Version 14 (modified by 14 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
- Hunter 1962 The Instability of the Collapse of a Self-Gravitating Gas Cloud.
- Lin et al 1965 The Gravitational Collapse of a Uniform Spheroid.
- Strittmatter 1966 Gravitational collapse in the presence of a magnetic field
- Penston 1969 Dynamics of self-gravitating gaseous spheres-II. Collapses of gas spheres with cooling and the behaviour of polytropic gas spheres
- Penston 1969 Dynamics of self-gravitating gaseous spheres-III. Analytical results in the free-fall of isothermal cases
- Low & Lyndin-Bell The minimum Jeans mass or when fragmentation must stop
- Mouschovias 1976 Nonhomologous contraction and equilibria of self-gravitating, magnetic interstellar clouds embedded in an intercloud medium: Star formation. I Formulation of the problem and method of solution
- Mouschovias 1976 Nonhomologous contraction and equilibria of self-gravitating, magnetic interstellar clouds embedded in an intercloud medium: Star formation. II - Results
- Mouschovias & Spitzer 1976 Note on the collapse of magnetic interstellar clouds
- Woodward 1976 Shock-driven implosion of interstellar gas clouds and star formation
- Hunter 1977 The collapse of unstable isothermal spheres
- Rees & Ostriker 1977 Cooling, dynamics and fragmentation of massive gas clouds - Clues to the masses and radii of galaxies and clusters
- Shu 1977 Self-similar collapse of isothermal spheres and star formation
- Silk 1977 On the fragmentation of cosmic gas clouds. II - Opacity-limited star formation
- Boss 1980 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. I - Numerical methods and tests
- Boss 1980 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. II - Axially symmetric collapse
- Boss 1980 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. III - Nonaxisymmetric collapse
- Cohn 1980 Late core collapse in star clusters and the gravothermal instability
- Goldreich & Weber 1980 Homologously collapsing stellar cores
- Larson 1981 Turbulence and star formation in molecular clouds
- Boss 1984 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. IV Nonisothermal collapse
- Fillmore & Goldreich 1984 Self-similar gravitational collapse in an expanding universe
- Miyama et al 1984 Criteria for collapse and fragmentation of rotating, isothermal clouds
- Tereby, Shu, & Cassen 1984 The collapse of the cores of slowly rotating isothermal clouds
- Larson 1985 Cloud fragmentation and stellar masses
- Boss 1986 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. V - Nonisothermal collapse and fragmentation
- Hunter et al 1986 Star formation in colliding gas flows
- Bonazzola et al, 1987 Jeans collapse in a turbulent medium
- Boss 1987 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. VI - Nonuniform initial conditions
- Shu, Adams, & Lizano 1987 Star formation in molecular clouds - Observation and theory
- Boss 1988 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. VII - Opacity and fragmentation
- Boss 1989 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. VIII - Inner core formation
- Shu & Lizano 1989 Molecular cloud cores and bimodal star formation
- Mouschovias 1991 Magnetic braking, ambipolar diffusion, cloud cores, and star formation - Natural length scales and protostellar masses
- Falgarone 1992 The small-scale density and velocity structure of quiescent molecular clouds
- Fiedler & Mouschovias 1992 Ambipolar diffusion and star formation: Formation and contraction of axisymmetric cloud cores. I - Formulation of the problem and method of solution
- Boss 1993 Collapse and fragmentation of molecular cloud cores. I - Moderately centrally condensed cores
- Fiedler & Mouschovias 1993 Ambipolar Diffusion and Star Formation: Formation and Contraction of Axisymmetric Cloud Cores. II. Results
- Foster & Chevalier 1993 Gravitational Collapse of an Isothermal Sphere
- Galli & Shu 1993 Collapse of Magnetized Molecular Cloud Cores. I. Semianalytical Solution
- Galli & Shu 1993 Collapse of Magnetized Molecular Cloud Cores. II. Numerical Results
- Hartmann et al 1994 Protostellar collapse in a self-gravitating sheet
- Boss 1995 Collapse and fragmentation of molecular cloud cores. 2: Collapse induced by stellar shock waves
- Boss 1995 Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. III. Initial Differential Rotation
- Boss 1996 Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. IV. Oblate Clouds and Small Cluster Formation
- Gammie 1996 Linear Theory of Magnetized, Viscous, Self-gravitating Gas Disks
- Gammie & Ostriker 1996 Can Nonlinear Hydromagnetic Waves Support a Self-gravitating Cloud?
