
Version 2 (modified by trac, 12 years ago) ( diff )

Brandon D. Shroyer 2007-06-05

The following message occurred when I tried to use the make xbear command on orda:

ifc -fpp -c -I/usr/local/hdf/include -I/usr/local/hdf5_intel_7.1/lib -O3 -tpp7 -fpp
-ip -unroll -mp -nbs -I../../lib nodeinfodef.f90
make: ifc: Command not found
make: *** [nodeinfodef.o] Error 127

This message was eventually resolve by fixing a pathing problem in the .bashrc file. Unfortunately, a number of compiler errors were generated when I attempted make xbear again:

fortcom: Error: beario.single_cpp.f90, line 25: Error in opening the Library module
file.   [HDF5]
fortcom: Error: beario.single_cpp.f90, line 58: A kind type parameter must be a
compile-time constant.   [HID_T]
  INTEGER (HID_T) :: sd5_id,sd5_id_t
fortcom: Error: beario.single_cpp.f90, line 104: A kind type parameter must be a
compile-time constant.   [HSIZE_T]
    INTEGER (HSIZE_T) :: sds5_dims(1)
fortcom: Error: beario.single_cpp.f90, line 107: A kind type parameter must be a
compile-time constant.   [HID_T]
    INTEGER (HID_T) :: sds5_id,dspace_id
fortcom: Error: beario.single_cpp.f90, line 564: A kind type parameter must be a
compile-time constant.   [HSIZE_T]
    INTEGER (HSIZE_T) :: sds5_dims(MaxDims)
fortcom: Error: beario.single_cpp.f90, line 565: A kind type parameter must be a
compile-time constant.   [HID_T]
    INTEGER (HID_T) :: sds5_id,dspace_id,h5pl
fortcom: Error: beario.single_cpp.f90, line 1084: A kind type parameter must be a
compile-time constant.   [HSIZE_T]
    INTEGER (HSIZE_T) :: sds5_dims(MaxDims)
fortcom: Error: beario.single_cpp.f90, line 1085: A kind type parameter must be a
compile-time constant.   [HID_T]
    INTEGER (HID_T) :: sds5_id,dspace_id
fortcom: Error: beario.single_cpp.f90, line 348: This name does not have a type, and
must have an explicit type.   [H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F]
        CALL h5fcreate_f('./out/' // FileName, h5F_ACC_TRUNC_F,sd5_id,iErr)
fortcom: Error: beario.single_cpp.f90, line 375: This name does not have a type, and
must have an explicit type.   [H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE]
        CALL h5dcreate_f(sd5_id_t,qname,H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,dspace_id,sds5_id,iErr)
fortcom: Error: beario.single_cpp.f90, line 430: This name does not have a type, and
must have an explicit type.   [H5F_ACC_RDWR_F]
          CALL h5fopen_f ('./out/global.h5', H5F_ACC_RDWR_F, sd5_id, iErr)
fortcom: Error: beario.single_cpp.f90, line 823: This name does not have a type, and
must have an explicit type.   [H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F]
          CALL h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F,h5pl,istat)
compilation aborted for ../../lib/beario.single_cpp.f90 (code 1)
make: *** [../../lib/beario.single_cpp.o] Error 1

The problem in this case appeared to be related to the intel 9.0 compilers on orda. To resolve it, Kris changed my .bashrc file to use the 7.1 compilers.

When compiling xbear and mpibear in the ~bearclaw/config/astro directory on orda, using make [program_name] worked fine. When compiling bear2fix, however, I found that it only worked properly if I just typed make—typing make bear2fix caused compiler errors.

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