
Version 9 (modified by Baowei Liu, 9 years ago) ( diff )

disk formation from collapsing cloud core
Date Name Institute Reason
10/30/15 Dinh van Trung; Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology I plan to simulate star and planet interaction
10/23/15 Mariana Cecere Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental CONICET-UNC Argentina I am studying resistive MHD and would like to try to work with this code
6/1/15 Carmen Tornow Inst. of Planetary Research protoplanetary disk evolution
2/2/15 Frank Otto The Chinese University of Hong Kong Investigate star formation in molecular clouds
2/2/15 Gustavo Salgado Enriquez Universidad Complutense de Madrid Study of wave structures and transport scheme
9/18/14 Manuel University of Birmingham Research
9/18/14 Roberto Toscano-Fletes Dep. Fisica UdeG, Universidad de Guadalajara, México We try to use astrobear to model magnetohydrodynamic fluids in geophysical environments
6/10/14 Derek Mariscal UCSD Plasma jet calculations
5/31/14 Patrick Adams University of Cape Town MHD simulation of magnetic fields in astrophysical and cosmological contexts
5/30/14 Bo Chai Polar Research Institute of China simulate jet in AGN
5/23/14 Ruslan Gabb Mexico, UAEH teaching
5/23/14 Julio Valenzuela UCSD 2D counter-propagating plasma flows
5/23/14 Dipanjan Mukherjee Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics AMR simulations of supernova driven outflows from galactic disks.
5/13/14 Shashi Kanbur SUNY Oswego
5/8/14 Laurence Sabin Institute of Astronomy and Meteorology, University of Guadalajara MHD modelling of evolved stars and comparison to observational data to understand the role played by magnetic fields (e.g. magnetic launching, Alfvén radius…etc).
5/6/14 Lee Youngjun Chung-Ang University Plasma Theory and Nonlinear Dynamics Lab., Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. I'm researching on hydrodynamics instability, especially occurs on 'fast ignition scheme'. (more specially, inertial confinement fusion) Although AstroBEAR used on astrophysical area, I think it is suitable on our researching area, studying on Rayleigh-Taylor instability, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, so on. In this reason, we request AstroBEAR code to improve our researching.
5/6/14 Laura Chajet York University, Toronto Modelling of outflows from quasar accretion disc


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