Version 9 (modified by 8 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Additional Physics
AstroBEAR supports hydrodynamics and AMR by default. Other physical processes such as magnetic fields and source terms require extra overhead, so they must be enabled by the user.
Using tracers is fairly straightforward in AstroBEAR. In your ProblemModuleInit routine you can create additional tracers by calling
CALL AddTracer(iTracer, 'TracerName')
where iTracer
is an integer that corresponds to the slot in Info%q
and TracerName is an optional string description of the tracer that will show up in visit etc…
Tracers in Objects
Most objects such as Clumps, Disks, etc… support tracer fields and will properly initialize the data associated with those. All you have to do is initialize them as follows:
CALL CreateClump(Clump) CALL AddTracer(Clump%iTracer, 'MyClumpTracer') CALL UpdateClump(Clump)
To enable MHD:
- In
, setlMHD
If the code is using constrained transport, then the logical flag MaintainAuxArrays
will be .True.
. In that case you will need to initialize the face averaged magnetic field values in the aux
array in your module file. The following diagram displays the various aux variables and what positions they correspond to - as well as the positions of the EMF as well as the vector potential.
Here is an example for an initial magnetic field that is
dx = (/(merge(1d0,0d0,nDim >= i),i=1,3)/)*levels(Info%level)%dx DO i=1, Info%mX(1) x = Info%xBounds(1,1)+(REAL(i)-.5d0)*dx(1) DO j=1, Info%mX(2) y = Info%xBounds(2,1)+(REAL(j)-.5d0)*dx(2) DO k=1, Info%mX(3) z = Info%xBounds(3,1)+(REAL(k)-.5d0)*dx(3) Info%q(i,j,k,iBx)=Bx(x,y,z) Info%q(i,j,k,iBy)=By(x,y,z) Info%q(i,j,k,iBz)=Bz(x,y,z) END DO END DO END DO IF (MaintainAuxArrays) THEN IF (nDim >= 1) THEN !Note the +1 in the i loop DO statement and the -1d0 in !the x coordinate calculation instead of -.5d0 DO i=1, Info%mX(1)+1 x = Info%xBounds(1,1)+(REAL(i)-1d0)*dx(1) DO j=1, Info%mX(2) y = Info%xBounds(2,1)+(REAL(j)-.5d0)*dx(2) DO k=1, Info%mX(3) z = Info%xBounds(3,1)+(REAL(k)-.5d0)*dx(3) Info%aux(i,j,k,1)=Bx(x,y,z) END DO END DO END DO !Now we can update the cell centered value with the adjacent face average Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3),iBx)=.5d0 * (& Info%aux(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3),1) + & Info%aux(2:Info%mX(1)+1,1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3),1) ) IF (nDim >= 2) THEN !Note the +1 in the j loop DO statement and the -1d0 in !the y coordinate calculation instead of -.5d0 DO i=1, Info%mX(1) x = Info%xBounds(1,1)+(REAL(i)-.5d0)*dx(1) DO j=1, Info%mX(2)+1 y = Info%xBounds(2,1)+(REAL(j)-1d0)*dx(2) DO k=1, Info%mX(3) z = Info%xBounds(3,1)+(REAL(k)-.5d0)*dx(3) Info%aux(i,j,k,2)=By(x,y,z) END DO END DO END DO !Now we can update the cell centered value with the adjacent face average Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3),iBy)=.5d0 * (& Info%aux(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3),2) + & Info%aux(1:Info%mX(1),2:Info%mX(2)+1,1:Info%mX(3),2) ) IF (nDim >= 3) THEN !Note the +1 in the k loop DO statement and the -1d0 in !the z coordinate calculation instead of -.5d0 DO i=1, Info%mX(1) x = Info%xBounds(1,1)+(REAL(i)-.5d0)*dx(1) DO j=1, Info%mX(2) y = Info%xBounds(2,1)+(REAL(j)-.5d0)*dx(2) DO k=1, Info%mX(3)+1 z = Info%xBounds(3,1)+(REAL(k)-1d0)*dx(3) Info%aux(i,j,k,3)=Bz(x,y,z) END DO END DO END DO !Now we can update the cell centered value with the adjacent face average Info%q(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3),iBz)=.5d0 * (& Info%aux(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),1:Info%mX(3),3) + & Info%aux(1:Info%mX(1),1:Info%mX(2),2:Info%mX(3)+1,3) ) END IF END IF END IF END IF
Of course the above example works for any field - but does not impose the divergence free constraint. Presumably the functions Bx
, By
, and Bz
would take care of that to the degree they are accurate face averages - but a better approach is to instead approximate the vector potential at cell edges and then discretely difference it to get the face average fields.
