
Version 25 (modified by Jonathan, 13 years ago) ( diff )

Colliding Flows

This problem involves colliding two ellipsoidal cylinders essentially head on where the separation between the left and right flows is an arbitrary interface defined by a normal and a series of sine waves.

Mixing Problem

To understand the mixing properties of colliding flows we focused on non-shearing interactions. The gas density is fixed at 3 particles/cc (free fall time of 20.5 Myr) and the temperature at the equilibrium value of (730 K) giving a sound speed of 3.17 km/s and a Jeans length of 116 pc.

Fixed Parameters
rho 3 particles/cc
T 730 K
cs 3.17 km/s
tff 20.5 Myr
LJ 116 pc

There are 6 runs total, in which we vary the diameter of the flows between 20, 40, and 60 pc as well as the velocity from Mach 1.5 to Mach 3.

Left panel is log rho, right panel is mixing fraction (The density in the colliding region should equal TL+TR). 1 is evenly mixed.

2D Runs
20 pc 40 pc 60 pc
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movie movie movie
Reran 20_3 but with a 75 pc box: movie
3D Runs
20 pc 40 pc 60 pc

Previous Sets of Runs

Run Parameters

These runs were all performed on a cube of length 44 pc

Run Density Velocity Temperature Resolution Angle Run Time Sink Particles
A 1 21 5014 64 10 10.7 Myr 0
B 1 2.1 5014 64 10 100.7 Myr 0
C 10 21 160.6 64 10 10.7 Myr 1
D 10 2.1 160.6 64 10 100.7 Myr 1
E 20 21 100 64 10 10.7 Myr 1
F 4 21 471.9 64 10 10.7 Myr 0

Computational scales follow from a length scale of 1 pc, a Temperature scale of 1 K, and a Density scale of 1 part/cc

TIMESCALE 339631473950335
LSCALE 3.085680300000000E+018
RSCALE 1.672621580000000E-024
VELSCALE 9085.37793659026
PSCALE 1.380650300000000E-016
NSCALE 1.00000000000000
BSCALE 3.314644173409178E-009
TEMPSCALE 1.00000000000000
SCALEGRAV 1.287482066849589E-002


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movie movie movie movie
movie movie movie movie
movie movie movie movie


All of these runs had poorly resolved cooling lengths (fractions of a cell). The fastest growing modes were therefore at the nyquist frequency. This is however much larger than the cooling length of the shocked layer. I suspect that at higher resolutions the size of the condensations from the TI will much smaller and more prone to evaporation (or clump destruction) in the turbulent background flow…

Given the density of the flow and its velocity, we can calculate the shocked materials temperature, cooling length, jeans length, etc…

The cooling time is approximated by the shocked temperature as well as the instantaneous cooling rate at the shocked temperature and density.

Here we've plotted the cooling time as a function of density and ram pressure (in units of Kelvin/cc)

We can then calculate the cooling length of the shock or the cooling length of the thermal instability since Here are plots of the cooling length as well as the thermal instability length scale.

We can also calculate the free fall time for the condensations as well as the Jeans length plotted below

Finally given the density and temperature of the shocked material we can estimate the density contrasts of the thermally unstable clumps and then calculate the clump destruction time assuming it is of size embedded in a background flow of velocity .

Combining these two time scales gives a clump survivability

which peaks at about .1

Plotting the same quantity in n vs V space we have

we can see that optimal parameters are somewhere around a density of 20 and a velocity of 16 km/s although we still need clumps to survive for ~ 10 cloud crushing times before collapsing… Of course if the wind turns off then clumps will be able to survive longer and collapse. It might be better therefore to use finite wind durations…


Run Times

Here is an image showing the frame production rate for a 2D 10242 fixed grid vs a 642+4 colliding flow run.

PhiDot bug fixed

Here are screenshots from before and after the PhiDot fix:

Note the density artifacts at the top of the interface are still present (probably due to the pressure gradients caused by the lack of resolution of gradients in vx).

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