Date | Name | Institute | Reason
5/29/19 | David Hendriks <> | Astrophysics department Surrey | My planned use for this code is to simulate a binary system where the mass-transfer leads to an accretion disc. I'm interested in the motion of the disc material, and want to investigate eccentric modes within this disc. AstroBear seems to be very extensive and on first sight I think it will suit my needs for my project.
4/16/19 | Lydia Heck <> | Durham University, ICC | Help a user to get the code compiled for her use
4/16/19 | Matthew Archer <> | University of Cambridge | Test on University of Cambridge cluster (Skylakes)
3/8/19 | Legg, Cyrus <> | UCL London |
2/28/19 | Antonio Tegon <> | Circolo Astrofili "Guido Ruggieri" Marghera-Venezia ( Italy) | Be star disks simulations
2/27/19 | Giancarlo Conselvan <> | Astrofili Marghera | Magnetic fields of Be stars disk
2/3/19 | 花輪知幸 Tomoyuki Hanawa <> | IAU CB1 | list up public astrophysical simulation codes on our website
8/13/18 | Jackson Bates <> | Rochester Institute of Technology | Self-Educational purposes
8/6/18 | Alice Allen <> | Astrophysics Source Code Library/UMD | Testing availability of code
7/16/18 | Owain Kenway <> | UCL London | Central install on our HPC services for users of the clusters.
6/15/18 | Ming Xu <> | Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics,Beijing,P.R.China | Simulation of magnetic reconnection
6/7/18 | Patrick Mullen <> | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | I am a 2nd year computational astrophysics student in Prof. C. F. Gammie's research group at UIUC. I am interested in self-gravity with AMR and hope to look further into the test problem of Bonnor-Ebert sphere equilibria.
2/2/18 | Edward Edmondson <> | UCL London | Install for researchers.
2/1/18 | Florian Kirchschlarger <> | UCL London | I want to perform MHD calculations for the simulation of shocks impacting a supernova remnant. I am working together with Erica Fogerty.
2/1/18 | Franziska Schmidt <> | UCL London | I want to perform MHD calculations for the simulation of shocks impacting a supernova remnant. I am working together with Erica Fogerty.
12/9/17 | Arunachalam B. <> | NIT Trichy India | use the AstroBear software for my research.
9/19/17 | Chris Osborne <> | University of Glasgow | Evaluation for a PhD project on Alfvenic Heating of the Solar Chromosphere during flaring events
9/15/17 | Dhritimaan Gogoi <> | Gauahati University | 3d MHD Simulation
5/9/17 | Arash Afshar <> | Department of Mechanical Engineering UR | I am a PhD student in Department of Mechanical Engineering that work about Magneto hydrodynamics and plasma.
3/21/17 | Juan Manzanero <> | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | I am a CFD developer, and I am interested to solve the MHD equations.
3/21/17 | Xiaoliang Zhang <> | George Washington University | For our own research work on MHD simulations.
3/6/17 | Jose Nandez <> | University of Western Ontario | I have performed numerical interactions between RG and BH, as well, as RG + MS using our own distribution of SPH. However, I would like to test your code for angular momentum around the Roche Lobe of a MS + RG, since I want to follow mass flow, I believe another code is required for this task since SPH is good to trace the total amount in the flow, but it is not capable of following mass flows. Also, does your code include a way to add recombination energy in the equation of state?
11/3/16 | Jesus Salas<> | University of California - Los Angeles | Hydrodynamical simulations of molecular clouds
10/26/16 | Braden Howell <> | University of Toronto | I intend to use this code to study stellar winds and accretion disks
9/29/16 | Wenshuai Liu<> | Nanjing Normal University | Accretion disk
6/28/16 | Huchi Li <> | Shandong University | Study MHD
6/28/16 | Gang Li <> | Peking University | Learn computational MHD
3/22/16 | Miguel Avillez <> | University of Evora, Portugal | I would like to use learn the ASTROBEAR code and try to implement time-dependent ionisation structure following my previous work. I also would like to use the code in teaching courses on computational astrophysics.
2/23/16 | Gustavo <> | Princeton University | Comparison between different codes
12/6/15 | Dominik Schleicher <> | Department of Astronomy, Universidad de Concepcion | Modeling of circumbinary disk formation (Master student project)
11/24/15 | WeiGang Zeng <> | Tsinghua University | For Fluid Dynamic simulation
10/30/15 | Dinh van Trung; | Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology | I plan to simulate star and planet interaction
10/23/15 | Mariana Cecere | Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental CONICET-UNC Argentina | I am studying resistive MHD and would like to try to work with this code
6/1/15 | Carmen Tornow | Inst. of Planetary Research | protoplanetary disk evolution
disk formation from collapsing cloud core
2/2/15 | Frank Otto | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Investigate star formation in molecular clouds
2/2/15 | Gustavo Salgado Enriquez | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | Study of wave structures and transport scheme
9/18/14 | Manuel | University of Birmingham | Research
9/18/14 | Roberto Toscano-Fletes | Dep. Fisica UdeG, Universidad de Guadalajara, México | We try to use astrobear to model magnetohydrodynamic fluids in geophysical environments
6/10/14 | Derek Mariscal | UCSD | Plasma jet calculations
5/31/14 | Patrick Adams | University of Cape Town | MHD simulation of magnetic fields in astrophysical and cosmological contexts
5/30/14 | Bo Chai | Polar Research Institute of China | simulate jet in AGN
5/23/14 | Ruslan Gabb | Mexico, UAEH | teaching
5/23/14 | Julio Valenzuela | UCSD | 2D counter-propagating plasma flows
5/23/14 | Dipanjan Mukherjee | Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics | AMR simulations of supernova driven outflows from galactic disks.
5/13/14 | Shashi Kanbur | SUNY Oswego |
5/8/14 | Laurence Sabin | Institute of Astronomy and Meteorology, University of Guadalajara | MHD modelling of evolved stars and comparison to observational data to understand the role played by magnetic fields (e.g. magnetic launching, Alfvén radius…etc).
5/6/14 | Lee Youngjun | Chung-Ang University | Plasma Theory and Nonlinear Dynamics Lab., Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. I'm researching on hydrodynamics instability, especially occurs on 'fast ignition scheme'. (more specially, inertial confinement fusion) Although AstroBEAR used on astrophysical area, I think it is suitable on our researching area, studying on Rayleigh-Taylor instability, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, so on. In this reason, we request AstroBEAR code to improve our researching.
5/6/14 | Laura Chajet | York University, Toronto | Modelling of outflows from quasar accretion disc