24 | | If the code is using constrained transport, then the logical flag {{{MaintainAuxArrays}}} will be {{{.True.}}}. In that case you will need to initialize the face averaged magnetic field values in the {{{aux}}} array in your module file. Here is an example for an initial magnetic field that is [[latex(\mathbf {B}=Bx(x,y,z)\mathbf{e_x} + By(x,y,z) \mathbf{e_y} + Bz(x,y,z) \mathbf{e_z})]] |
| 24 | If the code is using constrained transport, then the logical flag {{{MaintainAuxArrays}}} will be {{{.True.}}}. In that case you will need to initialize the face averaged magnetic field values in the {{{aux}}} array in your module file. The following diagram displays the various aux variables and what positions they correspond to - as well as the positions of the EMF as well as the vector potential. |
| 25 | |
| 26 | [[Image(Stencil.png, width=400)]] |
| 27 | |
| 28 | Here is an example for an initial magnetic field that is [[latex(\mathbf {B}=Bx(x,y,z)\mathbf{e_x} + By(x,y,z) \mathbf{e_y} + Bz(x,y,z) \mathbf{e_z})]] |