IF (nDim == 2) THEN !In 2D the only component of the vector potential that matters is Az ALLOCATE(A(1:Info%mX(1)+1,1:Info%mX(2)+1,1,1)) DO i=1, Info%mX(1)+1 x = Info%xBounds(1,1)+(REAL(i)-1d0)*dx(1) DO j=1, Info%mX(2)+1 y = Info%xBounds(2,1)+(REAL(j)-1d0)*dx(2) A(i,j,1,1)=Az(x,y,z) END DO END DO !Then take the curl of A to get B FORALL(i=1:Info%mX(1)+1,j=1:Info%mX(2)) Info%aux(i,j,1,1)=+(A(i,j+1,1,1)-A(i,j,1,1))/dx(2) END FORALL FORALL(i=1:Info%mX(1),j=1:Info%mX(2)+1) Info%aux(i,j,1,2)=-(A(i+1,j,1,1)-A(i,j,1,1))/dx(1) END FORALL ELSEIF (nDim == 3) THEN !Now the vector potential is a 3 component vector ALLOCATE(A(1:Info%mX(1)+1,1:Info%mX(2)+1,1:Info%mX(3)+1,3)) !We could do this with three separate loops to avoid calculating !A(:,:,Info%mX(3)+1,3),A(:,Info%mX(2)+1,:,2), and A(Info%mX(1)+1,:,:,1) !Since these do not get used in taking the curl... DO i=1, Info%mX(1)+1 x = Info%xBounds(1,1)+(REAL(i)-1d0)*dx(1) DO j=1, Info%mX(2)+1 y = Info%xBounds(2,1)+(REAL(j)-1d0)*dx(2) DO k=1, Info%mX(3)+1 z = Info%xBounds(3,1)+(REAL(k)-1d0)*dx(3) A(i,j,k,1)=Ax(x+half*dx(1),y,z) A(i,j,k,2)=Ay(x,y+half*dx(2),z) A(i,j,k,3)=Az(x,y,z+half*dx(3)) END DO END DO END DO !Then take the curl of A to get B FORALL(i=1:Info%mX(1)+1,j=1:Info%mX(2),k=1:Info%mX(3)) Info%aux(i,j,k,1)=+(A(i,j+1,k,3)-A(i,j,k,3))/dx(2)-(A(i,j,k+1,2)-A(i,j,k,2))/dx(3) END FORALL FORALL(i=1:Info%mX(1),j=1:Info%mX(2)+1,k=1:Info%mX(3)) Info%aux(i,j,k,2)=+(A(i,j,k+1,1)-A(i,j,k,1))/dx(3)-(A(i+1,j,k,3)-A(i,j,k,3))/dx(1) END FORALL FORALL(i=1:Info%mX(1),j=1:Info%mX(2),k=1:Info%mX(3)+1) Info%aux(i,j,k,3)=+(A(i+1,j,k,2)-A(i,j,k,2))/dx(1)-(A(i,j+1,k,1)-A(i,j,k,1))/dx(2) END FORALL END IF
Two things are required to turn on cooling: the lCooling
flag to indicate that cooling is active in this simulation, and iCooling
to specify the type of cooling to use. These values are usually included in the
file. The user must also create a cooling object in ProblemModuleInit()
to manage the cooling settings. An example of cooling object creation can be seen below:
IF(iCooling>0) THEN IF (.NOT. lRestart) THEN ! see sources/cooling.f90::CreateCoolingObject for ! default values of a cooling source term CALL CreateCoolingObject(coolingobj) ELSE coolingobj => firstcoolingobj END IF END IF coolingobj%iCooling=iCooling SELECT CASE(iCooling) ! cases defined in sources/cooling.f90 CASE(NoCool) CASE(AnalyticCool) coolingobj%alpha=alpha coolingobj%beta=beta CASE(DMCool) CASE(IICool) CASE DEFAULT END SELECT coolingobj%floortemp=1d0 coolingobj%mintemp=0.001
The .NOT. lRestart
conditional prevents AstroBEAR from creating a new cooling object on restarts; this is because the cooling objects will be read in from the restart files.
AstroBEAR uses the hypre library to solve the self-gravity equations. To use self-gravity:
- Look for the
and make sure that it is set to1
. - Set the
flag in
file and set it toT
Hypre will automatically initialize the potential field using the density. The only caveat is that the initial density cannot be uniform. When the density is uniform, hypre produces a singular matrix that it can't solve. Fortunately, a small density perturbation takes care of this problem without substantially affecting the dynamics of the domain. AstroBEAR comes with a Perturbation object type that can be used for this.
Sink Particles
The ability to form sink particles in AstroBEAR is tied to self-gravity. To simply enable sink particles:
- Look for the
and make sure that it is set to1
. - Set the
flag in
file and set it toT
If you just want your simulation to have the option of forming sink particles, no further action is required. If you want to start your simulation off with sink particles, then you will have to create one in problem.f90::ProblemModuleInit()
NAMELIST /ProblemData/ nParticles NAMELIST /ParticleData/ mass,xloc,vel OPEN(UNIT=PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE, FILE='', STATUS="OLD") READ(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE,NML=ProblemData) IF (.NOT. lRestart) THEN DO i=1,nParticles READ(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE,NML=ParticleData) NULLIFY(Particle) CALL CreateParticle(Particle) Particle%mass=mass Particle%xloc=xloc Particle%vel=vel CALL AddSinkParticle(Particle) END DO CLOSE(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE) OPEN(UNIT=PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE, FILE='', STATUS="UNKNOWN") WRITE(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE,NML=RestartData) CLOSE(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE) END IF
Depending on the features of your simulation, more objects might have to be declared in conjunction with the sink particle. The .NOT. lRestart
conditional is important, as it prevents AstroBEAR from adding the same particle again on a restart.
Attachments (2)
- Stencil.png (62.7 KB ) - added by 12 years ago.
- Stencil.odg (23.1 KB ) - added by 12 years ago.
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