Date | Name | Institute | Reason
9/29/16 | Wenshuai Liu<> | Nanjing Normal University | Accretion disk
6/28/16 | Huchi Li <> | Shandong University | Study MHD
6/28/16 | Gang Li <> | Peking University | Learn computational MHD
3/22/16 | Miguel Avillez <> | University of Evora, Portugal | I would like to use learn the ASTROBEAR code and try to implement time-dependent ionisation structure following my previous work. I also would like to use the code in teaching courses on computational astrophysics.
2/23/16 | Gustavo <> | Princeton University | Comparison between different codes
12/6/15 | Dominik Schleicher <> | Department of Astronomy, Universidad de Concepcion | Modeling of circumbinary disk formation (Master student project)
11/24/15 | WeiGang Zeng <> | Tsinghua University | For Fluid Dynamic simulation
10/30/15 | Dinh van Trung; | Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology | I plan to simulate star and planet interaction
10/23/15 | Mariana Cecere | Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental CONICET-UNC Argentina | I am studying resistive MHD and would like to try to work with this code
6/1/15 | Carmen Tornow | Inst. of Planetary Research | protoplanetary disk evolution
disk formation from collapsing cloud core
2/2/15 | Frank Otto | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Investigate star formation in molecular clouds
2/2/15 | Gustavo Salgado Enriquez | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | Study of wave structures and transport scheme
9/18/14 | Manuel | University of Birmingham | Research
9/18/14 | Roberto Toscano-Fletes | Dep. Fisica UdeG, Universidad de Guadalajara, México | We try to use astrobear to model magnetohydrodynamic fluids in geophysical environments
6/10/14 | Derek Mariscal | UCSD | Plasma jet calculations
5/31/14 | Patrick Adams | University of Cape Town | MHD simulation of magnetic fields in astrophysical and cosmological contexts
5/30/14 | Bo Chai | Polar Research Institute of China | simulate jet in AGN
5/23/14 | Ruslan Gabb | Mexico, UAEH | teaching
5/23/14 | Julio Valenzuela | UCSD | 2D counter-propagating plasma flows
5/23/14 | Dipanjan Mukherjee | Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics | AMR simulations of supernova driven outflows from galactic disks.
5/13/14 | Shashi Kanbur | SUNY Oswego |
5/8/14 | Laurence Sabin | Institute of Astronomy and Meteorology, University of Guadalajara | MHD modelling of evolved stars and comparison to observational data to understand the role played by magnetic fields (e.g. magnetic launching, Alfvén radius…etc).
5/6/14 | Lee Youngjun | Chung-Ang University | Plasma Theory and Nonlinear Dynamics Lab., Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. I'm researching on hydrodynamics instability, especially occurs on 'fast ignition scheme'. (more specially, inertial confinement fusion) Although AstroBEAR used on astrophysical area, I think it is suitable on our researching area, studying on Rayleigh-Taylor instability, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, so on. In this reason, we request AstroBEAR code to improve our researching.
5/6/14 | Laura Chajet | York University, Toronto | Modelling of outflows from quasar accretion disc