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Jet Launch Module
The Jet Launch Module contains routines for initializing launch regions around particles.
Updates values in cells around a sink particle and transfers the change in mass and momentum to the sink particle.
SUBROUTINE Inflow(iSink, dt, rho, v_r, temperature, half_angle,r_inner,r_outer,merge_factor) Subroutine to create an inflow/outflow region around a sink particle with a given velocity ramp up, density, and pressure iSink = Sink_Particle index dt = time step dM = change in sink particle mass dP = change in sink particle momentum rho = density of launch region v_r = velocity at outer edge of launch region temperature = temperature at outer edge of launch region half_angle = half opening angle of outflow (Pi/2 = spherical) r_inner = inner radius (everything inside is stationary with respect to sink particle r_outer = outer edge of launch region merge_factor = ranges from 0 to 1 with 0 corresponding to replacing values with exact solution, and 1 corresponds to using only the analytic source terms.
Outflow_init returns the analytic values for the conservative values for a linear ramp-up profile from r_inner to r_outer
v(r) = v_r*(r-r_inner)/(r_outer-r_inner) where v(r) is the velocity in the radial direction
Outflow_source returns the source terms needed for maintaining the same linear ramp-up profile from r_inner to r_outer
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