
Version 2 (modified by Jonathan, 11 years ago) ( diff )

Development Report

General Updates

  • Investigating best way to allow outside developers/users to use revision control instead of e-mailing tarballs back and forth. Ideally developers could push their development to a central devel repo - and then someone (myself or baowei) could merge those into the 'stable' 3.0 repo.
    • Trac-gitolite plugin - easy to setup on astrobear wiki
      • Would require conversion from hg to git
      • hg-git extension to hg that allows you to use hg to pull and push to a central repo
    • Setting up a mercurial server?
      • We could still use mercurial - though this would require some effort on the part of Rich (or myself)
  • Discuss units in data files
    • For radiative flux BC's, should unit be in computational units or in cgs?
    • GxBounds, FinalTime - are in computational units… Do we want to change this? Usually the length scale is chosen conveniently - but the TimeScale is usually derived from the TempScale, or the VelScale, or !pScale.
    • What about setting a 'runtimescale' that is not necessarily 'TimeScale'
  • Development projects since 2.0 (ie - Things to document)
SelfGravity now an integer that supports both Momentum Conserving and a split method that is less sensitive to errors in the potential Jonathan
update script that can take extract values from existing data files and then insert them into a preformatted template Jonathan
new scale calculator that can use any combination of legitimate values - including timescale. See This blog Jonathan
Updated RadShock module Eddie
Update to PulsedJet module bliu
Makefiles for Kraken Eddie
Precession in !Pulsed Jet module Eddie
2.5D projections Eddie
Added Abundance module Jonathan
Added MultiSpecies EOS Jonathan
Reworking of cooling routines Jonathan & Eddie
Cleaned up EOS Jonathan
Added VanDerWaals EOS Jonathan
Cleaned up Protection Routines Jonathan
Riemann solvers and eigen systems use same ordering as Info%q Jonathan
New MachStems module Eddie
valgrind Leak Scripts Eddie
New Radiating Blast Wave Module Jonathan
New marshak_wave_test module Jonathan
Flux limited diffusion Jonathan
Threaded the Sweep Scheme using OpenMP - and removed temporary allocations Jonathan & Baowei
Reordered sweep scheme variables to take advantage of memory layout Jonathan & Baowei
Cleaner Refinement Object interface Jonathan
New elliptic control routines to allow for different solvers to go before or after hyperbolic solve Jonathan
Error Flag Buffering Jonathan
New Table Interface Jonathan
  • Developments not in the main devel repo
Polytropes Erini & Jonathan
Disks Marvin & Ian
Implicit Thermal Diffusion Shule & Baowei
Explicit Sub-Cycling for viscosity/resistivity Shule

  • Other developments for 3.0?

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