- Hartmann et al 1996 Sheet Models of Protostellar Collapse
- Boss 1997 Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. V. Loss of Magnetic Field Support
- McLaughlin & Pudritz 1997 Gravitational Collapse and Star Formation in Logotropic and Nonisothermal Spheres
- Pudritz et al 1997 Collapse and Outflow: Towards an Integrated Theory of Star Formation
- Truelove 1997 The Jeans Condition: A New Constraint on Spatial Resolution in Simulations of Isothermal Self-gravitational Hydrodynamics
- Bate 1998 Collapse of a Molecular Cloud Core to Stellar Densities: The First Three-dimensional Calculations
- Klessen et al 1998 Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds: The Initial Phase of a Stellar Cluster
- Masunaga et al. 1998 A Radiation Hydrodynamic Model for Protostellar Collapse. I. The First Collapse
- Nakano 1998 Star Formation in Magnetic Clouds
- Truelove et al. 1998 Self-gravitational Hydrodynamics with Three-dimensional Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Methodology and Applications to Molecular Cloud Collapse and Fragmentation
- Ballesteros-Paredes 1999 Clouds as Turbulent Density Fluctuations: Implications for Pressure Confinement and Spectral Line Data Interpretation
- Ballesteros-Paredes 1999 Turbulent Flow-driven Molecular Cloud Formation: A Solution to the Post-T Tauri Problem?
- Boss 1999 Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. VI. Slowly Rotating Magnetic Clouds
- Ostriker 1999 Kinetic and Structural Evolution of Self-gravitating, Magnetized Clouds: 2.5-dimensional Simulations of Decaying Turbulence
- Boss et al 2000 The Jeans Condition and Collapsing Molecular Cloud Cores: Filaments or Binaries?
- Heitsch et al 2000 Gravitational Collapse in Turbulent Molecular Clouds. I. Gasdynamical Turbulence
- Hennebelle & Perault 2000 Dynamical condensation in a magnetized and thermally bistable flow. Application to interstellar cirrus
- Klessen et al 2000 The Formation of Stellar Clusters: Gaussian Cloud Conditions. I.x
- Klessen et al 2000 Gravitational Collapse in Turbulent Molecular Clouds. I. Gasdynamical Turbulence
- Klessen et al 2000 One-Point Probability Distribution Functions of Supersonic Turbulent Flows in Self-gravitating Media
- Li et al 2000 Simulations of Star Formation out of a Turbulence Molecular Cloud
- Masunaga & Inutsuka 2000 A Radiation Hydrodynamic Model for Protostellar Collapse. II. The Second Collapse and the Birth of a Protostar
- Aikawa et al 2001 Molecular Evolution in Collapsing Prestellar Cores
- Boss & Hartmann 2001 Protostellar Collapse in a Rotating, Self-gravitating Sheet
- Hartmann et al. 2001 Rapid Formation of Molecular Clouds and Stars in the Solar Neighborhood
- Heitsch et al 2001 Gravitational Collapse in Turbulent Molecular Clouds. II. Magnetohydrodynamical Turbulence
- Klessen et al 2000 Gravitational Collapse in Turbulent Molecular Clouds. II. Magnetohydrodynamical Turbulence
- Klessen 2001 The Formation of Stellar Clusters: Mass Spectra from Turbulent Molecular Cloud Fragmentation
- Ossenkopf 2001 On the structure of self-gravitating molecular clouds
- Ostriker 2001 Density, Velocity, and Magnetic Field Structure in Turbulent Molecular Cloud Models
- Abel et al 2002 The Formation of the First Star in the Universe
- Boss 2002 Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. VII. Magnetic Fields and Multiple Protostar Formation
- Elmegreen 2002 Star Formation from Galaxies to Globules
- Padoan & Nordlund 2002 The Stellar Initial Mass Function from Turbulent Fragmentation
