Version 6 (modified by 7 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Remote Visualization and Running visit on hundreds of Stampede2 processors
I. Detailed Tutorial
Here's a 10-mins long movie
II. Main Steps
- Use XSEDE username and password (Not TACC ones if you have) to logon to TACC visualization port:
- Click the "Jobs" tab. Set up VNC password. First time you may not be able to set the password on the visualization port. If so follow the instructions and ssh to and set up the password using command
$ vncpasswd
- After setting the VNC password, choose multiple number of nodes and click the "Start job" button
- After the job started, on the terminal load these modules and run visit
$ module load intel/18.0.2 impi/18.0.2 swr visit/2.13.0 $ visit
The current default version of visit which is visit/2.12.0 won't run due to a missing library file.
- On visit, click "Options → Host profiles → Launch Profiles" and specify the number of nodes/cores you use
- REMEMBER to CANCEL your job once it's done !!
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