
Current setup

Information on Runs

rho_p 3.2112e-15 g/cc
T 1e4 K
M_p .690396 J
lambda_p 10.738
M_s 1.148

Sound speed at 1d4 in CU is .4 .4 Gauss in CU is 1 planet density in CU is 1

So beta for really really strong is .1

Crossing time is 100 frames

Field options

  • strong (.004 Gauss) (beta ~ 1000)
  • really strong (.04 Gauss) ( beta ~ 10)
  • really really strong (.4 Gauss) (beta ~ .1)


  • 0 (dipole aligned with orbit angular momentum)
  • 45 (dipole tipped towards star 45 degrees)
  • 90 (dipole pointed at star)


  • yes
  • no

Table of Runs

Hydro run was done to frame 150. MHD runs restarted

Corotating === (restart from hydro sim at frame 150)

.004 .04 .4
0 193 192
45 194 192 179

Non Corotating === (restart from frame 200)

.004 .04 .4
0 306 222
45 343 228
90 500 249


Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on 08/31/18 12:39:16

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