- de Vega & Sanchez 2002 Statistical mechanics of the self-gravitating gas: I. Thermodynamic limit and phase diagrams
- Aikawa et al 2003 Molecular Evolution in Collapsing Prestellar Cores. II. The Effect of Grain-Surface Reactions
- Ballesteros-Paredes 2003 Dynamic cores in hydrostatic disguise
- SPH Turbulent driving of various sorts with self-gravity turned on. (Periodic BC) 205,379 particles
- Hennebelle et al. 2003 Protostellar collapse induced by compression
- Larson 2003 The physics of star formation
- Li et al 2003 The Formation of Stellar Clusters in Turbulent Molecular Clouds: Effects of the Equation of State
- Vazques-Semadeni et al 2003 A Holistic Scenario of Turbulent Molecular Cloud Evolution and Control of the Star Formation Efficiency: First Tests
- Vazques-Semadeni et al. 2003 The Origin of Molecular Cloud Turbulence and its Role on Determining the Star Formation Efficiency
- Goodwin et al. 2004 Simulating star formation in molecular cloud cores. I. The influence of low levels of turbulence on fragmentation and multiplicity
- Goodwin et al. 2004 Simulating star formation in molecular cores. II. The effects of different levels of turbulence
- Hennebelle et al. 2004 Protostellar collapse induced by compression - II. Rotation and fragmentation
- Aikawa et al 2005Molecular Evolution in Collapsing Prestellar Cores. III. Contraction of a Bonnor-Ebert Sphere
- Boss 2005 Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. VIII. Magnetically Supported Infinite Sheets
- Clark and Bonnell 2005 The onset of collapse in turbulently supported molecular clouds
- Heitsch et al 2005 Formation of Structure in Molecular Clouds: A Case Study
- Jappsen et al 2005 The stellar mass spectrum from non-isothermal gravoturbulent fragmentation
- Klessen et al 2005 Quiescent and Coherent Cores from Gravoturbulent Fragmentation
- Li et al 2004 The Lifetimes and Evolution of Molecular Cloud Cores
- Li et al 2005 Control of Star Formation in Galaxies by Gravitational Instability
- Vazquez-Semadeni 2005 The Lifetimes and Evolution of Molecular Cloud Cores
- Vazquez-Semadeni et al. 2005 Star Formation Efficiency in Driven, Supercritical, Turbulent Clouds
- Ballesteros-Paredes 2006 The Mass Spectra of Cores in Turbulent Molecular Clouds and Implications for the Initial Mass Function
- Ballesteros-Paredes 2006 Six myths on the virial theorem for interstellar clouds
- Bonnell and Bate 2006 Star formation through gravitational collapse and competitive accretion
- Bonnell and Bate 2006 The Jeans mass and the origin of the knee in the IMF
- Heitsch et al 2006 The Birth of Molecular Clouds: Formation of Atomic Precursors in Colliding Flows
- Vazques-Semadeni et al 2006 Molecular Cloud Evolution. I. Molecular Cloud and Thin Cold Neutral Medium Sheet Formation
- Ballesteros-Paredes 2007 Molecular Cloud Turbulence and Star Formation
- Boss 2007 Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. IX. Magnetic Braking of Initially Filamentary Clouds
- Glover & Mac Low 2007 Simulating the Formation of Molecular Clouds. I. Slow Formation by Gravitational Collapse from Static Initial Conditions
- Glover & Mac Low 2007 Simulating the Formation of Molecular Clouds. II. Rapid Formation from Turbulent Initial Conditions* Goodman et al. 2009
- Hennebelle et al 2007 Diffuse interstellar medium and the formation of molecular clouds
- Krumholz et al 2007 Radiation-Hydrodynamic Simulations of Collapse and Fragmentation in Massive Protostellar Cores
- McKee Ostriker 2007 Theory of Star Formation
- Price & Bate 2007 The impact of magnetic fields on single and binary star formation
