Changes between Version 36 and Version 37 of ModulesOnAstroBear

01/14/13 23:34:17 (12 years ago)


  • ModulesOnAstroBear

    v36 v37  
    4747 * '''!ProblemBeforeGlobalStep(level):'''  This is called by every processor one per step per AMR level.  If you need to modify variables other than the grid data - this is the correct place to do so.  If you are using threading however - you should only modify variables between root steps (when level == 0).
     49==== Here is the bare minimum problem module ====
     51MODULE Problem
     53  SAVE
     54  PUBLIC ProblemModuleInit, ProblemGridInit, ProblemBeforeStep, &
     55         ProblemAfterStep, ProblemSetErrFlag, ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
     56  PRIVATE
     60  SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit()
     61  END SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit
     63  SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit(Info)
     64    TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
     65  END SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit
     67  SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep(Info)
     68    TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
     69  END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep
     71  SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep(Info)
     72    TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
     73  END SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep
     75  SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag(Info)
     76    TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
     77  END SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag
     79  SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep(n)
     80     INTEGER :: n
     81  END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
     83END MODULE Problem
    199238==== Initializing a Grid ====
    201 Initializing a grid  involves taking a spatially-constructed problem setup and discretizing it so that it fits nicely in an array.  This process is easiest to explain by dissecting an example, such as the one below, where we are trying to initialize the grid with a uniform background and an overdense spherical clump centered at the origin with radius 1.
    203 Note that during the !ProblemGridInit routine, ghost zones do not need to be initialized (rmbc = 0) - however - during beforestep calculations they should be (if needed).
     240Initializing a grid  involves taking a spatially-constructed problem setup and discretizing it so that it fits nicely in an array.  This process is easiest to explain by dissecting an example, such as the one below, where we are trying to initialize the grid with a uniform background (density = 1, pressure = 1) and an overdense spherical clump centered at the origin with radius 1.  We then want to add a constant wind of density 1, pressure 1, and velocity 10 coming from the left boundary.
    228265    END DO
    229266  END SUBROUTINE
    230 }}}
    232 Now let's say we want to be able to adjust the density of the clump and the radius of the clump at run-time.  To do this we need to declare two variables within our module..
     268  SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep(Info)
     269    TYPE(InfoDef), POINTER :: Info
     270    INTEGER :: i,j,k, mbc(3)
     271    REAL(KIND=xPREC) :: pos(3)
     273    !determine number of ghost zones for each dimension
     274    mbc=levels(Info%level)%gmbc(levels(Info%level)%step)*merge((/1,1,1/),(/0,0,0/),nDim>=(/1,2,3/))
     276    ! Initialize wind in leftmost boundary
     277    DO i=1-mbc(1), Info%mX(1)+mbc(1)
     278      DO j=1-mbc(2), Info%mX(2)+mbc(2)
     279        DO k=1-mbc(3), Info%mX(3)+mbc(3)
     280          pos=CellPos(Info, i, j, k)
     281          IF (pos(1) < GxBounds(1,1)) THEN
     282            Info%q(i,j,k,irho) = 1d0
     283            Info%q(i,j,k,ivx)=10d0
     284            IF (ivy /= 0) Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), ivy)=0d0
     285            IF (ivz /= 0) Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), ivz)=0d0
     286            IF (iE /= 0) Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), iE)=gamma7+50d0
     287          END IF                 
     288        END DO
     289      END DO
     290    END DO
     295* Note that during the !ProblemGridInit routine, ghost zones do not need to be initialized - but that in !ProblemBeforeStep we need to update any ghost zones. 
     296* Also note that all of our checks like (ivy /= 0) make our module "dimension safe" so it can run in 1D, 2D, or 3D and that it could run with an isothermal or ideal EOS.
     300Now let's say we want to be able to adjust the density of the clump, the radius of the clump, and the wind velocity at run-time.  To do this we need to declare three variables within our module..
    239307  IMPLICIT NONE
    240308  SAVE
    241   PUBLIC ProblemModuleInit, ProblemGridInit, &
    242        ProblemBeforeStep, ProblemAfterStep, ProblemSetErrFlag, ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
    243   PRIVATE REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: rho, radius
     309  PUBLIC ProblemModuleInit, ProblemGridInit, ProblemBeforeStep, &
     310         ProblemAfterStep, ProblemSetErrFlag, ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
     311  PRIVATE
     312  REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: rho, radius, velocity
    247316  SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit()
    248     NAMELIST/ProblemData/ rho, radius
     317    NAMELIST/ProblemData/ rho, radius, velocity
    250319    READ(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE,NML=ProblemData)
    276345    END DO
    277346  END SUBROUTINE
    278  ...
    279 }}}
    281 There are a lot of other ways we could modify this simple example to have the clump be located anywhere, to have a density profile that is smoothed at the edge, to be a different temperature, or move with a particular velocity, etc...  Fortunately, clumps are a commonly used astrophysical object and there is a clump object module to assist users in easily creating clumps.  For example the above module could be rewritten as:
     348  SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep(Info)
     349    TYPE(InfoDef), POINTER :: Info
     350    INTEGER :: i,j,k, mbc(3)
     351    REAL(KIND=xPREC) :: pos(3)
     353    !determine number of ghost zones for each dimension
     354    mbc=levels(Info%level)%gmbc(levels(Info%level)%step)*merge((/1,1,1/),(/0,0,0/),nDim>=(/1,2,3/))
     356    ! Initialize wind in leftmost boundary
     357    DO i=1-mbc(1), Info%mX(1)+mbc(1)
     358      DO j=1-mbc(2), Info%mX(2)+mbc(2)
     359        DO k=1-mbc(3), Info%mX(3)+mbc(3)
     360          pos=CellPos(Info, i, j, k)
     361          IF (pos(1) < GxBounds(1,1)) THEN
     362            Info%q(i,j,k,irho) = 1d0
     363            Info%q(i,j,k,ivx)=velocity
     364            IF (ivy /= 0) Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), ivy)=0d0
