391 | | What if we now have [[latex($n=1$)]] clump with a density contrast [[latex($\chi=2$)]] ? [[latex($B=2$)]] and [[latex($A=-1$)]] and the cubic becomes: |
392 | | |
393 | | [[latex($-f^3+5f^2-12f+8=0$)]] |
394 | | |
395 | | Surprisingly this cubic has no real positive roots! To see why consider the radius ratio of the isolated parent and child clump. From the Jeans relation, the child clump radius should be .7071 and it would occupy 35% of the volume. This would then give a mean parent over density of 2*.35+.65 = 1.35 that will require the parent radius be shrunk. This however will also increase the mean density at a rate faster then making the clump smaller can compensate for. At higher density contrasts and lower filling fractions, this obstacle can be overcome and a solution exists. |
396 | | |
397 | | |
398 | | If we have multiple levels we can start on the highest level 'L' where [[latex($\xi_L=1$)]] and solve for the filling fraction for level 'L-1'. This can then be used to calculate [[latex($\overline{\rho_{L-1}}$)]] and [[latex($\xi_{L-1}$)]] which then allows us to solve for the filling fraction for the next higher level and so on. Finally once we have [[latex($\xi_0$)]] and [[latex($r_0$)]] we can calculate [[latex($\rho_0$)]] which can then be used to calculate [[latex($\rho_1,\rho_2,...,\rho_L$)]] |
399 | | |
400 | | - Highest level of clump has no children so mean density is nominal density. |
| 391 | What if we now have [[latex($n=1$)]] clump with a density contrast [[latex($\chi=2$)]] ? [[latex($B=1/2$)]] and [[latex($A=1/2$)]] and the cubic becomes: |
| 392 | |
| 393 | [[latex($f^3-5f^2+3f+1=0$)]] |
| 394 | |
| 395 | Surprisingly this cubic has no real positive roots between 0 and 1! To see why consider the radius ratio of the isolated parent and child clump. From the Jeans relation, the child clump radius should be .7071 and it would occupy 35% of the volume. This would then give a mean parent over density of 2*.35+.65 = 1.35 that will require the parent radius be shrunk. This however will also increase the mean density at a rate faster then making the clump smaller can compensate for. At higher density contrasts and lower filling fractions, this obstacle can be overcome and a solution exists. |
| 396 | |
| 397 | |
| 398 | If we have multiple levels we can start on the highest level 'L' where [[latex($\xi_L=1$)]] and solve for the filling fraction for level 'L-1'. This can then be used to calculate [[latex($\xi_{L-1} = f_{L-1}\chi\xi_L+(1-f_{L-1})$)]] which then allows us to solve for the filling fraction for the next higher level and so on. Finally once we have [[latex($\xi_0$)]] and [[latex($r_0$)]] we can calculate [[latex($r_i=r_{i-1} f_{i-1}^{1/3}$)]] and [[latex($\rho_i=\frac{\mbox{JeansDensity}(r_i)}{\xi_i}$)]] |
| 399 | |
| 400 | |
| 401 | in 2D there are only a few modifications |
| 402 | |
| 403 | [[latex($f=n\left(\frac{r_c}{r_p}\right)^2=n \left(A f + B \right) ^{2/2} = n(A f + B)$)]] |
| 404 | |
| 405 | and we have [[latex($f=\frac{nB}{1-nA}=\frac{nB}{1-n(1-B)}=\frac{nB}{1-n+B}$)]] |
| 406 | |
| 407 | Note that [[latex($nB >= B >= 1-n+B$)]] for [[latex($n >= 1 \mbox{ and } B >> 0$)]] so [[latex($f >= 1$)]] which does not allow for any solutions of interest. |