- Vazques-Semadeni et al 2007 Molecular Cloud Evolution. II. From Cloud Formation to the Early Stages of Star Formation in Decaying Conditions
- Furesz et al. 2008 Kinematic Structure of the Orion Nebula Cluster and its Surroundings
- Heitsch et al 2008 Cooling, Gravity, and Geometry: Flow-driven Massive Core Formation
- Heitsch & Hartmann 2008 Rapid Molecular Cloud and Star Formation: Mechanisms and Movies
- Hennebelle et al. 2008 From the warm magnetized atomic medium to molecular clouds
- Hennebelle & Chabrier 2008 Analytical Theory for the Initial Mass Function: CO Clumps and Prestellar Cores
- Nakamura & Li 2008 Magnetically Regulated Star Formation in Three Dimensions: The Case of the Taurus Molecular Cloud Complex
- 1283 isothermal MHD with AD and feedback 2.4 pc → .02 pc
- B=15 microG (beta=1/24) subcritical
- Offner et al 2008 Driven and Decaying Turbulence Simulations of Low-Mass Star Formation: From Clumps to Cores to Protostars
- 1100/cc 10K
- Offner et al. 2008 The Kinematics of Molecular Cloud Cores in the Presence of Driven and Decaying Turbulence: Comparisons with Observations
- Price & Bate 2008 The effect of magnetic fields on star cluster formation
- Banerjee et al 2009 Clump morphology and evolution in MHD simulations of molecular cloud formation
- Hennebelle & Chabrier 2009 Analytical Theory for the Initial Mass Function. II. Properties of the Flow
- Heyer et al. 2009 Re-Examining Larson's Scaling Relationships in Galactic Molecular Clouds
- Offner et al 2009 The Shapes of Molecular Cloud Cores in Simulations and Observations
- Price & Bate 2009 Inefficient star formation: the combined effects of magnetic fields and radiative feedback
- Ciardi & Hennebelle 2010 Outflows and mass accretion in collapsing dense cores with misaligned rotation axis and magnetic field
- Federrath et al 2010 Modeling Collapse and Accretion in Turbulent Gas Clouds: Implementation and Comparison of Sink Particles in AMR and SPH
- Federrath et al 2010 Comparing the statistics of interstellar turbulence in simulations and observations. Solenoidal versus compressive turbulence forcing
- Tomida 2010 Radiation Magnetohydrodynamics Simulation of Proto-stellar Collapse: Two-component Molecular Outflow
- Wang et al 2010 Outflow Feedback Regulated Massive Star Formation in Parsec-Scale Cluster-Forming Clumps
- Ballesteros-Paredes 2011 Gravity or turbulence? Velocity dispersion-size relation
- Ballesteros-Paredes 2011 Gravity or turbulence? II. Evolving column density PDFs in molecular clouds
- Cho & Kim 2011 Enhanced core formation rate in a turbulent cloud by self-gravity
- 5123 Isothermal MHD fixed grid
- beta=.1
- J=4 (l_box/l_jeans)
- M=10
- Power law tail
- Line-width size relation
- Clark et al 2011 Gravitational Fragmentation in Turbulent Primordial Gas and the Initial Mass Function of Population III Stars
- Collins et al 2011 Mass and Magnetic Distributions in Self-gravitating Super-Alfvénic Turbulence with Adaptive Mesh Refinement
- ENZO 1283+4 = 20483; 10pc → 1000 AU; MHD Isothermal 10K; n=300/cc; B=.6+-2.7 microG (no AD) (supercritical)
- power law tail for density (1.64) and B (2.74)
- B = rho.48
- sigma = rho.25 for cores
- CMF = 2.1+-.6
- Hopkins et al 2011 Self-Regulated Star Formation in Galaxies via Momentum Input from Massive Stars
- Kritsuk et al 2011 On the Density Distribution in Star-forming Interstellar Clouds
- ENZO 5123+5x2=524,2883; 5pc → 2 AU; Isothermal 10K; n=500/cc
- Power law tail to density pdf
- Krumholz et al 2011 Which Phase of the Interstellar Medium Correlates with the Star Formation Rate?
