
MPI Library Installation

The MPI library is only necessary if you intend to run AstroBEAR in parallel; otherwise you can get away with skipping this installation.

AstroBEAR was developed using LAM-MPI and is compiled using the Intel compiler suite. An alternative, MPI-CH exists, but has not been fully tested with AstroBEAR.

We compiled LAM-MPI using version 9.0 of the Intel compilers; anyone using a different version should change references to the 9.0 suite to the appropriate version.

Downloading and installing LAM-MPI

This script should download and install version 7.1.2 of LAM-MPI.

export FC=ifort;export F77=ifort;export F9X=ifort
export CXX=icpc;export CXXCPP="icpc -E"
export CC=icc;export CPP="icc -E"
tar -xzvf lam-7.1.2.tar.gz
cd lam-7.1.2
./configure -prefix=/usr/local/lam-intel_9.0 -with-rsh="ssh -x" -with-fc=ifort
# As root:
make install
# Make a sim limk for "mpif90"
cd /usr/local/lam-intel_9.0/bin
ln -s mpif77 mpif90
Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on 07/10/13 11:21:51
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