Changes between Version 23 and Version 24 of DevelopmentProcedure

02/21/12 11:25:34 (13 years ago)
Baowei Liu


  • DevelopmentProcedure

    v23 v24  
    22 == Run the Test Suite ==
    23 This part needs to be run in {{{bluehive}}}.  First, you will want to clone or pull your local changeset into bluehive.  Next, you run the buildtests script from your astrobear directory:
    24 {{{
    25 ./buildtests.s
    26 }}}
    27 Make sure the tests completed successfully by looking in the out directory: {{{/scratch/afrank_group}}}
     22== Notify the Administrator to check in Run the Test Suite ==
     23If you have code to check in, please first contact the administrator (Baowei or Eddie) and tell the administrator the location of the repository (and the revision number) you want to check in. Make sure you pull and possibly merge any new changesets from /data/repositories/scrambler.
    29 If the tests were successful, you can push your changeset into the development repository:
    30 {{{
    31 hg push ssh://<username>
    32 }}}
    33 If the tests were not successful, you will have to begin a [DebugProtocol debugging procedure]. Note that this page contains the debug protocol for new tickets.  The page is referenced here to give some ideas about how to debug a general issue.  At this stage, ignore the details specific to ticket management, and just try some of the debugging methods.  Then, if you cannot find the source of the problem, you should create a new ticket.
     26== The Administrator Run the Test Suite ==
     271)  If everything passes the administrator would update the tests repository with the test results for visual verification - and after visually inspecting the results update the official code repository at /data/repository/scrambler
     282)  If a test fails the administrator would point you to the reference and simulation images as well as the necessary buildproblem commands (or problem modules and bear2fix commands) etc... to reproduce the failed test and leave it to you to determine why the test failed and to fix
     29any possible bugs so that the test passes before was pushed in the official repository
    3533== Summary ==