- Padoan & Nordlund 2011 The Star Formation Rate of Supersonic Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Peters et al 2011 The Interplay of Magnetic Fields, Fragmentation, and Ionization Feedback in High-mass Star Formation
Sci...295...93A Abel et al 2002 The Formation of the First Star in the Universe
- ApJ...552..639A Aikawa et al 2001 Molecular Evolution in Collapsing Prestellar Cores
- ApJ...593..906A Aikawa et al 2003 Molecular Evolution in Collapsing Prestellar Cores. II. The Effect of Grain-Surface Reactions
- ApJ...620..330A Aikawa et al 2005Molecular Evolution in Collapsing Prestellar Cores. III. Contraction of a Bonnor-Ebert Sphere
- ApJ...515..286B Ballesteros-Paredes 1999 Clouds as Turbulent Density Fluctuations: Implications for Pressure Confinement and Spectral Line Data Interpretation
- ApJ...527..285B Ballesteros-Paredes 1999 Turbulent Flow-driven Molecular Cloud Formation: A Solution to the Post-T Tauri Problem
- ApJ...592..188B Ballesteros-Paredes 2003 Dynamic cores in hydrostatic disguise
- SPH Turbulent driving of various sorts with self-gravity turned on. (Periodic BC) 205379 particles
- ApJ...637..384B Ballesteros-Paredes 2006 The Mass Spectra of Cores in Turbulent Molecular Clouds and Implications for the Initial Mass Function
- MNRAS.372..443B Ballesteros-Paredes 2006 Six myths on the virial theorem for interstellar clouds
- prpl.conf...63B Ballesteros-Paredes 2007 Molecular Cloud Turbulence and Star Formation
- MNRAS.411...65B Ballesteros-Paredes 2011 Gravity or turbulence? Velocity dispersion-size relation
- arXiv1105.5411B Ballesteros-Paredes 2011 Gravity or turbulence? II. Evolving column density PDFs in molecular clouds
- MNRAS.398.1082B Banerjee et al 2009 Clump morphology and evolution in MHD simulations of molecular cloud formation
- ApJ...508L..95B Bate 1998 Collapse of a Molecular Cloud Core to Stellar Densities: The First Three-dimensional Calculations
- A%26A...172..293B Bonazzola et al, 1987 Jeans collapse in a turbulent medium
- MNRAS.370..488B Bonnell and Bate 2006 Star formation through gravitational collapse and competitive accretion
- MNRAS.368.1296B Bonnell and Bate 2006 The Jeans mass and the origin of the knee in the IMF
- ApJ...236..619B Boss 1980 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. I -0 Numerical methods and tests
- ApJ...237..563B Boss 1980 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. II -0 Axially symmetric collapse
- ApJ...237..866B Boss 1980 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. III -0 Nonaxisymmetric collapse
- ApJ...277..768B Boss 1984 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. IV Nonisothermal collapse
- ApJS...62..519B Boss 1986 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. V -0 Nonisothermal collapse and fragmentation
- ApJ...319..149B Boss 1987 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. VI -0 Nonuniform initial conditions
- ApJ...331..370B Boss 1988 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. VII -0 Opacity and fragmentation
- ApJ...346..336B Boss 1989 Protostellar formation in rotating interstellar clouds. VIII -0 Inner core formation
- ApJ...410..157B Boss 1993 Collapse and fragmentation of molecular cloud cores. I -0 Moderately centrally condensed cores
- ApJ...439..224B Boss 1995 Collapse and fragmentation of molecular cloud cores. 2: Collapse induced by stellar shock waves
- ApJ...451..218B Boss 1995 Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. III. Initial Differential Rotation
- ApJ...468..231B Boss 1996 Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. IV. Oblate Clouds and Small Cluster Formation
- ApJ...483..309B Boss 1997 Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. V. Loss of Magnetic Field Support
- ApJ...520..744B Boss 1999 Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. VI. Slowly Rotating Magnetic Clouds
- ApJ...528..325B Boss et al 2000 The Jeans Condition and Collapsing Molecular Cloud Cores: Filaments or Binaries
- ApJ...562..842B Boss & Hartmann 2001 Protostellar Collapse in a Rotating, Self-gravitating Sheet
- ApJ...568..743B Boss 2002 Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. VII. Magnetic Fields and Multiple Protostar Formation