     365            IF (ivz /= 0) Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), ivz)=0d0
     366            IF (iE /= 0) Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3), iE)=gamma7+half*velocity**2
     367          END IF                 
     368        END DO
     369      END DO
     370    END DO
     373  SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep(Info)
     374    TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
     375  END SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep
     377  SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag(Info)
     378    TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
     379  END SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag
     381  SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep(n)
     382     INTEGER :: n
     383  END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
     385END MODULE
     389There are a lot of other ways we could modify this simple example to have the clump be located anywhere, to have a density profile that is smoothed at the edge, to be a different temperature, or move with a particular velocity, etc...  Fortunately, clumps are a commonly used astrophysical object and there is a clump object module to assist users in easily creating clumps.  For example the above module could be rewritten using an [AmbientObjects Ambient Object], a [ClumpObjects Clump Object], and a [WindObjects Wind Object].
    287395  USE Clumps
    288396  USE Ambients
     397  USE Winds
    289398  IMPLICIT NONE
    290399  SAVE
    291   PUBLIC ProblemModuleInit, ProblemGridInit, &
    292        ProblemBeforeStep, ProblemAfterStep, ProblemSetErrFlag, ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
    293   PRIVATE REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: rho, radius
     400  PUBLIC ProblemModuleInit, ProblemGridInit, ProblemBeforeStep, &
     401         ProblemAfterStep, ProblemSetErrFlag, ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
     402  PRIVATE
     403  REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: rho, radius, velocity
    298408    TYPE(AmbientDef), POINTER :: Ambient
    299409    TYPE(ClumpDef), POINTER :: Clump
     410    TYPE(WindDef), POINTER :: Wind
    300411    NAMELIST/ProblemData/ rho, radius
    302413    READ(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE,NML=ProblemData)
    304417    CALL CreateAmbient(Ambient)
    305419    CALL CreateClump(Clump)
    306420    Clump%density=rho
    307421    Clump%radius=radius
    308422    CALL UpdateClump(Clump)
     424    CALL CreateWind(Wind)
     425    Wind%velocity=velocity
     426    CALL UpdateWind(Wind)
    309428  END SUBROUTINE
    313432  END SUBROUTINE
    315  ...
    316 }}}
    318 So what is going on here?  First we've added USE statements for the Clumps and Ambients modules.  Then in our ProblemModuleInit() routine we've declared an ambientdef and a clumpdef pointer.  Then in CreateAmbient() we create an ambient object with the default properties - density = 1, pressure = 1, velocity = 0, etc... which sets the entire grid to be uniform.  Then we create a clump object and modify its properties (density, and radius) before updated the clump object.  And we're done.
    321 And if we want to get more complicated - we can modify other clump attributes. 
    324 Each grid (or {{{InfoDef}}} structure) comes with several arrays that describe its geometry:
    326  * '''''mX(3)''''':  The grid's overall size.  Each element {{{mx(n)}}} represents the number of cells along the ''n''th dimension.
    327  * '''''xbounds(3,2)''''':  The spatial coordinates of the grid's lower and upper bounds in each dimension.  These values are ''always'' given in computational units.
    328  * '''''dX''''':  The size of a spatial step.  {{{dX}}} can also be thought of as the size of a cell.  In AstroBEAR's current form, {{{dX}}} is the same in every dimension and is therefore not actually an array.
    330 To make this example more readable (and therefore easier to debug), we assigned the various array values more Cartesian-sounding names.
    332 Similarly, when calculating the spatial equivalents of an index, we went with {{{x}}}, {{{y}}} and {{{z}}}.  The half-step in the position calculations represents the fact that the spatial position is at the ''center'' of the cell, not the left side.
    334 The check on the number of dimensions makes sure that 2D problem does not accidentally get initialized with ghost cells (see below) or a spatial step.  This allows us to use the same initialization code for 2D or 3D problems.
    336 The {{{levels()}}} array is a global array structures that contain information specific to each level.  You can see in this example that we reference the appropriate level by using the {{{Info%level}}} attribute.
     434  SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep(Info)
     435    TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
     436  END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep
     438  SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep(Info)
     439    TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
     440  END SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep
     442  SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag(Info)
     443    TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
     444  END SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag
     446  SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep(n)
     447     INTEGER :: n
     448  END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
     450END MODULE
     453So what is going on here?  First we've added USE statements for the Clumps and Ambients modules.  Then in our !ProblemModuleInit() routine we've declared an AmbientDef and a ClumpDef object pointer which we initialize in calls to !CreateAmbient and !CreateClump respectively.  We leave the ambient default properties alone (density = 1, pressure = 1, etc...) which sets the entire grid to be at a density of 1 and pressure of 1.  Then we create a clump object and modify its properties (density, and radius) before updating the clump object.  And we're done.  We don't have to worry about dx or mx or cell positions etc...  All of that detailed work is done for us.  It is important to note that the order that objects are created is the same order they are placed on the grid.  So had we created the clump object first - the clump data would have been overwritten by the ambient module and there would be no clump.
     455And if we want to get more complicated - we can modify other clump attributes.  All of the available (and default) options for the clump properties should be documented on the ClumpObjects page.
    338460You may have noticed the nested loops don't go from {{{1}}} to {{{mX(n)}}}.  This is because the data array size is not the same as the grid size.  The size of each grid along dimension ''n'' is {{{mX(n)}}}.  The ''data arrays'', however, have a number of "ghost cells" associated with them.  The number of ghost cells on the end of a grid is given by the quantity