
Documents required for the renewal

  1. Main Document
Date Files Updates
4/7/2014 1st Draft
4/10/2014 tex;pdf Introduction to local resources/team; resources request (need revisit); Justification of why we ask for the machines
  1. Progress Report
Date Files Updates
4/7/2014 1st Draft
  1. Scaling Test
Date File Updates
4/7/2014 1st Draft
4/10/2014 tex; pdf ​ waiting one more plot, others done
4/14/2014 tex; pdf ​ candidate version, need spell check. Add one start point picture for TSF — need confirmation from Shule
  • Sections need to be updated
Main Document Content Person
Abstract to include TSF Adam, Shule
Introduction to include TSF Adam, Shule
Previous Accomplishments new section for renewal Adam, Jonathan, Erica, Shule
Research Objectives include TSF and explain paramters? Adam, Shule, Jonathan, Erica
Computational Approach new scaling test Baowei
Resources Request Update the table Baowei
Financial Support Baowei
Summary Adam, Baowei
bibliography Shule, Jonathan, Baowei
Introduction to local resources and team new part or more detail Adam, Baowei
Others include more Co-PIs Baowei

Progress Report Content Person
Summary of Scientific Discoveries copy from main doc Baowei
Accomplishments of Computational Plan copy from main doc Baowei
Publications and Reports that Result from XSEDE support Adam, Jonathan, Shule, Erica, Baowei

Scaling Test Content Person
new scaling result Baowei

Current SUs limit per request


Machine limit (SUs/PB)
Stampede 175,000,000
SuperMIC 2,000,000
Gordon 25,000,000
Ranch 8 PB

Original Proposals and Referee's comment

  1. XSEDE_proposal_04152013.pdf
  2. referee_04152013.pdf

  • Computational Method
    1. Runs and SUS (Outline all the proposed computational algorithms and simulations)

1) Colliding Flows

Shearing angle() magnetic field() field orientation SUs
0 1 90 1,050,000
15 1 90 1,050,000
30 1 90 1,050,000
0 10 90 1,050,000
15 10 90 1,050,000
30 10 90 1,050,000
total 6,3000,000

2) Triggering Star Formation

Resolution magnetic field Rotation SUs
1024 1, toroidal Y 1,150,000
1024 1, poloidal Y 1,150,000
1024 hydro N 1,150,000
1024 hydro Y 1,150,000
total 4,600,000
  1. justify why need these runs (Include any input parameters to be investigated and explain the choice of simulation parameters)
  2. Justify the choice of resources
  3. Details for scaling test in separate document
  4. storage request
  • Introduction to local resource
  • Machines
    1. Kraken: will be decommissioned and taken offline on April 30, 2014
    2. SuperMIC: 1 SU on Stampede = 5 SUs on SuperMIC
    3. Gordon:
Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on 04/14/14 12:42:58

Attachments (13)

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