- ApJ...622..393B Boss 2005 Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. VIII. Magnetically Supported Infinite Sheets
- Boss 2007 Collapse and Fragmentation of Molecular Cloud Cores. IX. Magnetic Braking of Initially Filamentary Clouds
- MNRAS.410L...8C Cho & Kim 2011 Enhanced core formation rate in a turbulent cloud by self-gravity
- 5123 Isothermal MHD fixed grid
- beta=.1
- J=4 (l_box/l_jeans)
- M=10
- Power law tail
- Line-width size relation
- MNRAS.409L..39C Ciardi & Hennebelle 2010 Outflows and mass accretion in collapsing dense cores with misaligned rotation axis and magnetic field
- MNRAS.361....2C Clark and Bonnell 2005 The onset of collapse in turbulently supported molecular clouds
- ApJ...727..110C Clark et al 2011 Gravitational Fragmentation in Turbulent Primordial Gas and the Initial Mass Function of Population III Stars
- ApJ...242..765C Cohn 1980 Late core collapse in star clusters and the gravothermal instability
- ApJ...731...59C Collins et al 2011 Mass and Magnetic Distributions in Self-gravitating Super-Alfvénic Turbulence with Adaptive Mesh Refinement
- ENZO 1283+4 = 20483; 10pc → 1000 AU; MHD Isothermal 10K; n=300/cc; B=.6+-2.7 microG (no AD) (supercritical)
- power law tail for density (1.64) and B (2.74)
- B = rho.48
- sigma = rho.25 for cores
- CMF = 2.1+-.6
- NuPhB.625..409D de Vega & Sanchez 2002 Statistical mechanics of the self-gravitating gas: I. Thermodynamic limit and phase diagrams
- ApJ...577..206E Elmegreen 2002 Star Formation from Galaxies to Globules
- A%26A...257..715F Falgarone 1992 The small-scale density and velocity structure of quiescent molecular clouds
- ApJ...713..269F Federrath et al 2010 Modeling Collapse and Accretion in Turbulent Gas Clouds: Implementation and Comparison of Sink Particles in AMR and SPH
- A%26A...512A..81F Federrath et al 2010 Comparing the statistics of interstellar turbulence in simulations and observations. Solenoidal versus compressive turbulence forcing
- ApJ...391..199F Fiedler & Mouschovias 1992 Ambipolar diffusion and star formation: Formation and contraction of axisymmetric cloud cores. I -0 Formulation of the problem and method of solution
- ApJ...415..680F Fiedler & Mouschovias 1993 Ambipolar Diffusion and Star Formation: Formation and Contraction of Axisymmetric Cloud Cores. II. Results
- ApJ...281....1F Fillmore & Goldreich 1984 Self-similar gravitational collapse in an expanding universe
- ApJ...416..303F Foster & Chevalier 1993 Gravitational Collapse of an Isothermal Sphere
- ApJ...676.1109F Furesz et al. 2008 Kinematic Structure of the Orion Nebula Cluster and its Surroundings
- ApJ...417..220G Galli & Shu 1993 Collapse of Magnetized Molecular Cloud Cores. I. Semianalytical Solution
- ApJ...417..243G Galli & Shu 1993 Collapse of Magnetized Molecular Cloud Cores. II. Numerical Results
- ApJ...462..725G Gammie 1996 Linear Theory of Magnetized, Viscous, Self-gravitating Gas Disks
- ApJ...466..814G Gammie & Ostriker 1996 Can Nonlinear Hydromagnetic Waves Support a Self-gravitating Cloud
- ApJS..169..239G Glover & Mac Low 2007 Simulating the Formation of Molecular Clouds. I. Slow Formation by Gravitational Collapse from Static Initial Conditions
- ApJ...659.1317G Glover & Mac Low 2007 Simulating the Formation of Molecular Clouds. II. Rapid Formation from Turbulent Initial Conditions* [ Goodman et al. 2009
- ApJ...238..991G Goldreich & Weber 1980 Homologously collapsing stellar cores
- A%26A...414..633G Goodwin et al. 2004 Simulating star formation in molecular cloud cores. I. The influence of low levels of turbulence on fragmentation and multiplicity
- A%26A...423..169G Goodwin et al. 2004 Simulating star formation in molecular cores. II. The effects of different levels of turbulence
- ApJ...430L..49H Hartmann et al 1994 Protostellar collapse in a self-gravitating sheet
- ApJ...464..387H Hartmann et al 1996 Sheet Models of Protostellar Collapse
- ApJ...562..852H Hartmann et al. 2001 Rapid Formation of Molecular Clouds and Stars in the Solar Neighborhood
- ApJ...535..887K Heitsch et al 2000 Gravitational Collapse in Turbulent Molecular Clouds. I. Gasdynamical Turbulence
- ApJ...547..280H Heitsch et al 2001 Gravitational Collapse in Turbulent Molecular Clouds. II. Magnetohydrodynamical Turbulence
