
Version 14 (modified by Baowei Liu, 13 years ago) ( diff )


Modules for Golden Version AstroBEAR 2.0

Problem Module Numerical Module Physics Module
Disks Refinement Interface MHD
Rad shocks Sink Particles NEQ/Z
BE Co-rotating Resistivity
Magnetized Clumps Init Protections

Modules for Golden Version AstroBEAR 3.0

Problem Module Numerical Module Physics Module
Refinement Interface Heat Conduction
Roe Solver Viscosity

Test Suite Modules for AstroBEAR 2.0

Modules Owner
1DJet Eddie
1DWaves Jonathan
2DWaves Jonathan
BasicDisk Jonathan
BE_stuff Erica
Bondi + Shule
CorotatingBinary Shule
FieldLoopAdvection + Shule
FieldLoopRestart + Shule
FillingFraction Jonathan
GravitationalCascade Jonathan
GravoTurbulence Jonathan
Ionizationtest Shule
IsotropicTurbulence Jonathan
MagnetizedClumps ++ Shule
Marquee Jonathan
MolecularCloudFormation Jonathan
MomentumConservation Shule
MultiClumps Shule
OrbitingParticles + Shule
RadiativeInstability0 + Baowei
RadiativeInstability1 + Baowei
RadiativeInstability05 + Baowei
RadShock ++ Eddie
RTInstability + Eddie
ShockTubes Jonathan
SlowMolecularCloudFormation Shule
ThermalInstability Shule
TrueLoveProblems Jonathan - will modify this to just be rotating collapse and leave separate uniform collapse dir
UniformCollapse + Baowei

+ test version of problem module exists but in the tests directory

++ new problem module, not in modules directory yet

Gannt Chart for Golden Version 2.0

TracJSGanttChart(milestone=Build Golden Version of AstroBEAR 2.0)

Other thoughts

  • We will all have to make sure to not check in modified problem modules…
  • And we should be careful about checking in modified data files.
  • Please use the data files in the template directory and then modify them as necessary for each problem so that every problem has consistent clear documentation
  • Also - if we want things to be runnable with gfortran - then we cannot have multiline variables in the data files… Or comment lines inside of a namelist. Not sure if this is something we care about or not. It is nice in to have full line comments in between various 'sections' for user readability… We could probably write a script for use with the gfortran compiler that would remove these lines - but it is more difficult to write a script that takes a multiline variable and shrinks it to one line. So we should probably avoid things like
    Gmx =    24, !cells in x direction
             24, !cells in y direction
             1   !cells in z direction

and instead do

Gmx = 24, 24, 1 !cells in [x,y,z] direction

to make these data files as compatible as possible.

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