
Version 12 (modified by trac, 12 years ago) ( diff )


Troubleshooting AstroBEAR

Welcome to the AstroBEAR Troubleshooting page. Most of what you'll find here will be solutions to general or frequently-encountered problems; if you don't find what you're looking for here, check the developer logs, just in case someone else has encountered your problem as well. There will in fact be a great deal of overlap between the two, as solutions to recurring developer problems will eventually find their way here.

I've divided this page into two sections: code troubleshooting, for development and compilation issues; and runtime troubleshooting, for problems that arised during the middle of a run.

As always, anyone who finds a solution to a particular AstroBEAR problem is encouraged to add their solution to the wiki.

Also see DeBugging for general information on debugging fortran code.

Code Troubleshooting

Runtime Troubleshooting

Problem Troubleshooting

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.