
Version 30 (modified by ehansen, 11 years ago) ( diff )


Weekly Reports

Weekly Testing Results

Blue Hive Blue Streak
This week
Last week

These reports cover the last seven days of activity/inactivity. This interval is calculated to the second, so checking these reports during a weekly meeting will give you information about everything that has happened since the previous meeting.

The tickets covered by these reports are problem tickets, meaning that they are either help_request, defect, or testing_issue tickets. enhancement-type tickets are not shown in these reports.

Please note that the seven-day window covered by these reports updates continuously, not week by week. This means that if you check a report outside of a meeting (two days before, for instance) you will get a different report than you would if you checked it two days later.

This week Problem Ticket Activity Open Problems not addressed*
Last week Problem Ticket Activity Open Problems not addressed*

Monthly Reports

Monthly reports are calculated from the beginning of the calendar month (i.e., checking the monthly report on May 26 will give you the ticket activity from May 1, not the activity over the last 30 days).

As with the reports above, these reports do not include enhancement-type tickets—only requests, defects and testing_issues.

This month Problem Ticket Activity Open Problems not addressed*
Last month Problem Ticket Activity Open Problems not addressed*

*Only lists defects or help requests of normal, high, or critical priority


Priority levels:

  1. Major AstroBEAR bug that stalls multiple projects.
  1. Major AstroBEAR bug that stalls one project. Minor AstroBEAR bug that severely hinders multiple projects and has no workaround.
  1. Minor AstroBEAR bug hindering or inconveniencing one or more projects, for which a workaround exists.
  1. Module bug that hinders or stalls one or more projects.

Tickets at a glance

"help_request", height=600, width=600, title = Open defects / help requests by priority )

"help_request", height=600, width=600, title = Open defects / help requests by reporter )

"help_request",priority="normal (Priority 3)"|"high (Priority 2)"|"critical (Priority 1)", height=600, width=600, title = Open defects / help requests by owner (includes normal, high, and critical priority))

TicketChart(type = pie, factor = type, query=status=!"closed", height=600, width=600, title = Open tickets by type)



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