- ApJ...633L.113H Heitsch et al 2005 Formation of Structure in Molecular Clouds: A Case Study
- ApJ...648.1052H Heitsch et al 2006 The Birth of Molecular Clouds: Formation of Atomic Precursors in Colliding Flows
- ApJ...674..316H Heitsch et al 2008 Cooling, Gravity, and Geometry: Flow-driven Massive Core Formation
- ApJ...689..290H Heitsch & Hartmann 2008 Rapid Molecular Cloud and Star Formation: Mechanisms and Movies
- A%26A...359.1124H Hennebelle & Perault 2000 Dynamical condensation in a magnetized and thermally bistable flow. Application to interstellar cirrus
- MNRAS.340..870H Hennebelle et al. 2003 Protostellar collapse induced by compression
- MNRAS.348..687H Hennebelle et al. 2004 Protostellar collapse induced by compression -0 II. Rotation and fragmentation
- arXiv0711.2417H Hennebelle et al 2007 Diffuse interstellar medium and the formation of molecular clouds
- A%26A...486L..43H Hennebelle et al. 2008 From the warm magnetized atomic medium to molecular clouds
- ApJ...684..395H Hennebelle & Chabrier 2008 Analytical Theory for the Initial Mass Function: CO Clumps and Prestellar Cores
- ApJ...702.1428H Hennebelle & Chabrier 2009 Analytical Theory for the Initial Mass Function. II. Properties of the Flow
- ApJ...699.1092H Heyer et al. 2009 Re-Examining Larson's Scaling Relationships in Galactic Molecular Clouds
- arXiv1101.4940H Hopkins et al 2011 Self-Regulated Star Formation in Galaxies via Momentum Input from Massive Stars
- ApJ...136..594H Hunter 1962 The Instability of the Collapse of a Self-Gravitating Gas Cloud
- ApJ...218..834H Hunter 1977 The collapse of unstable isothermal spheres
- ApJ...305..309H Hunter et al 1986 Star formation in colliding gas flows
- A%26A...435..611J Jappsen et al 2005 The stellar mass spectrum from non-isothermal gravoturbulent fragmentation
- ApJ...501L.205K Klessen et al 1998 Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds: The Initial Phase of a Stellar Cluster
- ApJS..128..287K Klessen et al 2000 The Formation of Stellar Clusters: Gaussian Cloud Conditions. I.x
- ApJ...535..887K Klessen et al 2000 Gravitational Collapse in Turbulent Molecular Clouds. I. Gasdynamical Turbulence
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- ApJ...547..280H Klessen et al 2000 Gravitational Collapse in Turbulent Molecular Clouds. II. Magnetohydrodynamical Turbulence
- ApJ...556..837K Klessen 2001 The Formation of Stellar Clusters: Mass Spectra from Turbulent Molecular Cloud Fragmentation
- ApJ...620..786K Klessen et al 2005 Quiescent and Coherent Cores from Gravoturbulent Fragmentation
- ApJ...727L..20K Kritsuk et al 2011 On the Density Distribution in Star-forming Interstellar Clouds
- ENZO 5123+5x2=524,2883; 5pc → 2 AU; Isothermal 10K; n=500/cc
- Power law tail to density pdf
- ApJ...656..959K Krumholz et al 2007 Radiation-Hydrodynamic Simulations of Collapse and Fragmentation in Massive Protostellar Cores
- ApJ...731...25K Krumholz et al 2011 Which Phase of the Interstellar Medium Correlates with the Star Formation Rate
- MNRAS.194..809L Larson 1981 Turbulence and star formation in molecular clouds
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- ApJ...618..344V Li et al 2004 The Lifetimes and Evolution of Molecular Cloud Cores
- ApJ...620L..19L Li et al 2005 Control of Star Formation in Galaxies by Gravitational Instability
- ApJ...142.1431L Lin et al 1965 The Gravitational Collapse of a Uniform Spheroid
- MNRAS.176..367L Low & Lyndin-Bell The minimum Jeans mass or when fragmentation must stop
- ApJ...495..346M Masunaga et al. 1998 A Radiation Hydrodynamic Model for Protostellar Collapse. I. The First Collapse
- ApJ...531..350M Masunaga & Inutsuka 2000 A Radiation Hydrodynamic Model for Protostellar Collapse. II. The Second Collapse and the Birth of a Protostar
- ARA%26A..45..565M McKee Ostriker 2007 Theory of Star Formation
- ApJ...476..750M McLaughlin & Pudritz 1997 Gravitational Collapse and Star Formation in Logotropic and Nonisothermal Spheres
- ApJ...279..621M Miyama et al 1984 Criteria for collapse and fragmentation of rotating, isothermal clouds
- ApJ...206..753M Mouschovias 1976 Nonhomologous contraction and equilibria of self-gravitating, magnetic interstellar clouds embedded in an intercloud medium: Star formation. I Formulation of the problem and method of solution
