Version 3 (modified by 12 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
AstroBEAR Code Reference
The directory structure below is relative to BearCLAW's root directory.
- lib/
- bearez.f90
- ReadLine
- GetTreeFileName
- ReleaseFields
- MarkNode
- MarkNodeToBeDeleted
- RootDecompose
- RootInit
- RestartRootInit
- Initialq
- SetRestartFlags
- SetAuxFields
- AllocateStartInfos
- BEARStep
- ReSetGrids
- SetFinestLevel
- SetGhost
- SetStep
- FindTimeStep
- GhostOverlap
- PeriodicPairs
- PeriodicOverlap
- TransferPeriodicOverlap
- TransferOverlap
- TransferValues
- EstimateLevelErrors
- EstimateErrors
- EstimateErrorsWorkers
- SetTrueTimeStepFlag
- TimeStepLevel
- ReGridTime
- SetRegridFlag
- PhysicalBC
- PeriodicBC
- TransferBC
- GridAdapt
- Transferq
- UserInit
- ProblemInit
- SynchLevels
- CheckErrCode
- MemoryCheck
- FindCFLMax
- beario.f90
- Writeq
- ReadInfos
- Readq
- Inputq
- Outputq
- ReadRestartInfos
- MakeChomboFile
- Add_Chombo_Attribute_Int
- Add_Chombo_Attribute_Float
- Add_Chombo_Attribute_String
- Add_Chombo_Attribute_IntVector
- Add_Chombo_Attribute_FloatVector
- Add_Chombo_Attribute_Box
- GetMinimumXlowers
- GetMaximumXuppers
- ReadFromChomboFile
- Add_Chombo_Dataset_Float
- Read_Chombo_Dataset_Float
- classicbear.f90
- compactbear.f90
- fastMP.f90
- fixup.f90
- FuncParamTypeCommon.f90
- InfoFieldUtils.f90
- After_Advance_Recv
- After_Advance_Send
- AllocFields
- ApplyAfterfixupMaster
- ApplyAfterfixupWorker
- Before_Advance_Recv
- Before_Advance_Send
- CalcSignatures
- CoarseInit
- CoarseStep
- DeAllocFields
- ErrFlag
- FixUpParent
- FormFixUpMask
- FormParentFixUpMask
- GetWorkerInfos
- GridFlagRatio
- InitFields
- NewGrid
- NewSubGrids
- NullifyPointers
- Overlap_Recv_Pointers
- Overlap_Send_Pointers
- OverlapAuxCopy
- ParentUpdate_Recv
- ParentUpdate_Send
- qFields_Pointers_Recv
- qFields_Pointers_Send
- qold_Recv
- qold_Send
- RestrictFields
- TakeTimeStep
- TimeStep
- TimeStepMaster
- TimeStepWorkers
- UpdateLevel
- UpdateParent
- linsolve.f90
- linsolve
- MultiGridLinSolveEZ
- RestrictResidualEZ
- ProlongCorrectionEZ
- StoreCornerDeltaq
- RestoreCornerDeltaq
- AccumulateCorrections
- AddCorrection
- DbgPrint
- MultiGridLinSolve
- MGstencils
- RestrictResidual
- ProlongCorrection
- ComputeRHS
- TransferMGVars
- SmoothCorrection
- LinSystemResidual
- ComputeResidual
- ApplyOperator
- ApplyOperatorAtCell
- OpLaplace
- OpLaplaceCurv
- OpVarCoefElliptic
- OpVarCoefEllipticCurv
- OpCrankNicolson
- OpCrankNicolsonCurv
- OpCrankNicolsonVarCoef
- OpCrankNicolsonVarCoefCurv
- HessianCurv
- GradAuxCurv
- ComputeMetric
- DivMetricCorr
- mpi_exec.f90
- MPI_Initialize
- Initalq_Workers
- InitialTests
- MPI_Worker
- TestInfoTypeSendRecv
- TestInfoSendRecv
- TestW2WInfoSendRecv
- SendFields
- RecvFields
- TransferInfo
- TransferFields
- Print2Info
- PrintCompareInfo
- CompareInfo
- CompareInfoFields
- MPI_Restart_Distribute
- MPI_MoveGrids
- MPI_Dispatch
- MPI_Dispatch_Finalize
- MPI_Distribute
- ComputeCurrentLoad
- BalanceLoads
- MPI_WorkerPing
- MPI_TransferOverlap
- MPI_TransferAuxOverlap
- MPI_CopyFieldsToMaster
- MPI_RemoveFieldsCopy
- MPI_Worker_afterfixup
- MP_UpdateInfo
- AllocateParentUpdateBuffer
- UpdateParentWithChildData
- AccumulateFixups
- AccumulateUpdates
- Worker_InitTimeStepFixUp
- Worker_ParentChildSignature
- Worker_FixupInit
- GetInfoPointer
- RemoveInfoFromWorker
- CreateInfoOnWorker
- MUSCLbear.f90
- NodeInfoDef.f90
- NodeInfoGlobal.f90
- NodeInfoTypeCommon.f90
- openmp_exec.f90
- setbc.f90
- treeops.f90
- InitForest
- KillForest
- ReadForest
- ReadNode
- WriteForest
- AddRootLevelNode
- AddRootLevelNodeOrig
- CreateChild
- KillNode
- OpenMPApplyOnLevel
- ApplyOnLevel
- ApplyOnLevelTarget
- ApplyOnLevelPairs
- ApplyOnChildren
- ApplyOnForest
- ApplyOnLevels
- ApplyOnLeaves
- TrueCond
- LevelCond
- LeafCond
- ForestTraversal
- TreeTraversal
- ExistLevel
- PushForest
- PopForest
- GetLevel
- GetNrOfChildren
- GetSiblingIndex
- GetNodeInfo
- GetYoungestOnLevel
- GetNeighbor
- GetNrOfNodes
- GetForestNodeCount
- MapNodeInfoPtr
- wavebear.f90
- bearez.f90
- contrib/astro/
- physics/
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