120 | | The most direct and quickest way to change refinement is to change the {{{qTolerance}}} and !DesiredFillRatios arrays which are both located in the {{{global.data}}} file. Each element of these arrays is specific to that level. For example, the first element is for the root level, the next element is for the 1st level of refinement, and so on. {{{qTolerance}}} effectively sets how large a gradient must be in order for those two cells to be refined. Higher {{{qTolerance}}} --> less refinement. !DesiredFillRatios affects the way astrobear lays down grids or patches for refinement. For example, if the !DesiredFillRatio is 0.7, then the AMR will lay down patches so that at least 70% of each patch contains cells marked for refinement. As a result of this process, you will get cells being refined which were not initially marked for refinement. In general, lower !DesiredFillRatios --> more refinement. |
| 120 | The most direct and quickest way to change refinement is to change the {{{qTolerance}}} and !DesiredFillRatios arrays which are both located in the {{{global.data}}} file. Each element of these arrays is specific to that level. For example, the first element is for the root level, the next element is for the 1st level of refinement, and so on. {{{qTolerance}}} effectively sets how large a gradient must be in order for those two cells to be refined. Higher {{{qTolerance}}} --> less refinement. !DesiredFillRatios affects the way astrobear lays down grids or patches for refinement. For example, if the !DesiredFillRatio is 0.7, then the AMR will lay down patches so that at least 70% of each patch contains cells marked for refinement. As a result of this process, you will often get cells being refined which were not initially marked for refinement. In general, lower !DesiredFillRatios --> more refinement. |