- ApJ...207..141M Mouschovias 1976 Nonhomologous contraction and equilibria of self-gravitating, magnetic interstellar clouds embedded in an intercloud medium: Star formation. II -0 Results
- ApJ...210..326M Mouschovias & Spitzer 1976 Note on the collapse of magnetic interstellar clouds
- ApJ...373..169M Mouschovias 1991 Magnetic braking, ambipolar diffusion, cloud cores, and star formation -0 Natural length scales and protostellar masses
- ApJ...687..354N Nakamura & Li 2008 Magnetically Regulated Star Formation in Three Dimensions: The Case of the Taurus Molecular Cloud Complex
- 1283 isothermal MHD with AD and feedback 2.4 pc → 0.02 pc
- B=15 microG (beta=1/24) subcritical
- ApJ...494..587N Nakano 1998 Star Formation in Magnetic Clouds
- ApJ...686.1174O Offner et al 2008 Driven and Decaying Turbulence Simulations of Low-Mass Star Formation: From Clumps to Cores to Protostars
- 1100/cc 10K
- AJ....136..404O Offner et al. 2008 The Kinematics of Molecular Cloud Cores in the Presence of Driven and Decaying Turbulence: Comparisons with Observations
- ApJ...693..914O Offner et al 2009 The Shapes of Molecular Cloud Cores in Simulations and Observations
- A%26A...379.1005O Ossenkopf 2001 On the structure of self-gravitating molecular clouds
- ApJ...513..259O Ostriker 1999 Kinetic and Structural Evolution of Self-gravitating, Magnetized Clouds: 2.5-dimensional Simulations of Decaying Turbulence
- ApJ...546..980O Ostriker 2001 Density, Velocity, and Magnetic Field Structure in Turbulent Molecular Cloud Models
- ApJ...576..870P Padoan & Nordlund 2002 The Stellar Initial Mass Function from Turbulent Fragmentation
- ApJ...730...40P Padoan & Nordlund 2011 The Star Formation Rate of Supersonic Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- MNRAS.145..457P Penston 1969 Dynamics of self-gravitating gaseous spheres-II. Collapses of gas spheres with cooling and the behaviour of polytropic gas spheres
- MNRAS.144..425P Penston 1969 Dynamics of self-gravitating gaseous spheres-III. Analytical results in the free-fall of isothermal cases
- ApJ...729...72P Peters et al 2011 The Interplay of Magnetic Fields, Fragmentation, and Ionization Feedback in High-mass Star Formation
- MNRAS.377...77P Price & Bate 2007 The impact of magnetic fields on single and binary star formation
- MNRAS.385.1820P Price & Bate 2008 The effect of magnetic fields on star cluster formation
- MNRAS.398...33P Price & Bate 2009 Inefficient star formation: the combined effects of magnetic fields and radiative feedback
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Attachments (22)
- collapse.png (140.4 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- collapse.gif (15.5 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- hires.png (131.4 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- hires.gif (14.8 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MultiPoleCollapse.png (86.2 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MultiPoleCollapse.gif (11.2 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MPCollBig.png (73.7 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MPCollBig.gif (36.0 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MPCollVir.png (114.9 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MPCollVir.gif (44.4 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- ZoomingRhoTestwSinksLong.gif (46.6 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- 2DCloudTemp.png (191.4 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- ZoomingRhoTestwSinksLong.png (64.1 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- LargeScaleDriving.png (58.0 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- LargeScaleDriving.gif (50.5 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- GravoTurb_rho0000.png (40.2 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- GravoTurb_rho.gif (14.9 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- 2D_ss_rho0015.png (38.2 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- 2D_ss_rho.gif (4.9 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- 2D_ss_energy.png (28.9 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
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