1. Run the make command.
  1. Create a symbolic link to your problem directory's out/ directory (be sure it is named out), or simply copy the bear2fix executable to your problem directory. Note that bear2fixwill NOT work if it can not find a local reference to an out/ directory.

To execute bear2fix, navigate to the executable's directory and type ./bear2fix. The program will guide you through a series of prompts in order to process the data. Conversely, you may use the data file, discussed below.

Using the file

Included in the bear2fix SVN is a sample data file. This file may be used in place of manually navigating through the prompt sequence historically offered as the interface for bear2fix.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.