| 1 | Source terms in AstroBEAR. All source terms are currently handled in a strang split way. That is - each hydro advance step is bracketed by two source steps of a half time step. Out of curiosity I browsed the athena source code to see how their CTU implementation handles source terms (since I couldn't find it in their CTU paper) |
| 2 | |
| 3 | 1D CTU |
| 4 | Reconstruct left and right states (wr,wl) |
| 5 | Add gradphi to normal velocity components at interface states |
| 6 | wr(i)+=phi(i)-phi(i-1) |
| 7 | wl(i)+=phi(i)-phi(i-1) |
| 8 | Add other source terms using the reconstructed left and right states wl+=s(wl) |
| 9 | wr+=s(wr) |
| 10 | get fluxes |
| 11 | calculate cell centered time centered values of density and pressure using fluxes |
| 12 | update cell centered time centered values with source terms just as for interface states (using original cell centered values for density etc) |
| 13 | |
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